Family Field Descriptions

Impact Code Records

Impact Code records store information about the impact of a production loss. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Impact Code family and appear on the Impact Code datasheet by default.

FieldData TypeDescriptionBehavior and Usage
CodeCharacterA short code that represents the impact of the production loss.This is a required field. A list of baseline Impact Codes can be found here.
ColorCharacterThe color that is used to represent the impact code on the Production Data Summary graph.This field contains a list, which displays all colors that you can assign to the impact code. In the baseline database, colors are not assigned to the baseline Impact Codes. You will need to assign the required colors manually.
DescriptionCharacterA description of the impact.You can define this field manually.

OEE Code Records

OEE Code records store information about the overall effectiveness of a piece of equipment that causes a production loss. The following topics provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the OEE Code family and appear on the OEE Code datasheet by default. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.

FieldData TypeDescriptionBehavior and Usage
DescriptionCharacterA description of the OEE code. You can enter a description into this field to define this value manually.
Is InactiveLogicalIndicates whether the OEE code is enabled or disabled. This field does not appear on the datasheet. If this field contains the value True, the code is disabled in the Codes workspace. If the code is disabled, you will not be able to add a child code under it. Also, you will not be able to assign a disabled code to a production loss. If this field contains the value False, the code is enabled and you will be able to use the code throughout PLA.
OEE CodeCharacterA short code that identifies a reason for a loss in equipment efficiency that caused a production loss.This is a required field.
Root CodeCharacterThe parent code of the OEE code.

This field does not appear on the datasheet. The OEE Metric View uses the value in this field to determine whether an OEE code is an Availability, Performance, or Quality code in the OEE (%) calculation. This field contains the following values, depending on the type of OEE code:

  • For child OEE codes, this field contains the parent OEE code.
  • For parent OEE codes, this field contains the same value as the OEE code field.

Product Records

Product records store basic information about fields that are defined for the Product family in the baseline GE Digital APM database. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of fields that exist for the Product family and appear in the Product datasheet. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.

This family is not enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be accessed by any user with the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.

FieldData TypeDescriptionBehavior and Usage
DescriptionTextA description of the Product.You can enter a value in this field.
NameCharacterThe name of the Product.This field is required. You can enter a value in this field. The value must be unique.
StatusBooleanThe status of the Product.This field appears as a column in the Products workspace. By default, the value in the column is Active. You can, however, change the status to Inactive.

Production Data Records

Production Data records store information about fields that are defined for the Production Data family in the baseline GE Digital database. The following table provides an alphabetical list and description of fields that exist for the Production Data family and appear as columns in the table in the Production Data workspace. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.

This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.

FieldData TypeDescriptionBehavior and Usage
Actual Number The amount of Product that you produced during the period (that is, the value in the Period field).You can enter a value in this field.
Losses Number The amount of Product that you did not produce during the period (that is, the value in the Period field).

This field is disabled.

When a Production Data record is created, this field is populated with the value 0. After Production Losses are created for the record, the field is populated with the sum of the values in the Loss Amount field in the associated Production Losses.

Max Sustained Capacity Number The value with which the value in the Actual field is compared to determine if a loss occurred.This field is disabled. It is populated with the value in the Maximum Sustained Capacity Rate field in the Production Profile that is associated with the Production Plan to which the Production Data record is linked.
Period DateThe period of the Production Data record.This field is disabled. It is populated with the start date and time and the end date and time that corresponds to the Production Plan period, which is based on the data entry type.
Short Range Plan Number The planned production output that is adjusted due to a circumstance that could not have been predicted when the Production Plan was created (for example, a natural disaster).By default, this field is populated with the planned production amount, which is the value that appears in the <Product> (<UOM>) column for the respective Product and period in the Plan Details workspace. You can modify the value in the field.
Note: If you modify the planned production amount for a Product and period after you access its Production Data record, the value in this field will not be updated.
Unaccounted Loss Number The loss amount that has not been reconciled.This field is disabled. It is populated with a value that is calculated using the Unaccounted Loss equation.

Production Event Code Records

Production Event Code Records store details that represent a type of Production Event. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Production Event Code family and appear on the baseline Production Event Code datasheet. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.

Field Data TypeDescriptionBehavior and Usage
CodeCharacterA short code that represents the type of event. This is a required field.
ColorCharacterThe color that is used to represent the production event code on the Production Data Summary graph.

This field contains a list, which displays all colors that you can assign to the impact code.

In the baseline database, colors are not assigned to the baseline Production Event Codes. You will need to assign the required colors manually.

DescriptionCharacterA description of the type of event. You can define this field manually.

Production Event Records

Production Event records store details about an event that results in a reduced production output. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of fields that exist for the Production Event family and appear in the baseline Production Event datasheet, unless otherwise specified. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.

This family is not enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be accessed by any user with the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.

FieldData TypeDescriptionBehavior and Usage
Causing Asset Character The equipment or functional location that caused the Production Event.You can select a value in this field.
Comment Text Additional comments about the Production Event. You can enter a value in this field.
Created By Character The user name of the Security User who created the Production Event. This field is disabled.
Created Date Date The date and time when the Production Event was created. This field is disabled.
Description Text A detailed description of the Production Event. You can enter a value in this field.
Display Event Code CharacterThe full path to the event code stored in the Production Event Code field.

This field stores the value that appears in the Production Event Code box in the datasheet.

The field does not appear in the datasheet.

End Date Date The date when the Production Event ended.

The values in the Start Date and End Date fields of a Production Event determine whether the Production Event appears in the Production Event drop-down list box when creating or modifying a loss.

A Production Event that does not have a value in the End Date field will appear in the Production Event drop-down list box for losses that are associated with any day after the start date of the Production Event.

You can enter a value in the field.
Note: The value must represent the time zone of the Production Unit.
Event ID Character Identifies the Production Event. This field is automatically populated when you create a Production Event.

You can enter a value in the field. The value must be unique.

Headline Character A short description of the Production Event. You can enter a value in this field.
Other Event Costs Numeric Costs that are associated with the Production Event and are not recorded in the selected Work History. You can enter a value in this field. The value is preceded with a currency symbol that is specified in the Currency box in the Settings window for PLA.
Production Event Code Character Identifies the type of the Production Event.
This field contains a list of Production Event Codes that are assigned to the Production Unit you select in the Source Production Unit field.
Note: If the Production Unit field is blank, this field will contain a list of all Production Event Codes.

You can select a value in this field.

The full path to the selected event code appears in the Production Event Code box in the datasheet. This includes all the categories under which that event code is grouped.

For example, if you select Equipment Malfunction, which is grouped under Operational Losses, the Production Event Code box will display the value Operational Losses\Equipment Malfunction. However, the Production Event Code field stores only the selected event code (that is, Equipment Malfunction).

RCA NeededCharacterIndicates whether the Production Event needs a Root Cause Analysis (RCA).This field is populated by the MI_RCA_Needed System Code Table.
The field is required and automatically populated with the value RCA Needed. You can, however, modify the value in the field.
Note: For records created before upgrading to V4., the default value in this field is No Entry.
The value, when it appears in the RCA Needed column, is accompanied by a color-coded symbol whose meaning is provided in the following table:
RedThe value is RCA Needed and you have not associated the Production Event with an RCA.
GreenThe value is RCA Needed and you have associated the Production Event with an RCA.


The value is No RCA Needed.

GrayThe value is No Entry.
Note: The RCA Needed column appears in the Production Events table in the PLA Overview page and the Production Events workspace.
Source Production Unit Character

Identifies the Production Unit associated with the Production Event.

This field contains a list of IDs of all available Production Units. The field, however, stores the key of the Production Unit.

When you create a Production Event via the Production Data workspace, the field is automatically populated with the Production Unit for which the Production Plan was created. You can, however, modify the value in the field.

Start Date Date The date when the Production Event started.

A Production Event that does not have a value in the Start Date field will appear in the Production Event drop-down list box for losses that are associated with any day before the end date of the Production Event.

The field is automatically populated with the current date and time 00:00:00. You can, however, enter a value in the field.
Note: The value must represent the time zone of the Production Unit.
Updated By Character The user name of the Security User who last modified the Production Event. This field is disabled. It is populated with a value only if you modify the record.

Updated Date Date The date and time when the Production Event was last modified.

This field is disabled. It is populated with a value only if you modify the record.

Work History CharacterA reference to the work that was performed as a result of the Production Event. This field appears in the datasheet as the Work History Link box.

You can enter or select a value in the field.

Production Loss Records

Production Loss records store information about the loss of production caused by an event. The following table provides an alphabetical list and description of fields that exist for the Production Loss family and appear in the Production Loss datasheet. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.

This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.

FieldData TypeDescriptionBehavior and Usage
Comment CharacterAdditional comments about the loss. You can enter a value in this field.
Equivalent Downtime Hours NumericThe amount of time that a Production Unit would need to operate at maximum sustained capacity to equal the loss.

This field is disabled.

If the Loss Amount field in the Production Loss and the Maximum Sustained Hourly Rate field in the related Production Profile contain values, this field is automatically populated using the following formula:

Equivalent Downtime Hours = Loss Amount / Maximum Sustained Hourly Rate

Impact Code CharacterThe impact of the loss.

This field contains a list of all Impact Codes that are returned by the ImpactCodeList query. Each item in the list appears in the following format:

Code - Description

where Code and Description are values in the Code and Description fields respectively in the Impact Code.

When you select an item from the list, while the Code and Description are displayed in the datasheet, only the Code is stored in the field.

Loss AmountNumericThe amount of production that was lost.

When you create a Production Loss, this field is automatically populated with the value in the Unaccounted Loss field in the Production Loss. You can, however, enter a value in the field.

If the Equivalent Downtime Hours field in the Production Loss and the Maximum Sustained Hourly Rate field in the related Production Profile contain values, this field will be automatically populated using the following formula:

Loss Amount = Equivalent Downtime Hours x Maximum Sustained Hourly Rate

If the Equivalent Downtime Hours field is blank, and if you enter a value in the Loss Amount field, the Equivalent Downtime Hours field will be automatically populated based on the formula.

Margin IDCharacter

The margin defined for the related Production Profile.

This field is used to calculate the cost of losses. It contains a list of all margins that are defined for the related Production Profile. It is automatically populated with the default margin of the Production Profile.

OEE Code Character

A value that is used to categorize the loss based on the effectiveness of the production process.

Selecting this field displays the Select OEE Code window, which contains a hierarchical tree of OEE Codes that are mapped to the selected Impact Code. These OEE Codes are returned by the GetOEECodeByImpactKey query.

Production Event CharacterThe event that caused the loss.

This field contains a list of Event IDs of all Production Events that are returned by the EventList query. The field, however, stores the key of the Production Event.

The Production Events are sorted chronologically in descending order based on Start Date.

Production Plan Records

Production Plan records store information about the quantity of product that you plan to produce within a certain time period. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Production Plan family and appear on the Production Plan datasheet. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.

Note: All fields on the Production Plan datasheet are disabled and populated automatically based on your selections in the Production Plan Builder or the Template Builder.

This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.

FieldData TypeDescriptionBehavior and Usage
Data Entry Frequency Character A value representing how often you plan to enter production data and losses. This field contains the following values:
  • Per Hour
  • Per Shift
  • Per Day
  • Per Week
  • Per Month
  • Per Quarter
  • Per Year Campaign
End Time Date The date and time on which the plan ends.

For a Time-based plan, depending on the value you selected in the Template Frequency field, the end time is populated automatically.

For a Quantity-based plan, the value is determined automatically based on the product quantity and start time that you specified.

Plan Basis Character

The type of production plan.

This field contains the following options:

  • Plan is time-based
  • Plan is quantity-based

    The Quantity field is displayed when you select a quantity-based plan. You can enter a numeric value in this field.

Plan ID Character A value that identifies the production plan. You can select the link for a plan ID to view its details.
Plan Type CharacterA value indicating the type of plan.

The value in this field will be AP (Actual Plan) if you have created a Production Plan:

The value in this field will be PT (Plan Template) if you created a Plan Template.

Production Model Character

The order in which the products will be produced.

This field contains the following values:

  • Concurrent: The unit produces the products at the same time.
  • Sequential: The unit produces the first product, and it begins producing the second product after production of the first product is complete. When you select Sequential, the following fields are displayed:
    • Sequence: The order in which the products should be produced. You can enter a numeric value in this field.
    • End Time: The date and time on which the production of the product ends is based on the value that you specified in the Sequence field.
Start Time Date The date and time on which the plan begins. This field is populated automatically with the current date.
Template Description CharacterA description of the production plan template.You can enter a description for the Production Plan Template that you are creating or modifying.
Template FrequencyCharacterA value representing the end date of the production plan template.

On the datasheet, this field appears as a list labeled Duration. You can select one of the following values:

  • Custom: You can manually set the end date and time.
  • Week: The end date and time is automatically set to one week from the value in the Start Time field.
  • Month: The end date and time is automatically set to one month from the value in the Start Time field.
  • Quarter: The end date and time is automatically set to three months from the value in the Start Time field.
  • Year: The end date and time is automatically set to one year from the value in the Start Time field.
Template Name CharacterThe name of the production plan template.You can enter a value in this field manually.

Production Profile Records

Production Profile records store information about a Product and its Production Unit. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of fields that exist for the Production Profile family and appear in the Production Profile datasheet. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.

This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.

FieldData TypeDescriptionBehavior and Usage
Alternate Product NameCharacterThe name of the product that is associated with the Production Profile.

This field appears as the Product Alias box in the datasheet. By default, it is populated with the value that is in the Product field.

The value in this field is used to populate the Product Name field that appears in Production Plans and Production Plan Templates.

You can enter a value in the field. You cannot, however, modify the value in the field if the Production Profile is associated with a Production Plan.

Description Text A description of the Production Profile. You can enter a value in this field.
Max Demonstrated RateNumeric The highest number of products that the Production Unit produced, disregarding the impact it may have on the assets involved in the process or on the quality of the product.You can enter a value in this field. The value is appended with <Product UOM>/<Production Rate UOM>, where:
  • Product UOM is the value in the Product UOM field.
  • Production Rate UOM is the value in the Production Rate UOM field.
For example, if the values in the Product UOM field and the Production Rate UOM field are Tons and Hour, respectively, the value in this field will be appended with Tons/Hour.
Max Sustained Capacity RateNumeric The number of products that the Production Unit can produce consistently without having any adverse effects on the assets involved in the process or on the quality of the product.
This field is disabled. By default, it is populated with a value that is based on the values in the following fields:
  • Product UOM
  • Production Rate UOM
  • Standard Batch Size
  • Standard Batch Cycle Time

The numeric part of the value in the field is calculated as follows:

Standard Batch Size / Standard Batch Cycle Time

  • Standard Batch Size is the value in the Standard Batch Size field.
  • Standard Batch Cycle Time is the value in the Standard Batch Cycle Time field.
The numeric value is then appended with <Product UOM> / <Production Rate UOM>, where:
  • <Product UOM> is the value in the Product UOM field.
  • <Production Rate UOM> is the value in the Production Rate UOM field.
For example, if the value in the Standard Batch Size field is 5000 Barrels and that in the Standard Batch Cycle Time field is 2 Day, the numeric value in this field is 2500 (that is, 5000 / 2). If the value in the Product UOM field is Barrels and that in the Production Rate UOM field is Day, the entire value in this field is 2500 Barrels/Day.
Max Sustained Hourly Rate (MSHR)NumericThe rate associated with the hourly rate of Equivalent Downtime Hours.

This field is used to calculate Equivalent Downtime Hours. This field is optional; however, if left blank, Equivalent Downtime Hours will not be used when reconciling losses.

The field is automatically populated only if the MSHR Auto Calculate check box in the Settings window is selected. You can, however, modify the value in the field.

The value in the field is calculated as follows:

Standard Batch Size / Production Rate UOM (hours)


  • Standard Batch Size is the value in the Standard Batch Size field.
  • Production Rate UOM is the value in the Production Rate UOM field, in hours, as specified in the following table:
    If the value in the Production Rate UOM field isProduction Rate UOM in hours is
    Week24 × 7
    Month24× 30
    Quarter24 × 90
    Year24 × 365

    For example, if the value in the Standard Batch Size field is 3600 and that in the Production Rate UOM field is Month, the value in this field is 5, which is calculated as follows:

    3600 / (24 × 30)

    Important: Because this formula assumes 30 days for a month, the calculated value would be inaccurate if a month does not have 30 days.
OPC Tag IDCharacter The tag whose readings you want to automatically use to create Production Data records.

This field is required if you want to use the process historian to populate the value in the Actual field of the associated Production Data record.

It contains the button, which enables you to select the required value.

Planning RateNumeric The rate that is associated with the useful production time.By default, this field is populated with the value in the Max Sustained Capacity Rate field. You can, however, modify the value. The value is used to populate the Short Range Plan field of the associated Production Data record, based on the following calculation: Planning Rate × Useful Production Time, where:
  • Planning Rate is the value in this field.
  • Useful Production Time is the shift duration that is selected when creating a Production Plan for the Production Profile.
Product UOM CharacterThe unit that is associated with the product (for example, Barrels).This field contains a list of values that exist in the Product UOM field of all the existing Production Profiles. You must select a value from the list or enter a new value.
Production Rate UOM CharacterThe rate at which you measure the production (for example, day).This field contains a list of values that are populated by the MI_PLA_RATE_UOM System Code Table. By default, the field is populated with the value Day.
Related Product NameCharacter The product that is associated with the Production Profile.

This field appears as the Product box in the datasheet. It contains a list of values that exist in the Name field of all the existing Products. You must select a value in the field.

When you save the Production Profile, it is linked to the selected Product. After the two records are linked, if you change the value in the Name field in the associated Product, the value in this field is automatically updated to reflect the change.

You cannot modify the value in the field if the Production Profile is associated with a Production Plan.

Related Production UnitCharacterThe unit that is associated with the Production Profile.This field does not appear in the datasheet.
Standard Batch Cycle TimeNumericThe amount of time that you would take to produce one batch of the product.You must enter a value in this field. The value that you enter is appended with the value in the Production Rate UOM field.
Standard Batch Size NumericThe amount of product that you can produce in one batch.You must enter a value in this field. The value that you enter is appended with the value in the Product UOM field.

Production Unit Records

Production Unit records store basic information about a single production unit. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Production Unit family and appear on the Production Unit datasheet. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.

FieldData TypeDescriptionBehavior and Usage
Associated UnitCharacterA reference to a separate that contains more information about the Production Unit.

Using this field, you can associate production loss to the asset hierarchy and information about all the losses will available at the asset hierarchy level of the associated unit.

This field contains the button, which you can use to select the Functional Location that contains more information about the production unit. When you save the Production Unit, it will be linked automatically to the selected Functional Location.

Production Unit DescriptionTextA description of the Production Unit. You can define this field manually.
Production Unit NameCharacter The name of the Production Unit.This field is required.
TimezoneCharacterThe time zone that is associated with the Production Unit.

By default, this field is set to (UTC - 05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).

Important: If you create a plan with one time zone and later modify the time zone, the dates are updated in the UI based on the new time zone when you view the Production Data. The Production Data, however, will be corrupted if you add new data, modify the existing data, or delete the existing data.

Profile Margin Records

Profile Margin records store information about the Margins in Production Profiles. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Profile Margin family and appear in the Margins subsection. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.

FieldData TypeDescriptionBehavior and Usage
Default (Yes/No)NumericThe Production Profile default Margin.You will select yes or no from a list to determine which Margin will be the default for the selected Production Profile.
Margin IDCharacterThe ID given to a Margin.You will enter an ID for a Margin.
Margin ValueNumericThe value given to a Margin.You will enter the value of a Margin.