Data Transfer Objects (DTOs)


Meridium.Api.CustDev.Core.EntDevDTOobjectN/AEntity DTORequiredNone
KeyInteger/LongInt64Entity KeyOptionalMust be zero for insert, non-zero for update and cannot be changed.
idStringN/AEntity IDOptionalRead only, computed value
seqNumInteger/LongInt64Sequence NumberOptional

Required for insert and update.

Enables consistency and concurrency for database transactions
familyKeyInteger/LongInt64Family Key of the entityOptionalRequired for insert and update.
familyIdStringN/AFamily Id of the entityOptional

Nullable: true

Not required for insert and update
updateDateStringDate-timeDate and time of last updateOptional

Read only.

This value will be in the local time zone of the session user
fieldsArrayN/AFamily FieldsOptionalOnly those field whose values are to be changed are required.


Meridium.Api.CustDev.Core.EntDevDTOobjectN/AEntity fieldRequiredWhen creating or updating a field using FldDevDTO, either Key or Id are required but both.
KeyIntegerint64Metadata field key.OptionalEither Id or Key are required for insert and update
idStringN/AMetadata field key.OptionalEither Id or Key are required for insert and update
valueObjectDate-timeField valueOptionalRequired for insert and update.


Table 1.


ObjectN/AMetadata family fieldRequiredNone
keyIntegerint64Metadata family fieldOptionalNone
idStringN/AMetadata family fieldOptionalNone


Table 2.
Meridium.Api.CustDev.Core.FmlyFLDDevDTOObjectN/AMetadata family field.RequiredNone
keyIntegerint64Metadata family field.OptionalNone
idStringN/AMetadata family field.OptionalNone


Meridium.Api.CustDev.Core.RelDevDTOObjectN/ARelationship DTORequiredA relationship is uniquely identified by FamilyKey, PredEntityKey and SuccEntity key.
KeyInteger/LongInt64Relationship keyOptionalRead only, included for legacy purposes only.
familyKeyInteger/LongInt64Metadata family key of the relationshipOptionalRequired for insert.
familyIDStringN/AMetadata family IdOptionalNullable: true

Not required for insert.

PredFmlyKeyInteger/LongInt64Predecessor entity family keyOptionalRequired for insert
PredEntityKeyInteger/LongInt64Predecessor entity keyOptionalRequired for insert
SuccFmlyKeyInteger/LongInt64Successor entity family keyOptionalRequired for insert
SuccEntityKeyInteger/LongInt64Successor entity keyOptionalRequired for insert
updateDateStringDate-timeDate and time of last updateOptionalRead only.

This value will be in the local time zone of the session user.

fieldsArrayN/AObsoleteOptionalIncluded for legacy purposes only.

There are no relationship families supported by this API which have fields.