Save time and money

Steam turbine field services directly at your site

We bring the inspection and repairs directly to your location, and help to reduce outage time and achieve substantial cost savings. Our onsite inspection and repair (OSS) teams offer:

Dampierre en Burly Nuclear France 4x900mw Retrofit
  • Comprehensive steam turbine field services: We provide a full range of services—from typical inspections, repair, and machining to highly specialized services.
  • Extensive tooling: Our OSS team is one of the largest onsite service organizations, with more than 500 pieces of portable equipment and an extensive tooling inventory.
  • Experience: Our team of qualified specialists includes machining supervisors, engineers and technicians with an average experience level of more than 20 years.
  • Global responsiveness: All equipment is completely mobile and can be transported to any required destination around the world within hours of notification.

Risk prevention

Steam turbine inspections, safety assessments, and analysis

Our steam turbine inspection services help prevent catastrophic high-speed-rotor issues. Each configuration requires the following rotor-specific tests and analysis:

  • Boresonic inspection services: Inspection of older bored rotors looks for indications of deterioration from the inside to the outside.
  • Periphery ultrasonic testing services: Ultrasonic testing for solid rotors examines the outside of the rotor for indications of potential issues.
  • Phased array wheel dovetail testing services: Phased array testing looks for indications of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in time to repair the wheel and prevent bucket liberation.
  • Wheelsonic inspection services: Wheelsonic Inspections employ a series of tests to evaluate the integrity of wheels on a built-up, low-pressure rotor.

Further reading

Fact sheets

Contact us

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