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Managing Carbon Emissions with Data-Driven Insights: Product Demo

Measure, manage and operationalize your net-zero carbon emissions strategy. CERius™ is an intuitive cloud application designed to automate GHG emissions data collection, provide insights, and make suggestions to help forward carbon abatement plans.

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Experience GE Vernova's CERius –
A Carbon Emissions Management software

Energy Companies experience growing expectations to reduce their carbon emissions to neutral by 2050. This demo experience showcases how EHS & ESG teams can:

  • Increase the quality and accuracy of scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions data.
  • Automate collection and reporting standards using precise carbon intensity.
  • Identify effective carbon abatement actions, plan and track emissions reduction to net-zero strategy.

Cerius Modules


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CERIUS Software demo

Measure, manage and operationalize your net-zero carbon emissions strategy. CERius™ is an intuitive cloud application designed to automate GHG emissions data collection, provide insights, and make suggestions to help forward carbon abatement plans.

This demo is viewable only on desktop or tablet. Please open this link on a suitable device.

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