
Overview of the Asset Criticality Analysis (ACA) Module

Asset Criticality Analysis (ACA) is a tool that you can use to define the criticality assets with APM. The ACA module enables users to define the criticality of assets based on the worst likely case consequence of failure of the asset to provide an overall criticality value. In other words, using an ACA, you can determine which of your systems, locations, and pieces of equipment are critical based on your organizations definition.

After you have determined which of your assets are critical, you can use APM modules to further analyze and safeguard those systems, locations, and pieces of equipment. For example, through an ACA, you might discover that if Equipment A were to fail, it could cause a catastrophic event in your facility, leading to personal injury. In this case, Asset A is considered critical, and you may want to use other tools and methodologies with APM to develop a maintenance, inspection or monitoring strategy for optimizing the performance or reliability of Equipment A.

These methodologies could include:

  • Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)
  • Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
  • Asset Strategy Management (ASM)
  • Risk Based Inspection (RBI)

ACA can leverage either the standard APM risk matrix or the combination of a Criticality Checklist and associated Family Policy as the assessment method used for the criticality assessment.

Access the ACA Overview Page

Before You Begin

You can access the ACA Overview page only if you are a member of one of the following Security Groups:
  • MI ACA Administrator
  • MI ACA Member
  • MI ACA Owner

About This Task

This topic describes how to access the ACA Overview page, on which you can view information and perform various tasks related to Asset Criticality Analysis of various Hierarchy Levels. If you want to view ACAs associated with a particular Hierarchy Level, you can access the ACA Overview page for a Hierarchy Level.

You can perform various tasks on this page based on your membership in various Security Groups.


In the module navigation menu, select Strategy > Asset Criticality Analysis.
The ACA Overview page appears.

Note: The Asset Criticality Analysis Overview page is not updated automatically when you return to the previously opened tab. You can select to update the page.

By default, the hierarchy level is set to home. You can filter the hierarchy level by selecting in the page. By default, the ACA information on the page is related to an Asset.

Access the ACA Overview Page for a Hierarchy Level

Before You Begin

  • You can access the ACA Overview page only if you are a member of one of the following Security Groups:
    • MI ACA Administrator
    • MI ACA Member
    • MI ACA Owner


  1. In the main navigation bar, select .
    The Asset Hierarchy appears.
  2. In the Hierarchy section, select the asset for which you want to access the analyses.
    The <Asset Name> workspace appears.
  3. Select the Strategy tab.
    In the Strategy section, you can view module-specific data for the asset, such as strategy actions, recommended actions, ACA analyses, strategies, and so on.

  4. In the row containing the number of ACA analyses, select the link.

    The Asset Criticality Overview page for the selected asset appears, displaying the following information:

    • The Analyses tab: Select to display a list of all existing ACAs for the selected asset. You can create a new ACA or access an existing one. The number in the Analyses tab indicates the number of existing ACA for all users related to the selected asset.
    • The Assets tab: Select to display a list of the assets based on the asset filter. The number in the Assets tab indicates the number of existing assets based on the asset filter.

    The workspace displays the following charts that correspond only to the selected hierarchy level:

    • ACA ANALYSES BY STATE: The chart provides an overview of the number of analyses and the states of the analyses.
    • ASSETS ASSESSED: Displays the number of pieces of equipment in the database that are ranked based on the risk.

    While viewing any of the above charts, you can select to customize the appearance of the chart.

    You can filter the hierarchy level by selecting in the page. By default, the Asset Criticality Analysis information on the page is related to an asset.