1. Overview
Plant execution service Layer for nonconformance-service
1.2. Tags
bom-activity-testing-controller : Bom Activity Testing Controller
context-type-controller : Context Type Controller
defect-controller : Defect Controller
defect-history-controller : Defect History Controller
defect-type-controller : Defect Type Controller
disposition-action-history-controller : Disposition Action History Controller
disposition-controller : Disposition Controller
disposition-plan-controller : Disposition Plan Controller
disposition-type-controller : Disposition Type Controller
ncm-patch-controller : NCM Patch Controller
non-conformance-controller : Non Conformance Controller
non-conformance-type-controller : Non Conformance Type Controller
reason-tree-nodes-controller : Reason Tree Nodes Controller
2. Resources
2.1. Bom-activity-testing-controller
Bom Activity Testing Controller
2.1.1. Update activity variable from parent lot to child lot (For developers only)
PUT /v2/bomandactivity
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Body |
parentChildInfo |
Information related to parent lot and chlid lot |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
object |
202 |
Accepted |
object |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
No Content |
2.1.2. Get the BOMs of particular oparation by work Order ID and segment ID
GET /v2/bomandactivity/boms
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Query |
plannedQuantity |
Lot plannedQuantity |
integer (int64) |
Query |
segmentId |
Id of the segment resource |
integer (int64) |
Query |
targetLotId |
Target lot Id of the segment consumed lot |
integer (int64) |
Query |
workOrderId |
Id of the work order resource |
integer (int64) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not Found |
No Content |
500 |
Internal Server error |
No Content |
2.1.3. activties
GET /v2/bomandactivity/ids
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Query |
materialLotActualId |
materialLotActualId |
integer (int64) |
Query |
segmentActualId |
segmentActualId |
integer (int64) |
Query |
unitId |
unitId |
integer (int64) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
< integer (int64) > array |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not Found |
No Content |
500 |
Internal Server error |
No Content |
2.1.4. Update activity status
PUT /v2/bomandactivity/updateactivitystatus
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Body |
parentChildInfo |
Information related to parent lot and chlid lot |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
object |
202 |
Accepted |
object |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
No Content |
2.1.5. These end points are written for testing only
PUT /v2/bomandactivity/{activityid}/updateactivitystatuscomplete
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Query |
activityid |
activityid |
< integer (int64) > array(multi) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not Found |
No Content |
500 |
Internal Server error |
No Content |
2.1.6. These end points are written for testing only
PUT /v2/bomandactivity/{activityid}/updateactivitystatusskip
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not Found |
No Content |
500 |
Internal Server error |
No Content |
2.2. Context-type-controller
Context Type Controller
2.2.1. Get context type page resource
GET /contexttype
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Query |
page |
Page number to return 0 to N. |
integer (int32) |
Query |
size |
Number of resources to return per page. |
integer (int32) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
201 |
successful |
400 |
Invalid data supplied. See message for details |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Non-conformance not found |
No Content |
500 |
Internal server error |
No Content |
2.3. Defect-controller
Defect Controller
2.3.1. Create defect on discreate execution
POST /v2/defect-viewer/createDefects
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
201 |
successful |
< Resource«DefectViewInfo» > array |
400 |
Invalid data supplied. See message for details |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Non-conformance not found |
No Content |
500 |
Internal server error |
No Content |
2.3.2. Get defect based on Product Faimily, Product Code, Work Order, Material Lot, Receiver Number, NC Name, Disposition Plan Name
GET /v2/defect-viewer/getDefectQueueSearch
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Query |
defectStatus |
Status of the Defect as a filter Multiple values are supportedand the results contain all operations matching any of the values Available values: Submitted, Planned, Active, Closed, Not a defect Default for product is: Submitted and Active e.i. open defects |
< string > array(multi) |
Query |
page |
integer (int32) |
Query |
searchQueue |
Search text to find defects Supported fields are: Product Family, Product Code, Work Order, Material Lot, Receiver Number, Disposition Plan Name, NC Name |
string |
Query |
size |
integer (int32) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
successful |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
500 |
Internal server error |
No Content |
2.3.3. getDefects
GET /v2/defect-viewer/getDefects
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Query |
affected_quantity |
Number of Affected_quantity for the defect. |
< number (double) > array(multi) |
Query |
id |
ID for the Defect as a filter. |
< integer (int64) > array(multi) |
Query |
likeOnColumn |
On column which like operator is affected. |
string |
Query |
likeSearchValue |
On column which like search is applied. |
string |
Query |
modified_by |
User that last modified the Defect. |
< string > array(multi) |
Query |
modified_on |
Date that the Defect was last modified. |
< string > array(multi) |
Query |
nonConformanceId |
Id of the NonConformance resource. |
< integer (int64) > array(multi) |
Query |
operations |
List of Operation as a filter. |
< string > array(multi) |
Query |
orderBy |
enum (asc, desc) |
Query |
orderByColumn |
Name of the column to sort based on like lastModifiedOn. |
string |
Query |
page |
integer (int32) |
Query |
serialNos |
SerialNumber (e.g. Lot identifier) as a filter. |
< string > array(multi) |
Query |
size |
integer (int32) |
Query |
status |
Status of the Defect as a filter. Multiple values are supported and the results contain all operations matching any of the values Available values : Submitted, Planned, Active, Closed, Not a defect |
< string > array(multi) |
Query |
summary |
Summary of the Defect as a filter. |
< string > array(multi) |
Query |
workOrders |
List of work order Info as a filter. |
< string > array(multi) |
2.3.4. getDefectsObject
GET /v2/defect-viewer/getDefectsObject/{objectId}
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Path |
objectId |
Object id must be a Work Order Id, Material Lot Actual Id, Segment Actaul Id or Receiving Inspection Production Event Id |
integer (int64) |
Query |
object |
object |
enum (MaterialLotActual, WorkOrder, SegmentActual, RI_ProdEventId) |
Query |
page |
integer (int32) |
Query |
size |
integer (int32) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
successful |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
412 |
Precondition fail |
No Content |
500 |
Internal server error |
No Content |
503 |
Service unavailable |
No Content |
2.3.5. getOperationsBySearch
GET /v2/defect-viewer/getOperationsBySearch
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Query |
clockedOnOperator |
Currently clocked on operator as a filter. |
string |
Query |
completedAfter |
Filter results to return operations completed on or after this time Combines with CompletedBefore to define a time range. |
string (date-time) |
Query |
completedBefore |
Filter results to return operations completed on or before this time Combines with CompletedAfter to define a time range. |
string (date-time) |
Query |
lotIdentifier |
SerialNumber (e.g. Lot identifier) as a filter. |
string |
Query |
materialLotActualId |
ID of the material lot actual as a filter. |
integer (int64) |
Query |
onHold |
Whether the operation is currently on hold as a filterIf set to true, query will only return operations with active hold records. |
boolean |
Query |
operationName |
Name of the operation as a filter Note that operation names are unique only within a segment definition and not across segment definitions. |
string |
Query |
orderBy |
Name of the operation property to sort the results by. |
string |
Query |
page |
Page number to return 0 to N. |
integer (int32) |
Query |
plannedOrStartedOnUnitId |
for the unit that the operation is executing on OR planned to execute on if the operation is not started as a filter. |
integer (int64) |
Query |
plannedUnitId |
ID for the planned unit as a filter. The results contain all operations that have the ID in the planned unit set The planned unit set is specified in the segment definition. |
integer (int64) |
Query |
producedMaterialId |
ID for the material produced as a filter The material produced is defined by the segments definition for the work order. |
< integer (int64) > array(multi) |
Query |
productionLineId |
ID for the production line as a filter. |
< integer (int64) > array(multi) |
Query |
segmentActualId |
ID for the segment actual as a filter. Multiple values are supported and the results contain all operations matching any of the values. |
< integer (int64) > array(multi) |
Query |
segmentId |
ID for the segment as a filter. Note that segment IDs are unique only within a segment definition and not across segment definitions. |
integer (int64) |
Query |
size |
Number of resources to return per page. |
integer (int32) |
Query |
startedOnUnitId |
ID for the unit that the segment is executing on as a filter. |
integer (int64) |
Query |
status |
Status of the operation as a filter. Multiple values are supported and the results contain all operations matching any of the values Available values : NotReady, Ready, InProgress, Complete, Cancelled |
< string > array(multi) |
Query |
workOrderId |
ID for the work order as a filter. |
integer (int64) |
Query |
workOrderName |
Name of the work order as a filter. |
string |
Query |
workOrderPriority |
Relative priority of the work order as a filter. |
integer (int32) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
successful |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
403 |
Forbidden |
No Content |
404 |
Non-conformance not found |
No Content |
500 |
Failure |
No Content |
2.3.6. updateDefect
PUT /v2/defect-viewer/updateDefects
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Query |
defectId |
Defect Id of defect |
integer (int64) |
Query |
nonConformanceId |
Nonconformance Id of defect to be update |
integer (int64) |
Body |
requestBody |
Required information to be updated in defects |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
successful |
400 |
Invalid data supplied. See message for details |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found |
No Content |
412 |
Defect has been updated since the GET on which the submitted changes were made Response contains the current record. |
No Content |
500 |
Internal server error |
No Content |
2.3.7. Create defect for receiving inspection
POST /v2/defect-viewer/{contextid}/createdefects
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
contextid |
context id for receiving inspection |
integer (int64) |
Body |
defect |
Required information to create defects |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
201 |
successful |
< Resource«DefectViewInfo» > array |
400 |
Invalid data supplied. See message for details |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Non-conformance not found |
No Content |
500 |
Internal server error |
No Content |
2.3.8. getDispositionActions
GET /v2/defect-viewer/{defectId}/dispositionActions
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
defectId |
ID of the Defect as a filter. |
integer (int64) |
Query |
nonConformanceId |
ID of the Nonconformance as a filter. |
integer (int64) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
< Resource«DispositionActionInfo» > array |
400 |
Invalid data supplied. See message for details |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
2.3.9. getMateriallotactualsObject
GET /v2/defect-viewer/{workOrderId}/materiallotactuals
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
workOrderId |
Id of the work order resource |
integer (int64) |
Query |
parentMaterialLotActualId |
ID for the parent material lot actual as a filter. |
integer (int64) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
successful |
< string > array |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
412 |
Precondition fail |
No Content |
500 |
Internal server error |
No Content |
503 |
Service unavailable |
No Content |
2.4. Defect-history-controller
Defect History Controller
2.4.1. getDefectHistory
GET /v1/defect-history/{defectId}
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Path |
defectId |
defectId |
integer (int64) |
Query |
page |
page |
integer (int32) |
Query |
size |
size |
integer (int32) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Invalid data supplied. See message for details |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
2.5. Defect-type-controller
Defect Type Controller
2.5.1. getDefectTypes
GET /v1/defect-types-viewer
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Query |
pageNo |
Page number to return 0 to N. |
integer (int32) |
Query |
size |
Number of resources to return per page. |
integer (int32) |
2.6. Disposition-action-history-controller
Disposition Action History Controller
2.6.1. getDispositionActionHistory
GET /v2/dispositionActionHistory-viewer/getDispositionActionHistory/{nonConformanceId}
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Path |
nonConformanceId |
Object id must be a non-conformance Id |
integer (int64) |
Query |
page |
integer (int32) |
Query |
size |
integer (int32) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
successful |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
412 |
Precondition fail |
No Content |
500 |
Internal server error |
No Content |
503 |
Service unavailable |
No Content |
2.7. Disposition-controller
Disposition Controller
2.7.1. createDisposition
POST /v2/disposition/createDisposition
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Query |
dispositionPlanId |
Id of the dispositionPlan resource. |
integer (int64) |
Body |
disposition |
DispositionAction Details information to create dispositionAction. |
2.7.2. createDispositionNonSerialized
POST /v2/disposition/createDispositionNonSerialized
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Body |
nonSerializedDispositionInfoExtend |
Split and DispositionAction details to split the lots and create dispositionAction on them. |
< NonSerializedDispositionInfoExtend > array |
2.7.3. createEmptyDispositionActions
POST /v2/disposition/createEmptyDispositionActions
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Body |
dispositionPlanDefectIdDto |
DispositionAction Details to create empty dispositionAction. |
2.7.4. editCTP
PUT /v2/disposition/editCTP
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Query |
dispositionPlanId |
ID for the dispositionPlan as a filter for edit dispositionActions. |
integer (int64) |
Body |
disposition |
Disposition Details to edit Continue to process(CTP). |
2.7.5. updateDisposition
PUT /v2/disposition/updateDisposition
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Query |
dispositionPlanId |
Id of the dispositionPlan resource to update. |
integer (int64) |
Query |
previousDisposition |
Previous disposition done on the defect which will be updated with the given disposition. Currently applicable to MRB only, for updating CTP use edit CTP endpoint |
string |
Body |
disposition |
DispositionAction Details information to Update dispositionAction. |
2.7.6. validateForDisposition
POST /v2/disposition/validatefordisposition
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Query |
dispositionPlanId |
ID for the dispositionPlan as a filter for Validate dispositionActions. |
integer (int64) |
Body |
defectSerialNoInfo |
List of Details about defectSerialNumber. |
< DefectSerialNoInfo > array |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Validation Success |
< string, string > map |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found, work order id or operation id |
No Content |
422 |
Validation Fail |
No Content |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
No Content |
2.7.7. Create dispostion on receiving inspection
POST /v2/disposition/{contextid}/createDisposition
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
contextid |
context id for receving inspection |
integer (int64) |
Body |
nonSerializedDispositionInfoExtend |
DispositionAction Details information to create dispositionAction for Receving Inspection App |
< RINonSerializedDispositionInfoExtend > array |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
201 |
successful |
400 |
Invalid data supplied. See message for details |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Non-conformance not found |
No Content |
500 |
Internal server error |
No Content |
2.7.8. getDispositionActionByDefectId
GET /v2/disposition/{nonconformanceId}/{defectId}
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
defectId |
ID of the Defect as a filter. |
integer (int64) |
Path |
nonconformanceId |
ID of the NonconformanceId as a filter. |
integer (int64) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
< DispositionActionViewInfo > array |
400 |
Invalid data supplied. See message for details. |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found |
No Content |
2.8. Disposition-plan-controller
Disposition Plan Controller
2.8.1. createDispositionPlan
POST /v2/dispositionplans
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Body |
record |
Details about DispositionPlan to create. |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
201 |
Created |
400 |
Invalid data supplied: must not set dispositionPlanId property |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
2.8.2. getAllDispositionPlans
GET /v2/dispositionplans
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Query |
dispositionActionStatus |
Details of DispositionPlan Information as a filter If set to All query will only return all operations,If you set Open query will only return open Plans. |
enum (Open, All) |
Query |
pageNo |
Page number to return 0 to N. |
integer (int32) |
Query |
size |
Number of resources to return per page. |
integer (int32) |
2.9. Disposition-type-controller
Disposition Type Controller
2.9.1. getDispositionTypes
GET /v1/disposition-type-viewer
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Query |
contextid |
Context Id for Disposition Type |
integer (int64) |
Query |
pageNo |
Page number to return 0 to N. |
integer (int32) |
Query |
size |
Number of resources to return per page. |
integer (int32) |
2.9.2. getOperations
GET /v1/disposition-type-viewer/getOperations
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Query |
workOrderId |
List of all Operations for the specific workOrder Id. |
integer (int64) |
2.10. Ncm-patch-controller
NCM Patch Controller
2.10.1. modifyDispositionPlan
PATCH /ncmpatch/modifydispositionplan
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Body |
disposition |
Details on the DispositionPlan to Update. |
< DispositionPatch > array |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
successful |
204 |
No Content |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
500 |
Internal server error |
No Content |
2.11. Non-conformance-controller
Non Conformance Controller
2.11.1. createNonConfromance
POST /v1/nonconformance-viewer
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Body |
nonConformance |
NonConfromance Details to create. |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
201 |
Created |
400 |
Invalid data supplied: must not set nonConformanceId property |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Parent ncr-type not found. |
No Content |
2.11.2. getNonConformances
GET /v1/nonconformance-viewer/getNonConformances
Type | Name | Schema | Default |
Query |
page |
integer (int32) |
Query |
size |
integer (int32) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
< Resource«NonConformanceViewInfo» > array |
400 |
bad Requuest. |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found |
No Content |
2.12. Non-conformance-type-controller
Non Conformance Type Controller
2.12.1. getNonConformanceTypes
GET /v1/nonconformance-types-viewer
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Query |
paze |
Page number to return 0 to N. |
integer (int32) |
Query |
size |
Number of resources to return per page. |
integer (int32) |
2.13. Reason-tree-nodes-controller
Reason Tree Nodes Controller
2.13.1. reasonTreeConfiguration
GET /v1/treenodes-viewer
2.13.2. getReasonTreeNodes
GET /v1/treenodes-viewer/{id}
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
id |
Id of the ReasonTreeNodes resource. |
integer (int64) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
< ReasonTreeNodeDto > array |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
3. Definitions
3.3. ActivityRecordV2
Name | Description | Schema |
activityId |
Unique identifier of an activity |
integer (int64) |
activityType |
The info of an activity type |
asset |
The Asset (Unit) that identifies this location |
autoComplete |
Defines an activity is auto complete |
boolean |
commentsThreadId |
Thread Id of the comment to fetch the comments associated to it |
integer (int64) |
completedType |
Whether the activity was completed by user or system |
department |
The Department this location belongs to |
description |
The description of an activity |
string |
displayTypeId |
Unique identifier for this display type |
integer (int64) |
dueIn |
The duration an activity is due in |
integer (int64) |
duration |
The duartion an activity is completed in |
integer (int64) |
endTime |
The end time of an activity |
string (date-time) |
entryOn |
The time when an activity happen |
string (date-time) |
estimatedStartTime |
estimatedStartTime for activity |
string (date-time) |
eventNumber |
Creates a key an event can be-time Based event and product change event of an activity |
string |
executionStartTime |
The time when an activity actually started executing |
string (date-time) |
extendedInfo |
The mode of the custom form can be payload, embedded and the external opening of an activity to the another browser |
string |
externalLink |
An activity opens to an external link in another browser that is a custom activity |
string |
generalComment |
General comment associated with an activity |
string |
hasAvailableCells |
Checks for the cells availability |
boolean |
hasVariableAliasing |
Whether the activity variable hasVariableAliasing |
boolean |
keyId |
Event id of an activity |
integer (int64) |
keyTime |
Creates a time stamp for an event can be-time Based event and product change event of an activity |
string (date-time) |
line |
The Line this location belongs to |
locked |
An activity is locked |
boolean |
overdueComment |
The overdue comment of an activity |
string |
overdueCommentRequired |
The overdue comment is required |
boolean |
overdueCommentsThreadId |
Overdue comment thread this record is part of |
integer (int64) |
overrideLockPermission |
Permission to override the lock if an activity is locked by the user |
boolean |
percentComplete |
The percentage by which an activity is completed |
number (double) |
priority |
integer (int64) |
processOrder |
An activity process order related to |
product |
The product activity is performed on |
sheet |
The info of the sheet associalted with an activity |
skipComment |
The skip comment of an activity |
string |
skipCommentRequired |
The skip comment is required |
boolean |
skipCommentsThreadId |
Skip comment thread this record is part of |
integer (int64) |
startTime |
The start time of an activity |
string (date-time) |
status |
The info of the status of an activity |
tag |
string |
targetDuration |
The target duration when an activity actually complete |
number (double) |
testsToComplete |
Unique identifier of this comment record |
integer (int64) |
timeDue |
The time by which an activity is due |
string (date-time) |
title |
The title of an activity |
string |
user |
The user performing on an activity can be a syatem user |
3.4. ActivityUsers
Name | Description | Schema |
id |
Unique indentifier for the user id |
integer (int64) |
name |
The user name who is performing on an activity |
string |
systemUser |
Defines if user is a system user |
boolean |
3.5. BaseAssetInfo
Name | Description | Schema |
assetId |
The asset Id |
integer (int64) |
name |
The name of the asset |
string |
type |
The type of the asset |
enum (Department, Line, Unit, Group, Variable, ProcessOrder) |
3.6. BillOfMaterialInfo
Bill of Materials of a route.
Name | Description | Schema |
materialClass |
Material Class |
string |
materialId |
Id of the material |
integer (int32) |
quantity |
Quantity of the material |
integer (int32) |
uom |
Units of Measure of material |
string |
3.7. BomItem
Name | Schema |
bomItemId |
integer (int64) |
bomReallocationQuantity |
< integer (int64) > array |
3.8. BomResponse
Name | Schema |
isLastOperation |
boolean |
routeBillOfMaterials |
< object > array |
segmentBillOfMaterials |
< object > array |
3.9. ClockOnRecordViewer
Name | Schema |
clockOffTime |
string (date-time) |
clockOnTime |
string (date-time) |
clockedOn |
boolean |
id |
integer (int64) |
loggedInUser |
boolean |
operator |
string |
3.10. ContextType
Name | Description | Schema |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
deleted |
Example : |
boolean |
displayName |
string |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
name |
string |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.11. ContextTypeInfo
Name | Description | Schema |
contextTypeId |
integer (int64) |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
displayName |
string |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
name |
string |
requiresReview |
Example : |
boolean |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.12. DefectDTO
Name | Schema |
affectedObjectType |
string |
defectContextType |
string |
defectReasonLevel1Id |
string |
defectReasonLevel2Id |
string |
defectReasonLevel3Id |
string |
defectReasonLevel4Id |
string |
defectTypeId |
integer (int64) |
description |
string |
locationType |
string |
ncmTypeId |
integer (int64) |
summary |
string |
workOrder |
< WorkOrderInfo > array |
3.13. DefectHistoryViewInfo
Name | Description | Schema |
affectedObjectId |
string |
affectedObjectType |
string |
affectedQuantity |
Maximum value : |
number (double) |
affectedQuantityUnitOfMeasure |
string |
commentId |
string |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
defectCauseTreeId |
string |
defectContextType |
string |
defectHistoryId |
integer (int64) |
defectId |
integer (int64) |
defectReasonLevel1Id |
string |
defectReasonLevel1Name |
string |
defectReasonLevel2Id |
string |
defectReasonLevel2Name |
string |
defectReasonLevel3Id |
string |
defectReasonLevel3Name |
string |
defectReasonLevel4Id |
string |
defectReasonLevel4Name |
string |
defectTypeId |
integer (int64) |
defectTypeName |
string |
description |
string |
dispositionActionTreeId |
string |
dispositionActions |
< DispositionActionHistoryViewInfo > array |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
locationId |
string |
locationName |
string |
locationType |
string |
materialLotActualId |
integer (int64) |
materialLotActualStatus |
string |
modifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
nonConformanceId |
integer (int64) |
nonConformanceType |
string |
nonConformanceTypeId |
integer (int64) |
nonconformanceDescription |
string |
nonconformanceName |
string |
operation |
string |
operationId |
integer (int64) |
product |
productFamily |
propertyValues |
< PropertyValueInfo > array |
reportedBy |
string |
serialNumber |
string |
status |
string |
summary |
string |
version |
integer (int32) |
workOrder |
string |
workOrderId |
integer (int64) |
workOrderInfo |
< WorkOrderInfo > array |
3.14. DefectInfoExtend
Name | Schema |
affectedObjectId |
string |
affectedQuantity |
number (double) |
affectedQuantityUnitOfMeasure |
string |
commentId |
string |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
defectId |
integer (int64) |
defectReasonLevel1Id |
string |
defectReasonLevel2Id |
string |
defectReasonLevel3Id |
string |
defectReasonLevel4Id |
string |
defectTypeId |
integer (int64) |
description |
string |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
locationId |
string |
locationType |
string |
nonconformanceId |
integer (int64) |
propertyValues |
< PropertyValueExtend > array |
reportedBy |
string |
status |
string |
summary |
string |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.15. DefectNCMIdDto
Name | Schema |
defectId |
integer (int64) |
nonConformanceId |
integer (int64) |
3.16. DefectSerialNoInfo
Name | Schema |
currentoperationId |
integer (int64) |
defectId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionActionId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionTypeId |
integer (int64) |
materialLotActualId |
integer (int64) |
nonConformanceId |
integer (int64) |
operationId |
integer (int64) |
segmentActualId |
integer (int64) |
serialNumber |
string |
workOrderId |
integer (int64) |
3.17. DefectTypeViewInfo
Name | Schema |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
defectCauseTreeId |
string |
defectTypeId |
integer (int64) |
defectTypeName |
string |
dispositionActionTreeId |
string |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.18. DefectViewInfo
Name | Schema |
affectedObjectId |
string |
affectedQuantity |
number (double) |
affectedQuantityUnitOfMeasure |
string |
appliedSearchOn |
string |
commentId |
string |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
defectCauseTreeId |
string |
defectContextType |
string |
defectId |
integer (int64) |
defectReasonLevel1Id |
string |
defectReasonLevel1Name |
string |
defectReasonLevel2Id |
string |
defectReasonLevel2Name |
string |
defectReasonLevel3Id |
string |
defectReasonLevel3Name |
string |
defectReasonLevel4Id |
string |
defectReasonLevel4Name |
string |
defectTypeId |
integer (int64) |
defectTypeName |
string |
description |
string |
dispositionActionTreeId |
string |
dispositionActions |
< DispositionActionViewInfo > array |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
locationId |
string |
locationName |
string |
locationType |
string |
materialLotActualId |
integer (int64) |
materialLotActualStatus |
string |
ncLastModifiedBy |
string |
ncLastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
nonConformanceType |
string |
nonconformanceDescription |
string |
nonconformanceId |
integer (int64) |
nonconformanceName |
string |
nonconformanceTypeId |
integer (int64) |
operation |
string |
operationId |
integer (int64) |
product |
productFamily |
propertyValues |
< PropertyValueInfo > array |
receiverId |
integer (int64) |
receiverNumber |
string |
reportedBy |
string |
serialNumber |
string |
status |
string |
summary |
string |
version |
integer (int32) |
workOrder |
string |
workOrderId |
integer (int64) |
3.19. DispositionActionHistoryViewInfo
Name | Schema |
actionNote |
string |
commentId |
string |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
daReasonLevel1Id |
string |
daReasonLevel1Name |
string |
daReasonLevel2Id |
string |
daReasonLevel2Name |
string |
daReasonLevel3Id |
string |
daReasonLevel3Name |
string |
daReasonLevel4Id |
string |
daReasonLevel4Name |
string |
defectId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionActionHistoryId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionActionId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionActionPropertyValues |
< PropertyValueInfo > array |
dispositionPlan |
dispositionPlanId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionType |
dispositionTypeId |
integer (int64) |
elapsedTime |
integer (int32) |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
lastModifiedOperation |
string |
materialLotActualId |
integer (int64) |
materialLotActualStatus |
string |
modifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
name |
string |
operation |
string |
operationId |
integer (int64) |
product |
productFamily |
quantity |
number (double) |
serialNumber |
string |
status |
string |
version |
integer (int32) |
workOrder |
string |
workOrderId |
integer (int64) |
3.20. DispositionActionInfo
Name | Schema |
actionNote |
string |
commentId |
string |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
daReasonLevel1Id |
string |
daReasonLevel2Id |
string |
daReasonLevel3Id |
string |
daReasonLevel4Id |
string |
dispositionActionId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionPlan |
dispositionPlanId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionTypeId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionTypeName |
string |
dispositionTypeNameGlobal |
string |
elapsedTime |
integer (int32) |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
lastModifiedOperation |
string |
name |
string |
parentId |
integer (int64) |
properties |
< PropertyValueInfo > array |
quantity |
number (double) |
status |
string |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.21. DispositionActionInfoExtend
Name | Schema |
actionNote |
string |
commentId |
string |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
daReasonLevel1Id |
string |
daReasonLevel2Id |
string |
daReasonLevel3Id |
string |
daReasonLevel4Id |
string |
dispositionActionId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionPlanId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionType |
string |
elapsedTime |
integer (int32) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
name |
string |
properties |
< PropertyValueExtend > array |
quantity |
number (double) |
status |
string |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.22. DispositionActionViewInfo
Name | Schema |
actionNote |
string |
commentId |
string |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
daReasonLevel1Id |
string |
daReasonLevel1Name |
string |
daReasonLevel2Id |
string |
daReasonLevel2Name |
string |
daReasonLevel3Id |
string |
daReasonLevel3Name |
string |
daReasonLevel4Id |
string |
daReasonLevel4Name |
string |
dispositionActionId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionPlan |
dispositionType |
string |
dispositionTypeId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionTypeNameGlobal |
string |
elapsedTime |
integer (int32) |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
lastModifiedOperation |
string |
materialLotActualId |
integer (int64) |
materialLotActualStatus |
string |
name |
string |
operation |
string |
operationId |
integer (int64) |
product |
productFamily |
properties |
< PropertyValueInfo > array |
quantity |
number (double) |
segmentActualId |
integer (int64) |
serialNumber |
string |
status |
string |
version |
integer (int32) |
workOrder |
string |
workOrderId |
integer (int64) |
3.23. DispositionInfoExtend
Name | Schema |
defectSerialNoInfo |
< DefectSerialNoInfo > array |
dispositionAction |
dispositionPlan |
futureOrReworkOperations |
< OperationInfo > array |
3.24. DispositionPatch
Name | Schema |
defectId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionActionId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionPlanId |
integer (int64) |
nonconformanceId |
integer (int64) |
3.25. DispositionPlanDefectIdDto
Name | Schema |
defectNCMIds |
< DefectNCMIdDto > array |
dispositionPlanBody |
3.26. DispositionPlanInfo
Name | Description | Schema |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
dispositionPlanId |
integer (int64) |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
name |
string |
requiresReview |
Example : |
boolean |
reviewed |
Example : |
boolean |
reviewedBy |
string |
reviewedOn |
string (date-time) |
source |
string |
status |
string |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.27. DispositionPlanInfoExtend
Name | Schema |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
dispositionPlanId |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
name |
string |
requiresReview |
boolean |
reviewed |
boolean |
reviewedBy |
string |
reviewedOn |
string (date-time) |
source |
string |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.28. DispositionPlanViewInfo
Name | Schema |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
dispositionPlanId |
integer (int64) |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
name |
string |
requiresReview |
boolean |
reviewed |
boolean |
reviewedBy |
string |
reviewedOn |
string (date-time) |
source |
string |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.29. DispositionTypeInfo
Name | Description | Schema |
contextType |
< ContextType > array |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
dispositionTypeId |
integer (int64) |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
name |
string |
nameGlobal |
string |
requiresReview |
Example : |
boolean |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.30. DispositionTypeViewInfo
Name | Schema |
dispositionTypeId |
integer (int64) |
id |
integer (int64) |
name |
string |
nameGlobal |
string |
requiresReview |
boolean |
3.31. DocumentInfo
Documents of a route.
Name | Description | Schema |
link |
Link of the document |
string |
name |
Name of the document |
string |
3.32. IdNameValue
Name | Description | Schema |
id |
Unique identifier of this id of every pair/used across several services to represent a generic Id |
integer (int64) |
name |
Unique identifier of this name of every pair/used across several services to represent a generic name |
string |
3.33. Link
Name | Description | Schema |
href |
string |
rel |
string |
templated |
Example : |
boolean |
3.34. NonConformanceInfoExtend
Name | Schema |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
description |
string |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
name |
string |
nonConformanceId |
integer (int64) |
nonConformanceType |
string |
nonConformanceTypeId |
integer (int64) |
source |
string |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.35. NonConformanceTypeViewInfo
Name | Schema |
deleted |
boolean |
description |
string |
id |
integer (int64) |
nonConformanceType |
string |
nonConformanceTypeId |
integer (int64) |
3.36. NonConformanceViewInfo
Name | Schema |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
defectInfo |
< DefectViewInfo > array |
description |
string |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
name |
string |
nonConformanceId |
integer (int64) |
nonConformanceType |
string |
nonConformanceTypeId |
string |
source |
string |
status |
string |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.37. NonSerializedDispositionInfoExtend
Name | Schema |
defectSerialNoInfo |
dispositionPlanId |
integer (int64) |
newLotIdentifier |
string |
splitChildDispositionInfo |
< SplitChildDispositionInfoExtend > array |
totalQuantity |
integer (int32) |
3.38. Operation
Provides information on an operation by extending the properties of a segment actual info with denormalized related data.
Name | Description | Schema |
completedBy |
User that completed the segment actual. |
string |
completedOn |
Date that the segment actual was completed. |
string (date-time) |
completedQuantity |
Completed quantity for the operation. |
integer (int32) |
links |
Set of links on the resource. |
< Link > array |
lotIdentifier |
Lot identifier for material lot that the operation executes on. |
string |
lotPlannedQuantity |
Planned quantity for the material lot that the operation executes on. |
integer (int32) |
materialLotActualId |
ID of the material lot actual that the operation executes on. |
integer (int64) |
onHold |
Indicates whether the operation is currently on hold. |
boolean |
operationDescription |
Description of the operation |
string |
operationName |
Name of the operation |
string |
plannedUnitIds |
Reference to the unit that the operation is planned to execute on. |
< integer (int64) > array |
producedMaterialId |
Material produced by the Work order that this operation is part of. |
integer (int64) |
productionLineId |
Production line ID that the work order executes on. |
integer (int64) |
readyOn |
Date that the segment actual was made ready. |
string (date-time) |
segmentActualId |
ID of the segment actual for the operation. |
integer (int64) |
segmentId |
ID of the segment that the operation executes. |
integer (int64) |
startedBy |
User that started the segment actual. |
string |
startedOn |
Date that the segment actual was started. |
string (date-time) |
startedOnUnitId |
Reference to the unit that the operation is started on. |
integer (int64) |
status |
Status of the operation. |
string |
workOrderId |
ID of the work order that the operation is part of. |
integer (int64) |
workOrderName |
Name of the work order that the operation is part of. |
string |
workOrderPriority |
Relative priority of the work order. |
integer (int32) |
3.40. OperationViewer
Name | Description | Schema |
clockedOnRecords |
Clocked on users |
< ClockOnRecordViewer > array |
clockedStatus |
Clocked On User status clockedStatus |
string |
completedBy |
Completed user |
string |
completedOn |
Completed Operation time |
string (date-time) |
completedQuantity |
completed Quantity |
integer (int32) |
holdOn |
OnHold Operation time |
string (date-time) |
id |
integer (int64) |
lotIdentifier |
Lot name of the order |
string |
lotPlannedQuantity |
lot Planned Quantity |
integer (int32) |
materialLotActualId |
Lot id of the order |
integer (int64) |
onHold |
On Hold state of the Operation |
boolean |
onHoldBy |
OnHold user |
string |
operationName |
Segment Identifier of the work order |
string |
plannedUnitIds |
Operation planned on Units |
< integer (int64) > array |
product |
Product detail associated with workorder |
productId |
Product id of the workorder |
integer (int64) |
segmentActualId |
Segment actual id |
integer (int64) |
segmentId |
Segment id of the work order |
integer (int64) |
segmentStatus |
Segment status |
string |
startedOn |
startedOn Operation time |
string (date-time) |
startedOnUnitId |
Operation Started on Unit |
integer (int64) |
workOrderId |
Id of work order |
integer (int64) |
workOrderName |
Name of the work order |
string |
workOrderPriority |
Priority of the work order |
integer (int32) |
3.41. OperationsInfo
Operations of a route.
Name | Description | Schema |
id |
Id of the operation |
integer (int64) |
sequenceNumber |
Sequence number of the operation |
integer (int32) |
3.42. PageMetadata
Name | Schema |
number |
integer (int64) |
size |
integer (int64) |
totalElements |
integer (int64) |
totalPages |
integer (int64) |
3.43. PagedResources«Resource«ContextTypeInfo»»
Name | Schema |
content |
< Resource«ContextTypeInfo» > array |
links |
< Link > array |
page |
3.44. PagedResources«Resource«DefectHistoryViewInfo»»
Name | Schema |
content |
< Resource«DefectHistoryViewInfo» > array |
links |
< Link > array |
page |
3.45. PagedResources«Resource«DefectTypeViewInfo»»
Name | Schema |
content |
< Resource«DefectTypeViewInfo» > array |
links |
< Link > array |
page |
3.46. PagedResources«Resource«DefectViewInfo»»
Name | Schema |
content |
< Resource«DefectViewInfo» > array |
links |
< Link > array |
page |
3.47. PagedResources«Resource«DispositionActionHistoryViewInfo»»
Name | Schema |
content |
links |
< Link > array |
page |
3.48. PagedResources«Resource«DispositionPlanViewInfo»»
Name | Schema |
content |
< Resource«DispositionPlanViewInfo» > array |
links |
< Link > array |
page |
3.49. PagedResources«Resource«DispositionTypeViewInfo»»
Name | Schema |
content |
< Resource«DispositionTypeViewInfo» > array |
links |
< Link > array |
page |
3.50. PagedResources«Resource«NonConformanceTypeViewInfo»»
Name | Schema |
content |
< Resource«NonConformanceTypeViewInfo» > array |
links |
< Link > array |
page |
3.51. PagedResources«Resource«OperationViewer»»
Name | Schema |
content |
< Resource«OperationViewer» > array |
links |
< Link > array |
page |
3.52. Product
Name | Description | Schema |
code |
The product code |
string |
description |
The description of the product |
string |
id |
The unique ID of the product |
integer (int64) |
isSerialized |
The product Id is serialized or not |
boolean |
links |
< Link > array |
productFamilyId |
The id of the product family this product is a member of |
integer (int64) |
3.53. ProductFamily
Name | Description | Schema |
description |
The product family’s description |
string |
id |
The unique Id of the product family |
integer (int64) |
links |
< Link > array |
3.54. PropertiesDefInfo
Properties of a route.
Name | Description | Schema |
propertyDefinitionId |
Id of property |
integer (int32) |
propertyValue |
Value of property |
string |
templateId |
TemplateId of the property |
integer (int32) |
3.55. PropertyValueExtend
Name | Schema |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
originId |
integer (int64) |
propertyDefinitionId |
string |
propertyValueId |
integer (int64) |
value |
string |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.56. PropertyValueInfo
Name | Schema |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
dispositionActionHistoryId |
integer (int64) |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
originId |
integer (int64) |
propertyDefinitionId |
string |
propertyValueId |
integer (int64) |
value |
string |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.57. RINonSerializedDispositionInfoExtend
Name | Schema |
defectSerialNoInfo |
dispositionPlanId |
integer (int64) |
newLotIdentifier |
string |
riSplitChildDispositionInfoExtend |
< RISplitChildDispositionInfoExtend > array |
totalQuantity |
integer (int32) |
3.58. RISplitChildDispositionInfoExtend
Name | Schema |
dispositionAction |
dispositionPlan |
dispositionTypeId |
integer (int64) |
3.59. ReasonTreeNodeDto
Name | Description | Schema |
categoryId |
The categoryId of the reason |
integer (int64) |
categoryName |
The category name of reason |
string |
children |
The List of the reasonTreeNode |
< ReasonTreeNodeDto > array |
links |
< Link > array |
nodeId |
The Unique identifier of node |
integer (int64) |
parentNodeId |
The Unique identifier of parentNode |
integer (int64) |
reasonId |
The Unique identifier of reason |
integer (int64) |
reasonLevel |
The level can be 1-level1 2-level2 3-level3 4-level4 of reason |
integer (int32) |
reasonName |
The name of the reason |
string |
treeId |
The Unique identifier of tree |
integer (int64) |
3.60. Resource«ContextTypeInfo»
Name | Description | Schema |
contextTypeId |
integer (int64) |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
displayName |
string |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
links |
< Link > array |
name |
string |
requiresReview |
Example : |
boolean |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.61. Resource«DefectHistoryViewInfo»
Name | Description | Schema |
affectedObjectId |
string |
affectedObjectType |
string |
affectedQuantity |
Maximum value : |
number (double) |
affectedQuantityUnitOfMeasure |
string |
commentId |
string |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
defectCauseTreeId |
string |
defectContextType |
string |
defectHistoryId |
integer (int64) |
defectId |
integer (int64) |
defectReasonLevel1Id |
string |
defectReasonLevel1Name |
string |
defectReasonLevel2Id |
string |
defectReasonLevel2Name |
string |
defectReasonLevel3Id |
string |
defectReasonLevel3Name |
string |
defectReasonLevel4Id |
string |
defectReasonLevel4Name |
string |
defectTypeId |
integer (int64) |
defectTypeName |
string |
description |
string |
dispositionActionTreeId |
string |
dispositionActions |
< DispositionActionHistoryViewInfo > array |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
links |
< Link > array |
locationId |
string |
locationName |
string |
locationType |
string |
materialLotActualId |
integer (int64) |
materialLotActualStatus |
string |
modifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
nonConformanceId |
integer (int64) |
nonConformanceType |
string |
nonConformanceTypeId |
integer (int64) |
nonconformanceDescription |
string |
nonconformanceName |
string |
operation |
string |
operationId |
integer (int64) |
product |
productFamily |
propertyValues |
< PropertyValueInfo > array |
reportedBy |
string |
serialNumber |
string |
status |
string |
summary |
string |
version |
integer (int32) |
workOrder |
string |
workOrderId |
integer (int64) |
workOrderInfo |
< WorkOrderInfo > array |
3.62. Resource«DefectTypeViewInfo»
Name | Schema |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
defectCauseTreeId |
string |
defectTypeId |
integer (int64) |
defectTypeName |
string |
dispositionActionTreeId |
string |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
links |
< Link > array |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.63. Resource«DefectViewInfo»
Name | Schema |
affectedObjectId |
string |
affectedQuantity |
number (double) |
affectedQuantityUnitOfMeasure |
string |
appliedSearchOn |
string |
commentId |
string |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
defectCauseTreeId |
string |
defectContextType |
string |
defectId |
integer (int64) |
defectReasonLevel1Id |
string |
defectReasonLevel1Name |
string |
defectReasonLevel2Id |
string |
defectReasonLevel2Name |
string |
defectReasonLevel3Id |
string |
defectReasonLevel3Name |
string |
defectReasonLevel4Id |
string |
defectReasonLevel4Name |
string |
defectTypeId |
integer (int64) |
defectTypeName |
string |
description |
string |
dispositionActionTreeId |
string |
dispositionActions |
< DispositionActionViewInfo > array |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
links |
< Link > array |
locationId |
string |
locationName |
string |
locationType |
string |
materialLotActualId |
integer (int64) |
materialLotActualStatus |
string |
ncLastModifiedBy |
string |
ncLastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
nonConformanceType |
string |
nonconformanceDescription |
string |
nonconformanceId |
integer (int64) |
nonconformanceName |
string |
nonconformanceTypeId |
integer (int64) |
operation |
string |
operationId |
integer (int64) |
product |
productFamily |
propertyValues |
< PropertyValueInfo > array |
receiverId |
integer (int64) |
receiverNumber |
string |
reportedBy |
string |
serialNumber |
string |
status |
string |
summary |
string |
version |
integer (int32) |
workOrder |
string |
workOrderId |
integer (int64) |
3.64. Resource«DispositionActionHistoryViewInfo»
Name | Schema |
actionNote |
string |
commentId |
string |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
daReasonLevel1Id |
string |
daReasonLevel1Name |
string |
daReasonLevel2Id |
string |
daReasonLevel2Name |
string |
daReasonLevel3Id |
string |
daReasonLevel3Name |
string |
daReasonLevel4Id |
string |
daReasonLevel4Name |
string |
defectId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionActionHistoryId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionActionId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionActionPropertyValues |
< PropertyValueInfo > array |
dispositionPlan |
dispositionPlanId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionType |
dispositionTypeId |
integer (int64) |
elapsedTime |
integer (int32) |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
lastModifiedOperation |
string |
links |
< Link > array |
materialLotActualId |
integer (int64) |
materialLotActualStatus |
string |
modifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
name |
string |
operation |
string |
operationId |
integer (int64) |
product |
productFamily |
quantity |
number (double) |
serialNumber |
string |
status |
string |
version |
integer (int32) |
workOrder |
string |
workOrderId |
integer (int64) |
3.65. Resource«DispositionActionInfo»
Name | Schema |
actionNote |
string |
commentId |
string |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
daReasonLevel1Id |
string |
daReasonLevel2Id |
string |
daReasonLevel3Id |
string |
daReasonLevel4Id |
string |
dispositionActionId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionPlan |
dispositionPlanId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionTypeId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionTypeName |
string |
dispositionTypeNameGlobal |
string |
elapsedTime |
integer (int32) |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
lastModifiedOperation |
string |
links |
< Link > array |
name |
string |
parentId |
integer (int64) |
properties |
< PropertyValueInfo > array |
quantity |
number (double) |
status |
string |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.66. Resource«DispositionPlanViewInfo»
Name | Schema |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
dispositionPlanId |
integer (int64) |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
links |
< Link > array |
name |
string |
requiresReview |
boolean |
reviewed |
boolean |
reviewedBy |
string |
reviewedOn |
string (date-time) |
source |
string |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.67. Resource«DispositionTypeViewInfo»
Name | Schema |
dispositionTypeId |
integer (int64) |
id |
integer (int64) |
links |
< Link > array |
name |
string |
nameGlobal |
string |
requiresReview |
boolean |
3.68. Resource«NonConformanceTypeViewInfo»
Name | Schema |
deleted |
boolean |
description |
string |
id |
integer (int64) |
links |
< Link > array |
nonConformanceType |
string |
nonConformanceTypeId |
integer (int64) |
3.69. Resource«NonConformanceViewInfo»
Name | Schema |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
defectInfo |
< DefectViewInfo > array |
description |
string |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
links |
< Link > array |
name |
string |
nonConformanceId |
integer (int64) |
nonConformanceType |
string |
nonConformanceTypeId |
string |
source |
string |
status |
string |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.70. Resource«OperationViewer»
Name | Description | Schema |
clockedOnRecords |
Clocked on users |
< ClockOnRecordViewer > array |
clockedStatus |
Clocked On User status clockedStatus |
string |
completedBy |
Completed user |
string |
completedOn |
Completed Operation time |
string (date-time) |
completedQuantity |
completed Quantity |
integer (int32) |
holdOn |
OnHold Operation time |
string (date-time) |
id |
integer (int64) |
links |
< Link > array |
lotIdentifier |
Lot name of the order |
string |
lotPlannedQuantity |
lot Planned Quantity |
integer (int32) |
materialLotActualId |
Lot id of the order |
integer (int64) |
onHold |
On Hold state of the Operation |
boolean |
onHoldBy |
OnHold user |
string |
operationName |
Segment Identifier of the work order |
string |
plannedUnitIds |
Operation planned on Units |
< integer (int64) > array |
product |
Product detail associated with workorder |
productId |
Product id of the workorder |
integer (int64) |
segmentActualId |
Segment actual id |
integer (int64) |
segmentId |
Segment id of the work order |
integer (int64) |
segmentStatus |
Segment status |
string |
startedOn |
startedOn Operation time |
string (date-time) |
startedOnUnitId |
Operation Started on Unit |
integer (int64) |
workOrderId |
Id of work order |
integer (int64) |
workOrderName |
Name of the work order |
string |
workOrderPriority |
Priority of the work order |
integer (int32) |
3.71. RouteSegmentInfo
RouteSegment data tranfer object
Name | Description | Schema |
id |
id of the route Segment |
integer (int64) |
3.72. SegmentInfo
Segment data tranfer object
Name | Description | Schema |
billOfMaterials |
List of BillOfMaterials for an operation/route |
< BillOfMaterialInfo > array |
description |
Description of the segment. |
string |
documentReferences |
List of document references for operation/route level |
< DocumentInfo > array |
equipmentIds |
List of equipments. It is required to have equipments for each operation, but not route segment |
< integer (int64) > array |
id |
id of the route segment |
integer (int64) |
name |
Name of the segment. |
string |
properties |
List of properties for an operation/route |
< PropertiesDefInfo > array |
segmentType |
Type of the segment. Possible options are Segment, Reference |
string |
3.73. SegmentsDefinitionInfo
Segment data tranfer object
Name | Description | Schema |
schemaVersion |
Version of the segment. |
integer (int32) |
segments |
Details of operations except sequence number |
< SegmentInfo > array |
structure |
Structure represents all the operations and its sequence |
structureType |
Structure Type of segment. Possible options are Simple, TreeHierarchy |
string |
3.74. SplitChildDispositionInfoExtend
Name | Schema |
bomItem |
< BomItem > array |
dispositionAction |
dispositionPlan |
dispositionTypeId |
integer (int64) |
futureOrReworkOperations |
< OperationInfo > array |
splitLotChildLotEntry |
3.75. SplitLotChildLotEntry
Split lot child lot information - used by the split lot command to identify details of a child lot to create.
Name | Description | Schema |
completedQuantities |
Completed quantities for in-progress operations on the child lot |
< SplitLotCompletedQuantityEntry > array |
lotIdentifier |
Lot identifier for the child lot |
string |
plannedQuantity |
Planned quantity for the child lot |
integer (int32) |
3.76. SplitLotCompletedQuantityEntry
Split lot completed quantity information - used by the split lot command to identify completed quantity on an in progress operations for a child lot
Name | Description | Schema |
completedQuantity |
Completed quantity for the in-progress operation |
integer (int32) |
segmentId |
Segment ID for the in-progress operation |
integer (int64) |
3.77. SplitLotEntry
Split lot information - used by the split lot command to identify a material lot to split and details of the child lots to create.
Name | Description | Schema |
childMaterialLots |
Child material lot details |
< SplitLotChildLotEntry > array |
materialLotActualId |
ID of the material lot actual to be split |
integer (int64) |
newLotIdentifier |
Optional new lot identifier name for the material lot being split. This allows using the existing lot identifier for one of the child lots. Set to null to keep existing lot identifier on the parent. |
string |
3.78. StructureInfo
Name | Description | Schema |
operations |
List of operations and its sequence |
< OperationsInfo > array |
routeSegment |
Route segment Information |
3.79. WorkOrderInfo
fields should be valid
Name | Description | Schema |
affectedQuantity |
Minimum value : |
number (double) |
bomItem |
< BomItem > array |
lotIdentifier |
string |
materialLotActualId |
integer (int64) |
operationName |
string |
producedMaterialId |
integer (int64) |
segmentActualId |
integer (int64) |
segmentId |
integer (int64) |
serialized |
boolean |
splitLotEntrys |
< SplitLotEntry > array |
startedOnUnitId |
integer (int64) |
workOrderId |
integer (int64) |
workOrderName |
string |
4. Security
4.1. access_token
Type : oauth2
Flow : accessCode
Token URL : https://localhost:8443/uaa/oauth/authorize
Token URL : https://localhost:8443/uaa/oauth/token
Name | Description |
default |
Default oauth2 scope. |
4.2. resource_owner
Type : oauth2
Flow : password
Token URL : https://localhost:8443/uaa/oauth/token
Name | Description |
default |
Default oauth2 scope. |
4.3. implicit_grant
Type : oauth2
Flow : implicit
Token URL : https://localhost:8443/uaa/oauth/authorize
Name | Description |
default |
Default oauth2 scope. |
4.4. client_creds
Type : oauth2
Flow : application
Token URL : https://localhost:8443/uaa/oauth/token
Name | Description |
default |
Default oauth2 scope. |