For longer asset life

Getting more from your installed base

As your steam plant’s lifecycle solutions provider, Steam Power helps you make the most of your installed base and to operate more safely. Understanding your challenges and priorities is always the first step in every system implementation. From on-the-spot support and advanced multi-year agreements, we’re ready to provide quick support and solutions for your product lifecycle and beyond.

A legacy of efficiency

We service our legacy technologies such as ALSPA —and our extensive engineering experience and global field service teams help to ensure that system installations are implemented safely and efficiently. Our solutions can help enhance your asset’s performance while reducing downtime.


Support and legacy technologies

As your power plant’s lifecycle solutions provider, Steam Power will help you make the most of your installed base and operate more safely. Understanding your challenges and priorities is always the first step in every system implementation. From on-the-spot support and advanced multi-year agreements, we’re ready to boost your products’ lifecycles. We can service legacy technologies including ALSPA solutions. Our extensive engineering experience and global field services ensure installations are safe and efficient. Our solutions help enhance your asset’s performance while lowering downtime.

Service agreements for automation and controls

We offer service agreements to steam power plants to help with turbine control, generator excitation, and DCS— and our customers have access to Steam Power's expert field personnel, prices, conditions, spare parts, and preventive-maintenance benefits.

Our multi-year agreements offer a framework contract for service work, providing preferential conditions for high-quality parts and services, reducing administrative needs with simplified planning. Extended life service agreements can help maintain the operating conditions of your plant controls system.

Spare parts and repairs for automation and controls

To lower capital investment and increase power plant system performance, our spare parts and repair services include fully-tested modules with stringent quality assurance standards, custom-made solutions and stock management support.

As the OEM, we are well-qualified to service our products while providing full lifecycle support for the replacement and maintenance of equipment from third parties.

Operations and maintenance of automation and controls

Preventive site maintenance can help you increase your system performance, maintain your system’s operating conditions, and reduce your probability of an unplanned outage. When corrective site maintenance is necessary, Steam Power is able to mobilize field engineers, experts from our engineering department, and our research and development teams to reduce plant downtime. With the power of a worldwide service organization, we can mobilize quickly to get you back up and running.

Performance and maintenance of your automation and controls

Component aging is a key factor in decreased power plant efficiency, so regular maintenance is the best precaution against faults and unforeseen outages. Our field engineers have the knowledge and experience to test and tune your controller to increase availability and reliability, improve asset performance, and extend your equipment’s lifetime.

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