Optimize Risk & Cost with APM Strategy: Product Dmeo

Are inefficient and ineffective equipment strategies eroding the reliability and profitability of your production facilities or operations?

Is the lack of standardization and control preventing your organization from implementing optimized best practice equipment maintenance, monitoring and inspection strategies across your enterprise?

Are your systems, processes and people aligned to identify, mitigate and monitor the risks that threaten your ability to achieve and sustain asset reliability and performance improvements?

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Customer Success Stories (By Industry)



Deduction in Corrective


Increase in Preventative



ROI in
9 months


ROI in
12 months

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Paper & Pulp


Projected annual maintenance
cost reduction delays


Cost savings in 90 days

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Oil & Gas


Failure Mode & Effects
Analysis (FMEA) completed


Risks identified

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Integrated Risk Based Optimization &
Strategy Management

Criticality Assessment
Identify which assets and systems are most critical to the business
Asset Strategy Manager
Perform risk assessments for known asset failure modes
Establish asset risks using predefined Asset Templates and SmartSignal Blueprints
Industry standard methodologies for strategy optimization
Risk Based Inspection
Analyze the risk of components failing for fixed equipment due to specific degradation mechanisms
Safety and Hazards Analysis
Identify hazardous processes and manage risk with safety instrumented systems
Planned Maintenance
Harmonize and control your EAM maintenance plans for optimal effectiveness and cost efficiency
Asset Monitoring
Leverage Health Manager, SmartSignal and Policies to monitor, detect and analyze potential threats
Mobile Data Collection
Execute Condition-Based Maintenance, visual inspections and manual data collection via Rounds
Inspections Management
Ensure compliance via inspection programs for fixed equipment
Calibrations and Proof Tests
Execute calibrations of instruments and analyzers, and proof tests for safety systems
Corrective Maintenance
Drive and manage your corrective action program across all of APM
Maintenance History and Cost Data
Asset Health and Condition Data
Failure and Event Data
Production Loss Data
Health Manager
Visualize and evaluate asset risks, events, alerts and acknowledge warnings
Policy Manager
Build automation and intelligence to analyze strategy performance and drive prescriptive actions
Utilize predictive analytics to detect emerging threats and prevent failure or loss of function
Alerts and Cases
Actively manage current risks, drive collaborative investigation and document learnings
Root Cause Analysis
Determine root causes and drive back into strategy to prevent future failures
Reliability Analytics
Statistical reliability analysis to determine MTBF, failure patterns and perform RAM system modeling


  • Decrease overall risk exposure
  • Reduce unplanned downtime and increasing availability and reliability by helping to ensure that critical assets and systems are monitored and protected from emerging threats
  • Minimize costly reactive emergency repairs by detecting problems early, turning unplanned downtime into planned downtime
  • Eliminate often unnecessary routine preventive maintenance—which also introduces risk and decreases availability and helping you transition to a more efficient and proactive condition and risk-based maintenance program
  • Optimize spare parts inventory and holding costs by minimizing the likelihood of emergency repairs and implementing an optimized risk-based planned maintenance program
  • Protect the health and safety of employees and the environment by reducing asset related incidents
  • Improve workforce productivity and effectiveness by prioritizing maintenance expenditures based on criticality, risk, and cost
  • Extend asset life and improve overall Return on Assets (ROA)
  • Enable compliance with ISO 55000 standards to lower insurance premiums

Essential Work Processes to Improve Profitability

  • Assess Criticality of Assets
  • Identify Risks and Mitigating Actions
  • Optimize Mitigation Strategies for Risk and Cost
  • Manage and Implement Asset Strategies
  • Drive Corrective Actions and Continuous Improvement
Learn About Key Modules
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Integration with EAM Systems

Ineffective and inefficient planned or preventative maintenance activities represent one of the largest areas of opportunity for risk-based optimization to help:

The optimization process requires ability to import existing maintenance plans and send new or updated maintenance plans to the EAM to ensure harmonization between the strategy management and execution system. APM Strategy provides a single source of organizational visibility, control and approval of asset maintenance strategies and enables standardization best practice strategies across the enterprise. Our EAM integration provides flexible capabilities and interfaces to seamlessly facilitate and manage the optimization process.

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results faster

Save 1000s of
development hours

experience ROI

Asset Strategy Accelerators

Asset Strategy Accelerators are a collection of predefined templates that contain the known failure modes and prescribed mitigating actions for specific asset or equipment types.

  • Rapid deployment and standardization of best practices across the enterprise
  • Thousands of hours of embedded subject matter and domain expertise
  • Reduce plant personnel and resources required to perform strategy development
  • Accelerate customer time to value

Achieve business
results faster

Save 1000s of
development hours

experience ROI

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Experience GE Vernova's
APM Strategy Demo

Learn how to manage risk, optimize O&M expenditures and maximize equipment with an integrated Asset Strategy solution.

Discover What’s Possible