Uploaded Items

Interpret Checkpoint Task Records

When you upload data into GE Digital APM, certain fields in Checkpoint Task records are updated automatically. The following table lists these fields and their values before and after uploading data into GE Digital APM.

FieldValue before uploadValue after upload
Last DateThe date and time a reading was last takenThe date and time the reading was saved to the device

Next Date

The next date a reading should be taken based upon the values in the Last Date field and the Schedule fieldThe next date and time a reading should be taken based upon the values that exist in the Last Date field and the Schedule field

Interpret Operator Rounds Recommendation Records

When you upload data into GE Digital APM, certain fields in Operator Rounds Recommendation records are populated automatically. The following table lists these fields, the values that are populated in them, and some fields that you must populate manually.

Asset IDThe value that appeared in the Asset ID cell on the Recommendations screen on the device
Asset DescriptionThe value that is stored in the Asset Description field in the Equipment or Functional Location record to which the Operator Rounds Recommendation record is linked
Assigned To NameThis field is not populated automatically. You should select in the list that appears for this field the name of the person to whom the Operator Rounds Recommendation record should be assigned.
Author NameThe name of the Security User who was logged on to Operator Rounds when the recommendation was created
Final Approver NameThis field is not populated automatically. You should select in the list that appears for this field the name of the person who should approve the Operator Rounds Recommendation record.
Recommendation DescriptionThe text that appeared in the Description cell on the Recommendations screen on the device
Recommendation HeadlineThe text that appeared in the Headline cell on the Recommendations screen on the device
Recommendation IDThe system-generated ID for the Operator Rounds Recommendation record
Recommendation PriorityThe value that was selected in the Priority cell on the Recommendations screen on the device
Required Equipment StatusThis field is not populated automatically. You should manually enter in this field the state in which the piece of equipment should exist before the recommended action can be executed.
Reviewer NameThis field is not populated automatically. You should select in the list that appears for this field the name of the person who should review the Operator Rounds Recommendation record.
Source ML DescriptionFor Operator Rounds Recommendation records created via the Data Collection page on the device, the value that is stored in the ML Description field in the Measurement Location record associated with the checkpoint for which you created an Operator Rounds Recommendation record
StatusThe value Created (Created)

Interpret Operator Rounds Recommendation in Error Records

An Operator Rounds Recommendation in Error record is created any time that you try to upload data from a device to create an Operator Rounds Recommendation record, but the upload process fails for some reason. Operator Rounds Recommendation in Error records contain values from the data that was entered on the device.

Interpret Reading Records

When you upload data to GE Digital APM, one Reading record is created for every reading value that was saved to the mobile device. The following table list the values that are populated in fields in Reading records after you upload data to GE Digital APM.

Action TakenThe value that was selected in the Action Taken cell on the Readings - Detail screen for the Measurement Location to which this Reading record is linked
Asset IDThe value in the Asset ID field of the Measurement Location record to which the Reading record is linked
CommentThe text that was entered in the Description cell on the Readings - Detail screen for the Measurement Location to which this Reading record is linked
Reading Taken ByThe name of the Security User who was logged on to Operator Rounds when the reading value was entered
Reading Taken DateThe date the reading value was saved on the device
Reading Value CharacterThe reading value if it is a character reading.
Note: This field is enabled only for character readings.
Reading Value Numeric

The reading value if it is a numeric reading.

Note: This field is enabled only for numeric readings.

One of the following combinations of the ID and Description of the System Codes stored in the Reading Status System Code Table:

  • C (Completed)
  • I (Ignored)
  • NC (Non-compliant)

This value Indicates the compliance status for the reading.

Unit of Measure

The unit of measure associated with the reading.

Note: This field is enabled only for numeric readings.

Rounds does not use the Units of Measure Conversions feature. The system code table UOME is the only source for populating drop-down list values within UOM fields.

The UOM field for a Measurement Location contains all the values from the UOME system code table, sorted by their descriptions.

The UOM field for a Lubrication Requirement contains a subset of values from the UOME system code table based on specific reference values from the MI_LM_REFERENCES system code table.

Interpret Reading in Error Records

A Reading in Error record is created any time that you try to upload data from a device to create a Reading record, but the upload process fails for some reason. Reading in Error records contain values from the data that was entered on the mobile device.