
Hyperlink Utility Overview

The Hyperlink Utility allows you to provide a link to the current page on your desktop, in a query, in an email message, or on a Dashboard.

Access Hyperlink Utility


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Hyperlink Utility.

    The Hyperlink Utility window appears, displaying the hyperlink for the selected page.

  2. To use the Hyperlink in the GE Digital APM System (Dashboards and Queries), in the Local URL box, select and copy the link.
  3. To use the Hyperlink outside of the GE Digital APM System (Email and Desktop Shortcuts), in the Full URL box, select and copy the link.

About the Hyperlink Utility

The Hyperlink Utility allows you to easily generate a link that provides direct access to any page in the GE Digital APM system. You can use this feature to generate a link to the current page and put it on to a Dashboard, create a query, send it to someone in an email message, or create a desktop shortcut.

Wherever the hyperlink feature is available, it is accessible via the Hyperlink Utility option on the Tools menu.

When you use the Hyperlink Utility, the GE Digital APM system will construct a URL that references the current page. The content and syntax of the URL will vary depending upon the page that you are viewing, and will uniquely identify that page and the associated entity or object.

Note: While this feature is available on most pages in the GE Digital APM system, wherever you are viewing Catalog items or entities, those objects must be saved before the Hyperlink Utility feature will be available. The Hyperlink Utility will typically be disabled if you are viewing a page that contains an unsaved entity or Catalog item.