The Power of Yes

Can Steam Power partner with me throughout my plant’s lifecycle?

YES. With multi-year maintenance and service agreements in place with steam plant operators, we have a deep understanding of our customers’ challenges and opportunities—as well as their goals of delivering more flexibility and improving operating costs in today’s dynamic industry.


Blending the power of hardware + software

Through our steam plant maintenance multi-year service agreements, we’re committed to adding value to your operations as a long-term partner. We are constantly evolving to better address customer needs and help improve their profitability and competitiveness.

With our digitally enabled multi-year service agreements for steam plants, we can provide you with a unique framework to integrate digital applications with highly skilled and specialized experts to personally streamline the maintenance process of your core equipment. And most important, we tailor our MYAs to your needs. We leverage our expertise and technology tools to develop a customized program that protects both your equipment and your business objectives. This is the Power of Yes.


Reduce unplanned downtime

Did you know a 7% increase in reliability can translate into some big savings—up to USD $1.4 million per year?*

  • Risk based outage scope definition: Smart outage scope definition helps to clarify outage scope, based on your unit’s specific operational history
  • Online equipment monitoring: Digital analytics for anomaly detection and predictive analytics that can turn reactive maintenance into proactive maintenance
  • Remote troubleshooting and support: 24/7 support from our Monitoring & Diagnostics Center, and access to OEM engineers for root cause analysis and re-start support
  • Call out service: Fast mobilization through pre-agreed call out arrangements helping to create shorter unplanned outages

O&M costs

Reduced maintenance cost and planned downtime

To help you get the best return on your investment, our long-term service agreements are tailored with a focus on lowering your operations & maintenance costs by 10-15%, saving you as much as USD $330,000 per year. 

  • Condition-based maintenance: We’ll work with you to keep the focus on necessary maintenance, defining and prioritizing your outage scope based on your individual operational history
  • Project management: Take advantage of advance planning, with access to localized parts, labor, and tooling as well as top-tier field service staff
  • Robotics and advanced inspection technologies: Benefit from the latest inspection technologies (e.g, drones, scanners, inspection robots)

Heat rate

Improved heat rate and reduced fuel consumption

We know that fuel consumption reduction is one of your top priorities. Our MYAs can help you achieve an average of 0.75% reduction, a potential savings of USD $880,000 per year. 

  • Energy assessment: We’ll work with you on an engineering assessment to identify and restore plant-specific heat rate losses
  • Digital efficiency monitoring: Continuous monitoring to help increase efficient operation and effective outage scope planning
  • Planned maintenance and tuning: Focused periodic maintenance to restore performance and tune equipment (e.g, firing, pulverizers)
  • Online digital optimizers: Real-time fine tuning of pulverizers, fuel blend, combustion, and soot blowing to improve heat rate and reduce emissions

Lifetime management

Secure your investment

At Steam Power, we’re here for all phases of the lifecycle—today and tomorrow. Our lifetime management program and digital monitoring programs help you see around corners, anticipating issues before they occur.

  • Health monitoring: Online digital monitoring to help you avoid pre-mature degradation. Take advantage of specialized modules for monitoring of steam turbine valves, generator, boiler, pulverizers and more 
  • Lifetime management: Programs for steam turbine, generator, based on remaining life calculation, inspection and risk assessment
  • Mitigation of risk factors: Monitoring of drivers of pre-mature degradation, such as chemistry, steam temperature, and fuel composition


Safety, expertise, and knowledge for a sustainable business

Our service specialists have the right expertise to help run your power plant, and our portfolio of support solutions can be customized to meet your individual needs.

  • EHS management: With our standards applied to all sites and subcontractors, your plant is in good hands
  • Training programs: Our technical training programs cover all the systems of the power plant—choose from online training, classroom training in a Steam Power training facility, or even customized on-site training
  • On-site advisory support: Get access to Steam Power expertise with support from OEM resident engineer permanently on-site
  • Remote support center: Operational support and help for troubleshooting by the OEM

*Calculations based on a typical coal plant. Actual values may vary depending on location and market characteristics.

Customer case study

Secure power for Pakistan

After signing a multi-year services agreement for steam turbine and boiler with GE Steam Power, Khalid Mansoor, CEO of Hubco said, “We are committed to supporting Pakistan in achieving power self-sufficiency and our focus on using our country’s own resources is testament to this. In driving the TEL project, we are using proven world-class technology by GE, which has demonstrated its long-term efficiency and reliability using similar fuels internationally. The inclusion of a multi-year steam power plant services agreement furthers GE and Hubco’s cooperation, and not only marks a new milestone in our long-lasting relationship but also in Pakistan’s ambitions for a secure energy future.”


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*Today GE's AQCS offerings are limited to the USA, Canada, India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka.