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Energy consumption is rapidly growing in virtually every

economy in the world. In fact, experts predict that the

world’s electrical demand will increase 70% by 2040.

With aging grid infrastructure and a rise in micro-grids

and renewables, along with increasing demands for

efficiency by heavy power users, there’s a growing need

for safe, affordable and reliable products and solutions.

We can help.

We are GE Energy Connections. We are GE’s $11B

electrification, grid and controls business, operating

in more than 150 countries, with 45,000 employees.

Our breadth and depth enables our customers to

connect power to more people. We help utilities and

industries efficiently manage electricity from the point

of generation to the point of consumption, by designing

industry leading technologies and solutions that turn

the world on.

To meet increasing global demand, we know that

utilities must connect 2,000+GW of new power to the

grid by 2025. GE helps solve this challenge with our

versatile and robust solutions for Electrical Balance of

Plant (EBoP) applications. GE Energy Connections can

help ensure that the EBoP requirements are designed

and integrated with the power island to ensure

optimized cost, ongoing plant efficiency, and reliability.

Our solutions are scalable to support a large range of

projects from power generation to renewable wind and

solar applications.

What you will see and read about in the following pages

are more examples of how we can help you overcome

your challenges and deliver for your customers, across

a variety of industries, all to make the world work better.

Thank you,

Russell Stokes

President & CEO

GE Energy Connections