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GridOS® Visual Intelligence

Visual data.
Better insights.

Leverage GridOS Visual Intelligence to orchestrate the grid with visual precision. The robust software brings together visual data sources with grid network models, enhancing operational systems to deliver actionable insights for grid orchestration.

GridOS® Visual Intelligence


An eagle’s-eye view

GridOS Visual Intelligence provides grid operators with a real-world view of their networks, transitioning from abstract schematics to a more precise, visually enhanced model. It offers a grid network model bolstered with both visual and sensory data for enhanced situational intelligence, operational excellence, and the ability to actively mitigate risk.

Thanks to its built-in AI workflows, GridOS Visual Intelligence provides actionable insights for enhanced grid safety, reliability, and resilience, making it uniquely capable of supporting grid orchestration with innovative integration and visualization capabilities.

Visual Intelligence

Learn how Visual Intelligence improves vegetation management, asset inspections, and more.

GE Vernova

"The traditional manual process of vegetation management is very inefficient compared with a digitally advanced image-based approach to vegetation management. In addition to significantly lowering operating and maintenance cost, improved safety and compliance are important metrics that can be achieved when implementing an advanced image-based vegetation management system."

John Villali

Senior Research Director at IDC Energy Insights 
Source: IDC TechBrief: Image based Vegetation Management, Q3 2023, J.Villali

Explore the benefits of Visual Intelligence

Reduced costs 

Lower operational costs by increasing inspection and trimming productivity and efficiency with Visual Intelligence’s precise visual insights.

Next-level situational intelligence

Enable grid operators to get an accurate, real-world view of their networks by providing visual context and insights to the grid twin.

Flexible analysis 

No need to invest in additional systems to process different images – Visual Intelligence can identify risk-prone assets from LiDAR scans, satellite imagery, even standard camera photos.

Operational excellence

Break down data silos to efficiently provide accurate and actionable insights for operational decision-making.

Operationalized risk mitigation

Uncover and take action to mitigate risks, including unstable vegetation, asset damage, wildfire vulnerabilities, impending disruptive events, and more.

Better customer satisfaction

Minimize CMI, SAIDI, and SAIFI metrics by maximizing resilience with Visual Intelligence’s detailed insights, actionable workflows, and advanced tools.

Learn more about Visual Intelligence

GE Vernova

Minimizing disruption impact with a new approach

Learn Visual Intelligence’s place in a two-prong disruption mitigation plan.
GE Vernova

Tackling disruptions from all angles

See GE Vernova's full scope of disruption planning and management solutions.
GE Vernova

Protecting against disruptions

Learn about the role Visual Intelligence plays in GE Vernova’s Disruption Planning & Recovery solutions.




What is utility vegetation management (UVM)?
Utility vegetation management refers to the process of eliminating vegetation that poses a risk of damaging power grid assets. The most common examples of this include removing branches and dead and/or structurally unstable trees that are growing too close to power lines. Utility vegetation management is especially important for areas frequently struck by severe weather events, like hurricanes, tornados, blizzards, and wildfires.
What are best practices for vegetation management around power lines?
Utility vegetation management can be expensive and inefficient if not performed correctly, so applying AI/ML-powered technology is critical. GridOS Visual Intelligence platform analyzes a variety of satellite, LiDAR, and conventional imagery and overlays them with network maps to identify the precise areas where vegetation must be trimmed to eliminate the risk of damage. Trimming crews can use this information to take fast and accurate corrective actions, whether pruning or removing it completely.
Is it better to use Satellite imagery or LiDAR imagery in vegetation management?
Satellite and LIDAR imagery work best for different scenarios. Satellite imagery is useful for identifying growth patterns and problem areas on a wide scale, or in areas not easily accessible by drones or workers. However, more-detailed imagery on specific vegetation is best obtained via LiDAR. Visual Intelligence software can accommodate either type of imagery (or a combination of both!) for any given use case.
How can Vegetation Management reduce wildfire damages?
While it's difficult to predict exactly where a wildfire will ignite next, electric utilities can minimize significant disruptions and damages by keeping an eye on high-risk locations, in particular (1) areas of overgrown and/or dead vegetation, and (2) areas where wildfires have occurred in the past. A great way to identify these high-risk locations is by leveraging GridOS Visual Intelligence platform. Visual Intelligence identifies areas of overgrown and dead vegetation that could ignite and cause damage to power assets, enabling the utility to dispatch trimming crews to the precise high-risk areas. In addition, utilities can analyze data from the United States Geological Survey or other entities to identify historical wildfire burn patterns and determine if any of their crucial assets are in harm's way.
How can Visual Intelligence improve utility asset health monitoring?
Visual Intelligence’s AI/ML-powered image analysis is useful for more than just utility vegetation management! Scan imagery can also reveal damage or deterioration of power assets, such as corrosion on transformers or transmission towers, leaning power poles, and more. This enables proactive maintenance to correct any issues before they can cause significant power grid disruptions, or worse, complete failures.

Speak with a utility software expert about how GridOS can help ensure a reliable and resilient sustainable-energy grid.

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