Addendum to GE Vernova Privacy Policy for South Africa Privacy
Addendum to GE Vernova Privacy Policy for South Africa Privacy
1.1 The purpose of this South Africa Addendum to the GE Vernova Privacy Policy (“Addendum”) is to explain how we collect, use, disclose and store personal information, in accordance with the requirements of the Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 (“POPIA”) in South Africa.
This Addendum will apply to all personal information (“PI”), of both natural and juristic persons, processed by GE Vernova Group or GE Vernova Business Units for the purposes of their business activities in South Africa or by or for a responsible party where the responsible party is domiciled in South Africa.
1.2 For persons falling within the scope of the POPIA for whom GE Vernova must collect and process certain PI about you in order to facilitate your employment with GE Vernova. This PI will be handled in accordance with the GE Vernova Candidate Privacy Notice [ Candidate Privacy Notice | GE Vernova] and the Employment Data Protection Standards [Employment Data Protection Standards | Inside Integrity (]. This PI may come directly from you or from other sources, including external sources. GE Vernova’s collection and processing of your PI is subject to POPIA.
1.3 For purposes of this Addendum “Processing” means any operation or activity or any set of operations, whether or not by automatic means, concerning Personal Information, including, but not limited to –
1.3.1 the collection, receipt, recording, organization, collation, storage, updating or modification, retrieval, alteration, consultation or use;
1.3.2 dissemination by means of transmission, distribution or making available in any other form; or
1.3.3 merging, linking as well as restriction, degradation, erasure or destruction of information, and “Process” has the corresponding meaning.
1.4 This Addendum must be read together with the GE Vernova Global Privacy Policy GE Vernova Privacy Policy | GE Vernova, the Candidate Notice and the Employment Data Protection Standards and where there are differences between these standards and this Addendum, the provisions set out in this Addendum will apply in South Africa and to all PI Processed in South Africa.
2. GE Vernova’s Collection and Processing of Special Personal Information
2.1 In some cases, GE Vernova might also collect and process special personal information (“SPI”) about you. SPI includes information related to your religious or philosophical beliefs, race or ethnic origin, trade union membership, political persuasion, health or sex life, biometrics or criminal behaviour.
2.2 GE Vernova will only collect SPI for specific purposes such as:
- Collecting health related information to provide health benefits or accommodate a disability;
- Monitoring safety, industrial hygiene and exposures in our facilities;
- Collecting diversity-related information (such as gender and race) to comply with legal obligations and internal policies relating to diversity and non-discrimination; or
- Collecting biometric information for security purposes or to facilitate your access to GE Vernova’s systems.
2.3 Generally, and subject to the above purposes, GE Vernova’s collection and processing of such SPI will be conducted based on legitimate interest, fulfilment of a contract or with your consent and upon disclosure of the purposes for which such SPI is processed. However, your SPI may also be processed if GE Vernova is required to do so to comply with obligations imposed on it by law, or for making or defending legal claims.
3. Your Rights to Your PI
3.1 As a data subject whose PI is collected in South Africa you have a number of rights in relation to your PI. You may, amongst others:
- request GE Vernova to confirm whether or not we hold any of your PI;
- request us to amend incorrect or incomplete PI;
- object to, or request GE Vernova to stop, processing your PI, for example where the processing of your PI is no longer necessary;
- request us to erase your PI;
- where our processing of your PI is based solely on your consent, you may withdraw that consent; or
- receive from us the PI we hold about you, which you have provided to us, including for the purpose of you transmitting that PI to another responsible party.
3.2 Please note that the above rights are not absolute, and GE Vernova is entitled to refuse requests where exceptions apply.
4. Storage and management of Personal Information
4.1 GE Vernova will take reasonably practicable steps to ensure that all PI collected is complete, accurate and not misleading, having regard to the purpose for which the PI is being Processed.
4.2 GE Vernova will take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure that all PI remains confidential and is not distributed to unauthorised third parties.
4.3 Employees’ PI will only be made internally available within GE Vernova to specifically authorised users, who will only have access to such PI as is required for the fulfilment of their tasks, in accordance with the GE Vernova Employee Data Protection Standards [Employment Data Protection Standards | Inside Integrity (]
5. Retention of personal information
5.1 GE Vernova will only keep your PI for as long as reasonably necessary to fulfil the relevant purposes set out in this Addendum and in order to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations.
5.2 After we are no longer authorised to retain the PI, GE Vernova will ensure that it is destroyed, deleted and/or de-identified in a manner that prevents its reconstruction in an intelligible form.
6. Requests, queries, complaints or comments
6.1 If you would like us to destroy or delete any of your PI please email us at: [General Inquiry | GE Vernova].
6.2 If you would like us to correct any of your PI or if you have any further requests, questions, complaints or comments about this Notice or the processing of your PI or you would like to ask us whether we are processing any your PI or exercise any of your rights set out in this Notice, please feel free to contact us at:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +27 (83) 6283086
Information Officer: David Colville
6.3 If you are unsatisfied with the manner in which we address any complaint regarding the processing of PI, you may contact the Information Regulator of South Africa:
6.3.1 Website:
6.3.2 Email: [email protected]
6.3.3 Telephone: 012 406 4818
6.4 If you want to learn more about your rights under the POPIA, you can visit the Information Regulator’s page on data protection at:
1.1. Die doel van hierdie Suid-Afrika-bylaag tot die GE Vernova se privaatheidsbeleid (“bylaag”) is om te verduidelik hoe ons persoonlike inligting insamel, gebruik, openbaar en berg, ooreenkomstig die vereistes van die Wet op die Beskerming van Persoonlike Inligting, 2013 (“POPIA”) in Suid-Afrika.
Hierdie bylaag sal van toepassing wees op alle persoonlike inligting (“PI”), van beide natuurlike en regspersone, wat deur GE Vernova Group of GE Vernova Business Units verwerk word vir die doeleindes van hul besigheidsaktiwiteite in Suid-Afrika of deur of vir ’n verantwoordelike party waar die verantwoordelike party in Suid-Afrika gedomisilieer is.
1.2. Vir persone wat binne die bestek van die POPIA val vir wie GE Vernova sekere PI oor u moet insamel en verwerk ten einde u indiensneming by GE Vernova te vergemaklik. Hierdie PI sal in ooreenstemming met GE Vernova se privaatheidskennisgewing vir kandidate hanteer word [Privaatheidskennisgewing vir kandidate | General Electric] sowel as die standaarde vir beskerming van indiensnemingsdata [ Standaarde vir beskerming van indiensnemingsdata| Inside Integrity (]. Hierdie PI kan direk van u of van ander bronne af kom, insluitende eksterne bronne. GE Vernova se insameling en verwerking van u PI is onderhewig aan POPIA.
1.3. Vir doeleindes van hierdie bylaag beteken “verwerking” enige operasie of aktiwiteit of enige stel operasies, hetsy op outomatiese wyse, met betrekking tot persoonlike inligting, insluitend, maar nie beperk nie tot –
1.3.1. die insameling, ontvangs, optekening, organisering, samevoeging, berging, opdatering of wysiging, oproeping, verandering, konsultasie of gebruik;
1.3.2. verspreiding deur middel van oordrag, verspreiding of beskikbaarstelling in enige ander vorm; of
1.3.3 samevoeging, koppeling sowel as beperking, afbreking, uitwissing of vernietiging van inligting, en "proses" het die ooreenstemmende betekenis.
1.4. Hierdie bylaag moet saam met GE Vernova Global se privaatheidsbeleid en die standaarde vir beskerming van indiensnemingsdata gelees word, en waar daar verskille tussen hierdie standaarde en hierdie bylaag is, sal die bepalings uiteengesit in hierdie bylaag van toepassing wees in Suid-Afrika en op alle PI wat in Suid Afrika verwerk is.
2. GE Vernova se insameling en verwerking van spesiale persoonlike inligting
2.1. GE Vernova kan in sommige gevalle ook spesiale persoonlike inligting (“SPI”) oor u insamel en verwerk. SPI sluit inligting in wat verband hou met u godsdienstige of filosofiese oortuigings, ras of etniese oorsprong, vakbondlidmaatskap, politieke oortuiging, gesondheid of sekslewe, biometrie of kriminele gedrag.
2.2. GE Vernova sal SPI slegs vir spesifieke doeleindes insamel soos:
- Insameling van gesondheidsverwante inligting om gesondheidsvoordele te bied of ’n gestremdheid te akkommodeer;
- Monitering van veiligheid, industriële higiëne en blootstelling in ons fasiliteite;
- Insameling van diversiteitverwante inligting (soos geslag en ras) om te voldoen aan wetlike verpligtinge en interne beleide wat verband hou met diversiteit en nie-diskriminasie; of
- Insameling van biometriese inligting vir sekuriteitsdoeleindes of om u toegang tot GE Vernova se stelsels te vergemaklik.
2.3. Oor die algemeen, en onderhewig aan bogenoemde doeleindes, sal GE Vernova se insameling en verwerking van sodanige SPI uitgevoer word op grond van wettige belang, nakoming van ’n kontrak of met u toestemming en op die openbaarmaking van die doeleindes waarvoor sodanige SPI verwerk word. U SPI kan egter ook verwerk word indien dit van GE Vernova vereis word im dit te doen ten einde te voldoen aan verpligtinge wat deur wetgewing opgelê word, of om regseise te maak of te verdedig.
3. U regte tot u PI
3.1. As ’n datasubjek wie se PI in Suid-Afrika ingesamel word, het u ’n aantal regte met betrekking tot u PI. U kan onder andere:
- Van GE Vernova vereis om te bevestig of ons enige van u PI hou al dan nie;
- ons versoek om enige verkeerde of onvolledige PI te wysig;
- beswaar maak teen die verwerking van u PI deur GE Vernova, of ons versoek om die verwerking te staak, byvoorbeeld waar die verwerking van u PI nie meer nodig is nie;
- ons versoek om u PI uit te wis;
- waar ons verwerking van u PI uitsluitlik op u toestemming gegrond is, kan u daardie toestemming terugtrek; of
- die PI wat ons van u hou ontvang, wat u aan ons verskaf het, insluitend met die doel om daardie PI aan ’n ander verantwoordelike party oor te dra.
3.2. Let asseblief daarop dat die bogenoemde regte nie absoluut is nie, en GE Vernova is daarop geregtig om versoeke te weier waar uitsonderings van toepassing is.
4. Berging en bestuur van persoonlike inligting
4.1. GE Vernova sal redelik uitvoerbare stappe neem om te verseker dat alle PI wat ingesamel word volledig en akkuraat is en nie misleidend is nie, met inagneming van die doel waarvoor die PI verwerk word.
4.2. GE Vernova sal alle redelike praktiese stappe neem om te verseker dat alle PI vertroulik bly en nie aan ongemagtigde derde partye versprei word nie.
4.3. Werknemers se PI sal slegs intern binne GE Vernova beskikbaar gestel word aan spesifiek gemagtigde gebruikers, wat slegs toegang tot sodanige PI sal hê as wat nodig is vir die vervulling van hul take, ooreenkomstig GE Vernova se standaarde vir beskerming van indiensnemingsdata [Standaarde vir beskerming van indiensnemingsdata | Inside Integrity (]
5.Behoud van persoonlike inligting
5.1. GE Vernova sal u PI net hou so lank as wat redelikerwys nodig is om die relevante doeleindes te vervul soos uiteengesit in hierdie bylaag en om te voldoen aan ons wetlike en regulatoriese verpligtinge.
5.2. Nadat ons nie meer gemagtig is om die PI te behou nie, sal GE Vernova verseker dat dit vernietig, uitgewis en/of gede-identifiseer word op sodanige manier wat die heropbou daarvan in ’n verstaanbare vorm verhoed.
6.Versoeke, navrae, klagtes of kommentaar
6.1. As u wil hê dat ons enige van u PI moet vernietig of uitwis, moet u asseblief aan ons ’n e-pos stuur by: [Algemene navraag | General Electric].
6.2. As u wil hê dat ons enige van u PI moet regstel of as u enige verdere versoeke, vrae, klagtes of kommentaar het oor hierdie kennisgewing of die verwerking van u PI, of as u ons wil vra of ons enige van u PI verwerk, of enige van u regte wil uitoefen soos uiteengesit in hierdie kennisgewing, moet u ons asseblief kontak by:
E-pos: [email protected]
Telefoon: +27 (83) 6283086
Inligtingsbeampte: David Colville
6.3. As u ontevrede is met die wyse waarop ons enige klagte aanspreek rakende die verwerking van PI, kan u die inligtingsreguleerder van Suid-Afrika kontak:
6.3.1. Webwerf:
6.3.2. E-pos: [email protected]
6.3.3. Telefoon: 012 406 4818
6.3.4. Vir meer inligting oor u regte ingevolge die POPIA, kan u die inligtingsreguleerder se webblad oor databeskerming besoek by: