Featured services

Extend the lifetime of your boiler


AmStar 888*

Regardless of your boiler type or operational configuration, your boiler is exposed to high temperature gases that can cause tube corrosion or erosion.

At GE, we have a deep understanding of how boilers work, regardless of the fuel or application, and we have developed a unique thermal spray cladding. AmStar 888 thermal spray cladding provides dependable and predictable waterwall protection for boiler tubes where high temperature gaseous corrosion and/or erosion may occur. Our proprietary metallurgy, surface preparation and high velocity continuous combustion (HVCC) application process resists cracking, spalling, and stress. With AmStar 888, you can significantly reduce your forced outage rate without affecting the heat absorption of the boiler tube.

*Trademark of General Electric Company

Boiler tune-up and life extension

GE Steam Power is one of the largest boiler service providers in the world. Our boiler specialists travel from plant to plant, troubleshooting issues and documenting the critical operating data necessary to help your plant go beyond tune-up compliance (NOx, CO) and achieve optimal boiler performance.


  • 20% NOx improvement after boiler tuning (500 MW plant burning PRB coal)
  • 80% CO improvement after boiler tuning (500 MW plant burning PRB coal)

Additional services can include boiler inspections and maintenance, performance testing, engineering, parts supply and document storage.

Additional offerings

A complete range of boiler maintenance solutions

GE Steam Power provides the following boiler plant maintenance solutions:

  • Outage planning and inspections
  • Commissioning
  •  Instruction/training/e-learning
  • Reliability troubleshooting
  • Root cause determination
  • Equipment/systems testing
  • Systems evaluations
  • Operational reviews
  • Condition assessment
  • Performance improvement
  • Thermal spray claddings
  • Dedicated Engineer Program

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