1. Overview
Microservice containing the business logic for managing non-conformances during production.
1.2. Tags
context-type-controller : Context Type Controller
defect-controller : Defect Controller
defect-search-controller : Defect Search Controller
defect-type-controller : Defect Type Controller
disposition-action-controller : Disposition Action Controller
disposition-action-search-controller : Disposition Action Search Controller
disposition-plan-controller : Disposition Plan Controller
disposition-type-controller : Disposition Type Controller
history-controller : History Controller
ncm-patch-controller : NCM Patch Controller
non-conformance-controller : Non Conformance Controller
non-conformance-type-controller : Non Conformance Type Controller
2. Resources
2.1. Context-type-controller
Context Type Controller
2.1.1. getContextType
GET /contexttypes
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Query |
page |
Page number to return 0 to N. |
integer (int32) |
Query |
size |
Number of resources to return per page. |
integer (int32) |
2.1.2. getContextTypeById
GET /contexttypes/{id}
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
id |
Id of the DispositionType as a filter . |
integer (int64) |
2.2. Defect-controller
Defect Controller
2.2.1. getDefects
GET /nonconformances/{nonconformanceId}/defects
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
nonconformanceId |
Get all defect records for a nonconfomance. |
integer (int64) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Non-conformance not found |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
2.2.2. createDefects
POST /nonconformances/{nonconformanceId}/defects/createDefects
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
nonconformanceId |
Id of the Nonconformance resource. |
integer (int64) |
Body |
defect |
List of Defect details to create. |
< DefectInfo > array |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
201 |
Created |
< Resource«DefectInfo» > array |
400 |
Invalid data supplied. See message for details. |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Non-conformance not found |
No Content |
409 |
URL nc-id doesn’t match with request body nc-id |
No Content |
2.2.3. getDefect
GET /nonconformances/{nonconformanceId}/defects/{defectId}
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
defectId |
ID for the Defect as a filter. |
integer (int64) |
Path |
nonconformanceId |
ID for the Nonconformance as a filter for defect. |
integer (int64) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
non-conformance with given id doesn’t exists |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found |
No Content |
409 |
Wrong non-conformance for this defect |
No Content |
2.2.4. updateDefect
PUT /nonconformances/{nonconformanceId}/defects/{defectId}
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
defectId |
ID of the Defect to update. |
integer (int64) |
Path |
nonconformanceId |
Id of the Nonconformance resource. |
integer (int64) |
Body |
defect |
DefectInfo Details to update. |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Invalid data supplied. See message for details. |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found |
No Content |
412 |
Defect has been updated since the GET on which the submitted changes were made. Response contains the current record. |
No Content |
2.2.5. mapDispositionAction
POST /nonconformances/{nonconformanceId}/defects/{defectId}/dispositionActions
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
defectId |
ID for the Defect to map DispositionAction. |
integer (int64) |
Path |
nonconformanceId |
ID for the NonconformanceId as associated with defect. |
integer (int64) |
Query |
dispositionPlanId |
Id for the disposition planId to know defect is associated with which plan |
integer (int64) |
Body |
listDispositionAction |
Details of the dispositionAction to dispose defect |
< DispositionActionInfo > array |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
< Resource«DispositionActionInfo» > array |
208 |
Disposition action already mapped to defect |
No Content |
400 |
Invalid data supplied. See message for details. |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found |
No Content |
412 |
Defect has been updated since the GET on which the submitted changes were made. Response contains the current record. |
No Content |
2.2.6. getDispositionActions
GET /nonconformances/{nonconformanceId}/defects/{defectId}/dispositionActions
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
defectId |
ID of the Defect as a filter. |
integer (int64) |
Path |
nonconformanceId |
ID of the NonconformanceId as a filter. |
integer (int64) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
< Resource«DispositionActionInfo» > array |
400 |
Invalid data supplied. See message for details. |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found |
No Content |
412 |
Defect has been updated since the GET on which the submitted changes were made. Response contains the current record. |
No Content |
2.3. Defect-search-controller
Defect Search Controller
2.3.1. getDefects
GET /defects
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Query |
affectedObjectId |
affected Object Id of the Defect as a filter. |
< string > array(multi) |
Query |
affected_quantity |
Number of Affected_quantity for the defect. |
< number (double) > array(multi) |
Query |
defectContextType |
defect context Id of the Defect as a filter. |
< string > array(multi) |
Query |
id |
ID for the Defect as a filter. |
< integer (int64) > array(multi) |
Query |
likeOnColumn |
On column which like operator is affected. |
string |
Query |
likeSearchValue |
On column which like search is applied. |
string |
Query |
modified_by |
User that last modified the Defect. |
< string > array(multi) |
Query |
modified_on |
Date that the Defect was last modified. |
< string > array(multi) |
Query |
nonConformanceId |
Id of the NonConformance resource. |
< integer (int64) > array(multi) |
Query |
orderBy |
enum (asc, desc) |
Query |
orderByColumn |
Name of the column to sort based on like lastModifiedOn. |
string |
Query |
page |
integer (int32) |
Query |
size |
integer (int32) |
Query |
status |
Status of the Defect as a filter. Multiple values are supported. and the results contain all operations matching any of the values. Available values: Submitted, Planned, Active, Closed, Not a defect |
< string > array(multi) |
Query |
summary |
Summary of the Defect as a filter. |
< string > array(multi) |
2.3.2. getDefectQueueSearch
GET /defects/defectqueuesearch
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Query |
defectId |
List of Defect ID’s for the DefectQueue Search as a filter. |
< integer (int64) > array(multi) |
Query |
page |
integer (int32) |
Query |
searchQueue |
Search Defect with NCR name and Dispostion Plan Name |
string |
Query |
size |
integer (int32) |
Query |
status |
Status of the Defect as a filter. Multiple values are supported. and the results contain all operations matching any of the values. Available values: Submitted, Planned, Active, Closed, Not a defect |
< string > array(multi) |
2.3.3. getDefectIds
GET /defects/getDefectIds
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Query |
affectedObjectId |
affectedObjectId |
< string > array(multi) |
Query |
affected_object_type |
affected_object_type |
< string > array(multi) |
Query |
affected_quantity |
affected_quantity |
< number (double) > array(multi) |
Query |
defect_context_type |
defect_context_type |
< string > array(multi) |
Query |
id |
id |
< integer (int64) > array(multi) |
Query |
likeOnColumn |
likeOnColumn |
string |
Query |
likeSearchValue |
likeSearchValue |
string |
Query |
modified_by |
modified_by |
< string > array(multi) |
Query |
modified_on |
modified_on |
< string > array(multi) |
Query |
nonConformanceId |
nonConformanceId |
< integer (int64) > array(multi) |
Query |
orderBy |
enum (asc, desc) |
Query |
orderByColumn |
orderByColumn |
string |
Query |
status |
status |
< string > array(multi) |
Query |
summary |
summary |
< string > array(multi) |
2.3.4. getDefectIdsPaginated
GET /defects/getDefectIdsPaginated
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Query |
affected_object_type |
affected object type of defect as a filter |
< string > array(multi) |
Query |
affected_quantity |
Number of Affected_quantity for the defect. |
< number (double) > array(multi) |
Query |
defect_context_type |
Defect context type of defect as a filter |
< string > array(multi) |
Query |
id |
ID for the List of Defect as a filter. |
< integer (int64) > array(multi) |
Query |
likeOnColumn |
On column which like operator is affected. |
string |
Query |
likeSearchValue |
On column which like search is applied. |
string |
Query |
modified_by |
List of Users that last modified the Defect. |
< string > array(multi) |
Query |
modified_on |
List of Dates that the Defect was last modified. |
< string > array(multi) |
Query |
nonConformanceId |
Id of the NonConformance resource. |
< integer (int64) > array(multi) |
Query |
orderBy |
enum (asc, desc) |
Query |
orderByColumn |
Name of the column to sort based on like lastModifiedOn. |
string |
Query |
page |
integer (int32) |
Query |
size |
integer (int32) |
Query |
status |
Status of the Defect as a filter. Multiple values are supported. and the results contain all operations matching any of the values. Available values: Submitted, Planned, Active, Closed, Not a defect |
< string > array(multi) |
Query |
summary |
Summary of the Defect as a filter. |
< string > array(multi) |
2.3.5. getDefects
GET /defects/getDefects
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Query |
defectId |
List of Defect ID’s for the Defects as a filter. |
< integer (int64) > array(multi) |
Query |
page |
integer (int32) |
Query |
searchQueue |
Search Defect with NCR name and Dispostion Plan Name |
string |
Query |
size |
integer (int32) |
2.4. Defect-type-controller
Defect Type Controller
2.4.1. Create a DefectType
POST /DefectTypes
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Body |
record |
Record Info representing the DefectType to create. |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
201 |
Created |
400 |
Invalid data supplied: must not set DefectTypeId property |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
2.4.2. Get all DefectType records
GET /DefectTypes
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Query |
page |
Page number to return 0 to N. |
integer (int32) |
Query |
size |
Number of resources to return per page. |
integer (int32) |
Query |
type |
DefectType of the operation as a filter, different values are supported like All,false,true |
enum (true, false) |
2.4.3. Delete all DefectType
DELETE /DefectTypes
2.4.4. Get a DefectType record by id
GET /DefectTypes/{id}
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
id |
ID for the DefectType that the defect belongs as a filter Like: Locking unmatched,Paint Shop Defect,Welding Shop Defect |
integer (int64) |
2.4.5. Update a DefectType
PUT /DefectTypes/{id}
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
id |
ID of the DefectType to update. |
integer (int64) |
Body |
record |
Record Info representing the DefectType to Update. |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Invalid data supplied. See message for details. |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found |
No Content |
412 |
DefectType has been updated since the GET on which the submitted changes were made. Response contains the current record. |
No Content |
2.5. Disposition-action-controller
Disposition Action Controller
2.5.1. createDispositionAction
POST /dispositionplans/{dispositionPlanId}/dispositionactions
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
dispositionPlanId |
Id of the dispositionPlan resource. |
integer (int64) |
Body |
record |
Details of the DispositionActionInfo to create. |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
201 |
Created |
400 |
Invalid data supplied: must not set dispositionActionId property |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Parent disposition-plan id does not exist |
No Content |
2.5.2. getDispositionActions
GET /dispositionplans/{dispositionPlanId}/dispositionactions
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Path |
dispositionPlanId |
ID for the dispositionPlan as a filter for dispositionActions. |
integer (int64) |
Query |
page |
integer (int32) |
Query |
size. |
Number of resources to return per page. |
integer (int32) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Non-conformance not found |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
2.5.3. createDispositionActions
POST /dispositionplans/{dispositionPlanId}/dispositionactions/createdispositionactions
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
dispositionPlanId |
Id of the dispositionPlan resource. |
integer (int64) |
Body |
record |
List of Details of dispositionAction to create. |
< DispositionActionInfo > array |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
201 |
Created |
< Resource«DispositionActionInfo» > array |
400 |
Invalid data supplied: must not set dispositionActionId property |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Parent disposition-plan id does not exist |
No Content |
2.5.4. updateDispositionAction
PUT /dispositionplans/{dispositionPlanId}/dispositionactions/{dispositionActionId}
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
dispositionActionId |
Id of the dispositionAction to Update. |
integer (int64) |
Path |
dispositionPlanId |
Id of the dispositionPlan resource to update. |
integer (int64) |
Body |
record |
Details of the DispositionActionInfo to Update. |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Invalid data supplied. See message for details. |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found |
No Content |
409 |
Disposition Action belongs to some other disposition plan |
No Content |
412 |
DispositionAction has been updated since the GET on which the submitted changes were made. Response contains the current record. |
No Content |
2.5.5. getDefects
GET /dispositionplans/{dispositionPlanId}/dispositionactions/{dispositionActionId}/defects
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
dispositionActionId |
ID for the dispositionAction as a filter. |
integer (int64) |
Path |
dispositionPlanId |
ID for the dispositionPlanId as a filter. |
integer (int64) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
< Resource«DefectInfo» > array |
400 |
Non-conformance not found |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
2.5.6. getDispositionActionById
GET /dispositionplans/{dispositionPlanId}/dispositionactions/{id}
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
dispositionPlanId |
ID for the dispositionPlan as a filter for dispositionActions. |
integer (int64) |
Path |
id |
ID of the DispositionAction as a filter. |
integer (int64) |
2.6. Disposition-action-search-controller
Disposition Action Search Controller
2.6.1. getDispositionActionsByQuery
GET /dispositionActions/getDispositionActionsByQuery
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Query |
dispositionType |
List of DispositionTypes Like: clear,CTP,rework,scrap and use as is. |
< string > array(multi) |
Query |
id |
List of Id’s of the DispositionActions resource. |
< integer (int64) > array(multi) |
Query |
modified_by |
List of User’s that last modified the Defect. |
< string > array(multi) |
Query |
modified_on |
List of Dates that the Defect was last modified. |
< string > array(multi) |
Query |
orderBy |
Name of the operation property to sort the results by. |
string |
Query |
orderByColumn |
Name of the column to sort based on like lastModifiedOn. |
string |
Query |
page |
Page number to return 0 to N. |
integer (int32) |
Query |
propDefinition |
propDefinition |
< string > array(multi) |
Query |
propValue |
propValue |
< string > array(multi) |
Query |
size |
Number of resources to return per page. |
integer (int32) |
Query |
status |
Status of the DispositionAction as a filter. Multiple values are supported |
< string > array(multi) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Non-conformance not found |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
2.7. Disposition-plan-controller
Disposition Plan Controller
2.7.1. createDispositionPlan
POST /dispositionplans
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Body |
record |
Details on the DispositionPlanInfo to create. |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
201 |
Created |
400 |
Invalid data supplied: must not set dispositionPlanId property |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
2.7.2. getAllDispositionPlans
GET /dispositionplans
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Query |
dispositionActionStatus |
DispositionActionStatus of the operation as a filter,different values are supported like ALL,Open |
enum (Open, All) |
Query |
page |
Page number to return 0 to N. |
integer (int32) |
Query |
size |
Number of resources to return per page. |
integer (int32) |
2.7.3. deleteAllDispositionPlans
DELETE /dispositionplans
2.7.4. getDispositionPlanById
GET /dispositionplans/{id}
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
id |
Id of the dispositionPlan resource. |
integer (int64) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Invalid data supplied: must not set dispositionPlanId property |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found |
No Content |
2.7.5. updateDispositionPlan
PUT /dispositionplans/{id}
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
id |
Id of the dispositionPlan resource. |
integer (int64) |
Body |
record |
Details on the DispositionPlanInfo to Update. |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Invalid data supplied. See message for details. |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found |
No Content |
412 |
DispositionPlan has been updated since the GET on which the submitted changes were made. Response contains the current record. |
No Content |
2.7.6. deleteDispositionPlan
DELETE /dispositionplans/{id}
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
id |
Id of the DispositionPlan resource for delete. |
integer (int64) |
2.8. Disposition-type-controller
Disposition Type Controller
2.8.1. Endpoint to create Disposition Type
POST /dispositiontypes
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Body |
record |
Details on the DispositionType to create. |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
201 |
Created |
400 |
Invalid data supplied: must not set dispositionTypeId property |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
409 |
Type with that name already exists |
No Content |
2.8.2. getDispositionType
GET /dispositiontypes
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Query |
page |
Page number to return 0 to N. |
integer (int32) |
Query |
size |
Number of resources to return per page. |
integer (int32) |
2.8.3. deleteAllDispositionTypes
DELETE /dispositiontypes
2.8.4. Endpoint to update Disposition Type
PATCH /dispositiontypes
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Body |
record |
Detail of Disposition Type to be update. |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
202 |
Accepted |
400 |
Invalid data supplied. See message for details. |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found |
No Content |
406 |
Not acceptable |
No Content |
412 |
DispositionType has been updated since the GET on which the submitted changes were made. Response contains the current record. |
No Content |
2.8.5. getDispositionTypeById
GET /dispositiontypes/{id}
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
id |
Id of the DispositionType as a filter . |
integer (int64) |
2.8.6. Endpoint to update Disposition Type
PUT /dispositiontypes/{id}
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
id |
Id of Disposition Type to be update. |
integer (int64) |
Body |
record |
Detail of Disposition Type to be update. |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
202 |
Accepted |
400 |
Invalid data supplied. See message for details. |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found |
No Content |
406 |
Not acceptable |
No Content |
412 |
DispositionType has been updated since the GET on which the submitted changes were made. Response contains the current record. |
No Content |
2.8.7. deleteDispositionType
DELETE /dispositiontypes/{id}
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
id |
Id of the DispositionType to delete . |
integer (int64) |
2.9. History-controller
History Controller
2.9.1. Get defect history based on Defect ID
GET /history/defecthistory/{id}
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Path |
id |
ID for the Defect as a filter. |
integer (int64) |
Query |
page |
Page number to return 0 to N. |
integer (int32) |
Query |
size |
Number of resources to return per page. |
integer (int32) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
defect history not found |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
2.9.2. Get disposition action history based on Defect ID or Non-Conformance ID
GET /history/dispositionactionhistory/{id}
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Path |
id |
id must be a Non-Conformance ID or Defect ID |
integer (int64) |
Query |
idIs |
idIs |
enum (DefectId, NonConformanceId) |
Query |
page |
Page number to return 0 to N. |
integer (int32) |
Query |
size |
Number of resources to return per page. |
integer (int32) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
dispostionAction history not found |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
2.10. Ncm-patch-controller
NCM Patch Controller
2.10.1. modifyDispositionPlan
PATCH /ncmpatch/modifydispositionplan
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Body |
disposition |
Details on the DispositionPlan to Update. |
< DispositionPatch > array |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Success |
204 |
No Content |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
disposition action not found |
No Content |
2.11. Non-conformance-controller
Non Conformance Controller
2.11.1. createNonconformance
POST /nonconformances
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Body |
record |
Details on the Nonconformance to create. |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
201 |
Created |
400 |
Invalid data supplied: must not set nonConformanceId property |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Parent ncr-type not found |
No Content |
2.11.2. getAllNonconformances
GET /nonconformances
Type | Name | Schema | Default |
Query |
page |
integer (int32) |
Query |
size |
integer (int32) |
2.11.3. deleteAllNonconformances
DELETE /nonconformances
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
409 |
Found child resource on non-conformance, cannot be deleted |
No Content |
2.11.4. getAllNonconformances
GET /nonconformances/nonconformancesearchqueue
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Query |
defectId |
Id of the defectId record to return. |
< integer (int64) > array(multi) |
Query |
page |
integer (int32) |
Query |
searchQueue |
searchQueue for the Nonconformance as a filter. |
string |
Query |
size |
integer (int32) |
2.11.5. getNonconformanceById
GET /nonconformances/{id}
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
id |
Id of the nonconformance record to return. |
integer (int64) |
2.11.6. updateNonconformance
PUT /nonconformances/{id}
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
id |
ID for the Nonconformance as a filter. |
integer (int64) |
Body |
record |
Details on the Nonconformance to Update. |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Invalid data supplied. See message for details. |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found |
No Content |
412 |
Non-conformance has been updated since the GET on which the submitted changes were made. Response contains the current record. |
No Content |
2.11.7. deleteNonconformance
DELETE /nonconformances/{id}
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
id |
ID for the Nonconformance to delete the records. |
integer (int64) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Defect not found |
No Content |
409 |
Found child resource on non-conformance, cannot be deleted |
No Content |
2.12. Non-conformance-type-controller
Non Conformance Type Controller
2.12.1. createNonConformanceType
POST /nonconformance-types
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Body |
typeInfo |
Details on the NonConformanceType to create. |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
201 |
Created |
400 |
Invalid data supplied: must not set nonconformanceId or deleted properties |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
409 |
Type with that name already exists |
No Content |
2.12.2. getNonConformanceTypes
GET /nonconformance-types
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Query |
paze |
Page number to return 0 to N. |
integer (int32) |
Query |
size |
Number of resources to return per page. |
integer (int32) |
Query |
type |
NonConformanceType of the operation as a filter, different values are supported like All,false,true |
enum (true, false) |
2.12.3. getNonConformanceType
GET /nonconformance-types/{id}
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
id |
ID for the NonconformanceType as a filter. |
integer (int64) |
2.12.4. updateNonConformanceType
PUT /nonconformance-types/{id}
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
id |
ID for the NonconformanceType to update. |
integer (int64) |
Body |
typeInfo |
Details on the NonConformanceType to Update. |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Invalid data supplied. See message for details. |
No Content |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found |
No Content |
409 |
Type with that name already exists |
No Content |
412 |
Type has been updated since the GET on which the submitted changes were made. Response contains the current record. |
No Content |
2.12.5. deleteNonConformanceType
DELETE /nonconformance-types/{id}
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
id |
ID for the NonconformanceType to delete. |
integer (int64) |
3. Definitions
3.1. ContextType
Name | Schema |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
deleted |
boolean |
displayName |
string |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
name |
string |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.2. ContextTypeInfo
Name | Schema |
contextTypeId |
integer (int64) |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
displayName |
string |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
name |
string |
requiresReview |
boolean |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.3. DefectHistoryInfo
Name | Schema |
affectedObjectId |
string |
affectedObjectType |
string |
affectedQuantity |
number (double) |
affectedQuantityUnitOfMeasure |
string |
commentId |
string |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
defectCauseTreeId |
string |
defectContextType |
string |
defectHistoryId |
integer (int64) |
defectId |
integer (int64) |
defectReasonLevel1Id |
string |
defectReasonLevel2Id |
string |
defectReasonLevel3Id |
string |
defectReasonLevel4Id |
string |
defectTypeId |
integer (int64) |
defectTypeName |
string |
description |
string |
dispositionActionTreeId |
string |
dispositionActionsHistory |
< DispositionActionHistoryInfo > array |
dispostionActionId |
< integer (int64) > array |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
locationId |
string |
locationType |
string |
modifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
nonConformanceId |
integer (int64) |
nonConformanceType |
string |
nonConformanceTypeId |
integer (int64) |
nonconformanceDescription |
string |
nonconformanceName |
string |
parentId |
integer (int64) |
propertyValuesHistory |
< PropertyValueInfo > array |
reportedBy |
string |
status |
string |
summary |
string |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.4. DefectInfo
Name | Schema |
affectedObjectId |
string |
affectedObjectType |
string |
affectedQuantity |
number (double) |
affectedQuantityUnitOfMeasure |
string |
commentId |
string |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
defectCauseTreeId |
string |
defectContextType |
string |
defectId |
integer (int64) |
defectReasonLevel1Id |
string |
defectReasonLevel2Id |
string |
defectReasonLevel3Id |
string |
defectReasonLevel4Id |
string |
defectTypeId |
integer (int64) |
defectTypeName |
string |
description |
string |
dispositionActionTreeId |
string |
dispositionActions |
< DispositionActionInfo > array |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
locationId |
string |
locationType |
string |
ncLastModifiedBy |
string |
ncLastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
nonConformanceType |
string |
nonconformanceDescription |
string |
nonconformanceId |
integer (int64) |
nonconformanceName |
string |
nonconformanceTypeId |
integer (int64) |
parentId |
integer (int64) |
propertyValues |
< DefectPropertyValueInfo > array |
reportedBy |
string |
status |
string |
summary |
string |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.5. DefectPropertyValueInfo
Name | Schema |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
originId |
integer (int64) |
propertyDefinitionId |
string |
propertyValueId |
integer (int64) |
value |
string |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.6. DefectTypeInfo
Name | Schema |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
defectCauseTreeId |
string |
defectTypeId |
integer (int64) |
defectTypeName |
string |
dispositionActionTreeId |
string |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.7. DispositionActionHistoryInfo
Name | Schema |
actionNote |
string |
affectedObjectId |
string |
commentId |
string |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
daReasonLevel1Id |
string |
daReasonLevel2Id |
string |
daReasonLevel3Id |
string |
daReasonLevel4Id |
string |
defectContextType |
string |
defectId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionActionHistoryId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionActionId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionActionPropertyValues |
< PropertyValueInfo > array |
dispositionPlanId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionTypeId |
integer (int64) |
elapsedTime |
integer (int32) |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
lastModifiedOperation |
string |
modifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
name |
string |
quantity |
number (double) |
status |
string |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.8. DispositionActionInfo
Name | Schema |
actionNote |
string |
commentId |
string |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
daReasonLevel1Id |
string |
daReasonLevel2Id |
string |
daReasonLevel3Id |
string |
daReasonLevel4Id |
string |
dispositionActionId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionPlan |
dispositionPlanId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionTypeId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionTypeName |
string |
dispositionTypeNameGlobal |
string |
elapsedTime |
integer (int32) |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
lastModifiedOperation |
string |
name |
string |
parentId |
integer (int64) |
properties |
< PropertyValueInfo > array |
quantity |
number (double) |
status |
string |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.9. DispositionPatch
Name | Schema |
defectId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionActionId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionPlanId |
integer (int64) |
nonconformanceId |
integer (int64) |
3.10. DispositionPlanInfo
Name | Schema |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
dispositionPlanId |
integer (int64) |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
name |
string |
requiresReview |
boolean |
reviewed |
boolean |
reviewedBy |
string |
reviewedOn |
string (date-time) |
source |
string |
status |
string |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.11. DispositionTypeInfo
Name | Schema |
contextType |
< ContextType > array |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
dispositionTypeId |
integer (int64) |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
name |
string |
nameGlobal |
string |
requiresReview |
boolean |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.12. DispositionTypeInfoExtend
Name | Schema |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
dispositionTypeId |
integer (int64) |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
name |
string |
nameGlobal |
string |
requiresReview |
boolean |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.13. DispositionTypePatch
Name | Schema |
contextTypeId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionTypeId |
integer (int64) |
3.15. NonConformanceInfo
Name | Schema |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
defectInfo |
< DefectInfo > array |
description |
string |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
name |
string |
nonConformanceId |
integer (int64) |
nonConformanceType |
string |
nonConformanceTypeId |
integer (int64) |
propertyValues |
< PropertyValueInfo > array |
source |
string |
status |
string |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.16. NonConformanceTypeInfo
Name | Description | Schema |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
deleted |
Example : |
boolean |
description |
string |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
nonConformanceType |
string |
nonConformanceTypeId |
integer (int64) |
templates |
< string > array |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.17. PageMetadata
Name | Schema |
number |
integer (int64) |
size |
integer (int64) |
totalElements |
integer (int64) |
totalPages |
integer (int64) |
3.18. PagedResources«Resource«ContextTypeInfo»»
Name | Schema |
content |
< Resource«ContextTypeInfo» > array |
links |
< Link > array |
page |
3.19. PagedResources«Resource«DefectHistoryInfo»»
Name | Schema |
content |
< Resource«DefectHistoryInfo» > array |
links |
< Link > array |
page |
3.20. PagedResources«Resource«DefectInfo»»
Name | Schema |
content |
< Resource«DefectInfo» > array |
links |
< Link > array |
page |
3.21. PagedResources«Resource«DefectTypeInfo»»
Name | Schema |
content |
< Resource«DefectTypeInfo» > array |
links |
< Link > array |
page |
3.22. PagedResources«Resource«DispositionActionHistoryInfo»»
Name | Schema |
content |
< Resource«DispositionActionHistoryInfo» > array |
links |
< Link > array |
page |
3.23. PagedResources«Resource«DispositionActionInfo»»
Name | Schema |
content |
< Resource«DispositionActionInfo» > array |
links |
< Link > array |
page |
3.24. PagedResources«Resource«DispositionPlanInfo»»
Name | Schema |
content |
< Resource«DispositionPlanInfo» > array |
links |
< Link > array |
page |
3.25. PagedResources«Resource«DispositionTypeInfo»»
Name | Schema |
content |
< Resource«DispositionTypeInfo» > array |
links |
< Link > array |
page |
3.26. PagedResources«Resource«NonConformanceInfo»»
Name | Schema |
content |
< Resource«NonConformanceInfo» > array |
links |
< Link > array |
page |
3.27. PagedResources«Resource«NonConformanceTypeInfo»»
Name | Schema |
content |
< Resource«NonConformanceTypeInfo» > array |
links |
< Link > array |
page |
3.28. Page«long»
Name | Schema |
content |
< integer (int64) > array |
first |
boolean |
last |
boolean |
number |
integer (int32) |
numberOfElements |
integer (int32) |
size |
integer (int32) |
sort |
totalElements |
integer (int64) |
totalPages |
integer (int32) |
3.29. PropertyValueInfo
Name | Schema |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
dispositionActionHistoryId |
integer (int64) |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
originId |
integer (int64) |
propertyDefinitionId |
string |
propertyValueId |
integer (int64) |
value |
string |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.30. Resource«ContextTypeInfo»
Name | Schema |
contextTypeId |
integer (int64) |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
displayName |
string |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
links |
< Link > array |
name |
string |
requiresReview |
boolean |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.31. Resource«DefectHistoryInfo»
Name | Schema |
affectedObjectId |
string |
affectedObjectType |
string |
affectedQuantity |
number (double) |
affectedQuantityUnitOfMeasure |
string |
commentId |
string |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
defectCauseTreeId |
string |
defectContextType |
string |
defectHistoryId |
integer (int64) |
defectId |
integer (int64) |
defectReasonLevel1Id |
string |
defectReasonLevel2Id |
string |
defectReasonLevel3Id |
string |
defectReasonLevel4Id |
string |
defectTypeId |
integer (int64) |
defectTypeName |
string |
description |
string |
dispositionActionTreeId |
string |
dispositionActionsHistory |
< DispositionActionHistoryInfo > array |
dispostionActionId |
< integer (int64) > array |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
links |
< Link > array |
locationId |
string |
locationType |
string |
modifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
nonConformanceId |
integer (int64) |
nonConformanceType |
string |
nonConformanceTypeId |
integer (int64) |
nonconformanceDescription |
string |
nonconformanceName |
string |
parentId |
integer (int64) |
propertyValuesHistory |
< PropertyValueInfo > array |
reportedBy |
string |
status |
string |
summary |
string |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.32. Resource«DefectInfo»
Name | Schema |
affectedObjectId |
string |
affectedObjectType |
string |
affectedQuantity |
number (double) |
affectedQuantityUnitOfMeasure |
string |
commentId |
string |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
defectCauseTreeId |
string |
defectContextType |
string |
defectId |
integer (int64) |
defectReasonLevel1Id |
string |
defectReasonLevel2Id |
string |
defectReasonLevel3Id |
string |
defectReasonLevel4Id |
string |
defectTypeId |
integer (int64) |
defectTypeName |
string |
description |
string |
dispositionActionTreeId |
string |
dispositionActions |
< DispositionActionInfo > array |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
links |
< Link > array |
locationId |
string |
locationType |
string |
ncLastModifiedBy |
string |
ncLastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
nonConformanceType |
string |
nonconformanceDescription |
string |
nonconformanceId |
integer (int64) |
nonconformanceName |
string |
nonconformanceTypeId |
integer (int64) |
parentId |
integer (int64) |
propertyValues |
< DefectPropertyValueInfo > array |
reportedBy |
string |
status |
string |
summary |
string |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.33. Resource«DefectTypeInfo»
Name | Schema |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
defectCauseTreeId |
string |
defectTypeId |
integer (int64) |
defectTypeName |
string |
dispositionActionTreeId |
string |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
links |
< Link > array |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.34. Resource«DispositionActionHistoryInfo»
Name | Schema |
actionNote |
string |
affectedObjectId |
string |
commentId |
string |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
daReasonLevel1Id |
string |
daReasonLevel2Id |
string |
daReasonLevel3Id |
string |
daReasonLevel4Id |
string |
defectContextType |
string |
defectId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionActionHistoryId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionActionId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionActionPropertyValues |
< PropertyValueInfo > array |
dispositionPlanId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionTypeId |
integer (int64) |
elapsedTime |
integer (int32) |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
lastModifiedOperation |
string |
links |
< Link > array |
modifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
name |
string |
quantity |
number (double) |
status |
string |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.35. Resource«DispositionActionInfo»
Name | Schema |
actionNote |
string |
commentId |
string |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
daReasonLevel1Id |
string |
daReasonLevel2Id |
string |
daReasonLevel3Id |
string |
daReasonLevel4Id |
string |
dispositionActionId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionPlan |
dispositionPlanId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionTypeId |
integer (int64) |
dispositionTypeName |
string |
dispositionTypeNameGlobal |
string |
elapsedTime |
integer (int32) |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
lastModifiedOperation |
string |
links |
< Link > array |
name |
string |
parentId |
integer (int64) |
properties |
< PropertyValueInfo > array |
quantity |
number (double) |
status |
string |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.36. Resource«DispositionPlanInfo»
Name | Schema |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
dispositionPlanId |
integer (int64) |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
links |
< Link > array |
name |
string |
requiresReview |
boolean |
reviewed |
boolean |
reviewedBy |
string |
reviewedOn |
string (date-time) |
source |
string |
status |
string |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.37. Resource«DispositionTypeInfo»
Name | Schema |
contextType |
< ContextType > array |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
dispositionTypeId |
integer (int64) |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
links |
< Link > array |
name |
string |
nameGlobal |
string |
requiresReview |
boolean |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.38. Resource«NonConformanceInfo»
Name | Schema |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
defectInfo |
< DefectInfo > array |
description |
string |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
links |
< Link > array |
name |
string |
nonConformanceId |
integer (int64) |
nonConformanceType |
string |
nonConformanceTypeId |
integer (int64) |
propertyValues |
< PropertyValueInfo > array |
source |
string |
status |
string |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.39. Resource«NonConformanceTypeInfo»
Name | Description | Schema |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
deleted |
Example : |
boolean |
description |
string |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
links |
< Link > array |
nonConformanceType |
string |
nonConformanceTypeId |
integer (int64) |
templates |
< string > array |
version |
integer (int32) |
3.40. ResponseEntity
Name | Schema |
body |
object |
statusCode |
enum (100, 101, 102, 103, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 226, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 307, 308, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420, 421, 422, 423, 424, 426, 428, 429, 431, 451, 500, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511) |
statusCodeValue |
integer (int32) |
4. Security
4.1. access_token
Type : oauth2
Flow : accessCode
Token URL : http://localhost:8443/uaa/oauth/authorize
Token URL : http://localhost:8443/uaa/oauth/token
Name | Description |
default |
Default oauth2 scope. |
4.2. resource_owner
Type : oauth2
Flow : password
Token URL : http://localhost:8443/uaa/oauth/token
Name | Description |
default |
Default oauth2 scope. |
4.3. implicit_grant
Type : oauth2
Flow : implicit
Token URL : http://localhost:8443/uaa/oauth/authorize
Name | Description |
default |
Default oauth2 scope. |
4.4. client_creds
Type : oauth2
Flow : application
Token URL : http://localhost:8443/uaa/oauth/token
Name | Description |
default |
Default oauth2 scope. |