Life extensions/replacements

Additional life extension/replacement solutions

The LP Monoblock Rotor and more

We can customize a solution to increase the output, improve emissions, extend asset life or enhanced operational flexibility to run at lower loads or on a non-traditional fuel.

“Built-up” rotors can experience stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in nuclear environments. Increase your reliability with our LP Monoblock rotor and section upgrades.

Steam turbine life extension/replacements

The LP Monoblock Rotor offers the following benefits:

  • Significantly reduces SCC susceptibility in the wheel dovetails
  • Reduces rotor in-service inspection scope due to boreless rotor
  • Improves output and heat rate for units with the 43-inch L-0, resulting in up to 1% improvement in output

The LP section upgrade offers the following benefits:

  • Significantly reduces SCC issues through new low-stress dovetail configuration
  • Improves turbine output and heat rate:
    – 38- to 43-inch L-0 stage bucket delivers up to 4.5% in output improvement
    – L-0 stage bucket delivers up to 3.5% in output improvement
  • Delivers reduced inspection requirements and an extended rotor inspection interval of 10 years

Valve life extensions/replacements

We have a wealth of experience in upgrading valves on many fleets and machine types. The most common way to achieve significant benefits is to upgrade the parts to improved, modern technologies.

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