About Saving Reading Records
In Rounds Data Collection, when you enter a reading, the reading is immediately saved to the device. If the device is offline, readings will be saved to the server the next time the device is online. If the device is online, the reading will be saved to the server after ten seconds of user inactivity.
Rounds Data Collection uses the following icons to illustrate the save status of a reading record:
- Indicates that the reading is not yet saved to the device's local storage.
- Indicates that the reading is saved to the device's local storage.
- Indicates that the reading is not yet saved to the server.
- Indicates that the reading is saved to the server.
About Recommendations
You can create the following types of recommendations in Rounds Data Collection:
- New Recommendation
- This Rounds recommendation is linked to the Checkpoint. Create this recommendation if you want to provide suggestions on the Checkpoint. The information about the Checkpoint and the asset linked to it is populated in the datasheet for the recommendation.
- Standalone Recommendation
- This Rounds recommendation is linked to the asset that is associated with the Checkpoint. Create this recommendation if you want to provide suggestions on the asset that is linked to that Checkpoint. The information of only that asset is populated in the datasheet for the recommendation. The information about the Checkpoint is not populated. Standalone recommendations do not appear in the Recommendations pane of a Route. They appear only in the Recommendations section in the RDC Overview page.
About Filtering the Route
When accessing a Route from the RDC Overview page, the Rounds Data Collection module allows you to filter the Route. By default, all MLs and LRs in the Route are displayed, but you can filter the Route to show:
Asset Headers Only: When the Asset Headers Only option is selected, the ML/LR nodes for the currently selected asset are displayed based on the Asset Header, and the checkpoint details are hidden. When you select the ML/LR on the next asset, the ML/LR nodes for the new asset are displayed, and the previous ones are closed.
Note: When the Asset Headers Only option is selected, the first available checkpoint for that asset is displayed, respecting any filters that are applied. - Measurement Locations: When the Measurement Locations option is selected, the ML nodes for the currently selected asset are displayed.
- Lubrication Requirements: When the Lubrication Requirements option is selected, the LR nodes for the currently selected asset are displayed. The LR nodes are can be filtered based on priority, as defined in Rounds Designer Admin.
- Only Incomplete Checkpoints: When the Only Incomplete Checkpoints option is selected, the ML/LR nodes that are incomplete are displayed.
- Only Checkpoints in Alert: When the Only Checkpoints in Alert option is selected, the ML/LR nodes that are in alert are displayed.
More than one filter can be selected, and the results are displayed based on a logical And operation.
- If you select Only Incomplete Checkpoints and Only Checkpoints in Alert, only measurement locations that are incomplete are displayed.
If you select Lubrication Requirements and Only Checkpoints in Alert, only lubrication requirements that are in alert are displayed.
Note: You will not be able to select both Only Incomplete Checkpoints and Only Checkpoints in Alert. It is not a valid combination.
About the Measurement Trend Graph
The Measurement Trend graph plots the trend for the current reading and the latest five readings that you have entered for a Checkpoint.

When you select the reading date/time, the Health Source page for the Measurement Location appears, displaying the following sections:
Trend Chart: This section appears only if the type of the Measurement Location is numeric. It displays the Measurement Trend graph in full screen, allowing you to set the From and To dates for the graph.
Reading History: Displays a list of readings in the graph, along with the date and time on which each reading was taken.
Note: You cannot view the graph and the Reading History section if you are working offline.
A link to open the related asset in Asset Health Manager also appears on the upper-right corner of the page.