1. Overview
Microservice containing the business logic for configuring workflow and execution of the approval cockpit.
1.2. Tags
workflow-configuration-controller : Workflow Configuration Controller
workflow-event-controller : Workflow Event Controller
workflow-execution-command-controller : Workflow Execution Command Controller
workflow-execution-controller : Workflow Execution Controller
workflow-level-group-execution-controller : Workflow Level Group Execution Controller
2. Resources
2.1. Workflow-configuration-controller
Workflow Configuration Controller
2.1.1. Create Workflow Configuration
POST /api/v1/workflow-configurations
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Body |
workflowConfiguraionRequest |
workflowConfiguraionRequest |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
201 |
Created |
401 |
Unauthorized |
404 |
Not Found |
500 |
Internal Server error |
2.1.2. Query WorkFlow Configurations
GET /api/v1/workflow-configurations
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Query |
eventId |
Event id of the configurtion (Refer API /eventType ) |
integer (int32) |
Query |
page |
Results page you want to retrieve (0..N) |
integer (int32) |
Query |
size |
Number of records per page. |
integer (int32) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized |
404 |
Not Found |
500 |
Internal Server error |
2.1.3. Query Workflow details
GET /api/v1/workflow-configurations/{id}
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized |
404 |
Not Found |
500 |
Internal Server error |
2.1.4. Update Workflow Configurations
PUT /api/v1/workflow-configurations/{id}
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
id |
id |
integer (int64) |
Body |
workflowConfigurationRevisionRequest |
workflowConfigurationRevisionRequest |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized |
404 |
Not Found |
500 |
Internal Server error |
2.2. Workflow-event-controller
Workflow Event Controller
2.2.1. Query Workflow Events
GET /api/v1/workflow-events
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
< WorkflowEventInfo > array |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized |
404 |
Not Found |
500 |
Internal Server error |
2.3. Workflow-execution-command-controller
Workflow Execution Command Controller
2.3.1. Approves workflow level
POST /api/v1/workflow-executions/{id}/approve
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
id |
Id of the workflow execution. |
integer (int64) |
Body |
request |
request |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
object |
204 |
No Content |
object |
401 |
Unauthorized |
404 |
Not Found |
500 |
Internal Server error |
2.3.2. Rejects the workflow level
POST /api/v1/workflow-executions/{id}/reject
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
id |
Id of the workflow execution. |
integer (int64) |
Body |
request |
request |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
object |
204 |
No Content |
object |
401 |
Unauthorized |
404 |
Not Found |
500 |
Internal Server error |
2.3.3. Reverification of the approved workflow
POST /api/v1/workflow-executions/{id}/reverify
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
id |
Id of the workflow execution. |
integer (int64) |
Body |
rerequest |
rerequest |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
object |
204 |
No Content |
object |
401 |
Unauthorized |
404 |
Not Found |
500 |
Internal Server error |
2.4. Workflow-execution-controller
Workflow Execution Controller
2.4.1. Approval Details
GET /api/v1/workflow-executions/{id}/level-groups
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
id |
Id of the workflow execution. |
integer (int64) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
< ExecutionDetails > array |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized |
404 |
Not Found |
500 |
Internal Server error |
2.4.2. Add monitor group
POST /api/v1/workflow-executions/{id}/monitor-group
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
id |
Id of the workflow execution. |
integer (int64) |
Body |
monitorGroupRequest |
monitorGroupRequest |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
201 |
Created |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized |
404 |
Not Found |
500 |
Internal Server error |
2.4.3. Update monitor group
PUT /api/v1/workflow-executions/{id}/monitor-group/{monitor-group-id}
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
id |
Id of the workflow execution. |
integer (int64) |
Path |
monitor-group-id |
monitor-group-id |
integer (int64) |
Body |
monitorGroupRequest |
monitorGroupRequest |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
201 |
Created |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized |
404 |
Not Found |
500 |
Internal Server error |
2.5. Workflow-level-group-execution-controller
Workflow Level Group Execution Controller
2.5.1. Workflow Level Group Executions
GET /api/v1/workflow-level-group-executions
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Query |
level |
Level of the execution as a filter. |
integer (int32) |
Query |
onlyMyWorkflows |
Currently logged in user’s executions as a filter. |
boolean |
Query |
page |
Results page you want to retrieve (0..N) |
integer (int32) |
Query |
size |
Number of records per page. |
integer (int32) |
Query |
status |
status |
< enum (Pending, InProgress, Approved, Rejected) > array(multi) |
Query |
workflowExecutionId |
Id of the workflow execution as a filter |
integer (int64) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized |
404 |
Not Found |
500 |
Internal Server error |
3. Definitions
3.2. ExecutionDetails
Name | Schema |
groupinfo |
< GroupStatusInfo > array |
levelId |
integer (int32) |
levelName |
string |
3.3. Group
Name | Description | Schema |
groupName |
Security group name |
string |
groupType |
string |
securityGroups |
< string > array |
3.4. GroupInfo
Name | Schema |
groupName |
string |
groupType |
string |
groupTypeId |
integer (int32) |
levelGroupConfigId |
integer (int64) |
securityGroups |
< SecurityGroup > array |
3.5. GroupStatusInfo
Name | Schema |
groupName |
string |
groupType |
string |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
recievedReverification |
boolean |
status |
string |
3.7. Level
Name | Description | Schema |
escalationDueDays |
Escaltion due days |
integer (int32) |
groups |
< Group > array |
name |
Name of the Level |
string |
sequence |
Sequence of the Level |
integer (int32) |
3.8. LevelInfo
Name | Schema |
escalationDueDays |
integer (int32) |
groups |
< GroupInfo > array |
name |
string |
sequence |
integer (int32) |
3.11. MonitorGroupInfo
Name | Schema |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
groupName |
string |
id |
integer (int32) |
securityGroupName |
string |
3.13. MonitorGroupResponse
Name | Schema |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
name |
string |
securityGroupName |
string |
workflowExecutionId |
integer (int64) |
3.14. PageMetadata
Name | Schema |
number |
integer (int64) |
size |
integer (int64) |
totalElements |
integer (int64) |
totalPages |
integer (int64) |
3.15. ReverifyRequest
Name | Schema |
levelGroupExecutionIds |
< integer (int64) > array |
levelId |
integer (int32) |
3.16. RevisionGroup
Name | Schema |
groupName |
string |
groupType |
string |
levelGroupConfigId |
integer (int64) |
securityGroups |
< RevisionSecurityGroup > array |
3.17. RevisionLevel
Name | Schema |
escalationDueDays |
integer (int32) |
groups |
< RevisionGroup > array |
name |
string |
sequence |
integer (int32) |
3.18. RevisionMonitorGroup
Name | Schema |
groupName |
string |
id |
integer (int32) |
securityGroupName |
string |
3.20. SecurityGroup
Name | Schema |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
id |
integer (int32) |
name |
string |
3.21. WorkflowConfigurationInfo
Name | Schema |
createdBy |
string |
createdOn |
string (date-time) |
equipementId |
integer (int64) |
id |
integer (int64) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
lastModifiedOn |
string (date-time) |
lineId |
integer (int64) |
name |
string |
revision |
integer (int32) |
workflowEventName |
string |
3.22. WorkflowConfigurationInfoResponse
Name | Schema |
equipmentId |
integer (int32) |
eventId |
integer (int32) |
levels |
< LevelInfo > array |
lineId |
integer (int64) |
monitorGroup |
name |
string |
3.23. WorkflowConfigurationInfosPage
Name | Schema |
content |
< WorkflowConfigurationInfo > array |
links |
< Link > array |
page |
3.24. WorkflowConfigurationRequest
Name | Description | Schema |
equipmentId |
Equipement id of the workflow for forms configuration |
integer (int64) |
eventId |
Event id of the workflow |
integer (int32) |
levels |
Levels of the workflow |
< Level > array |
lineId |
Line id of the workflow |
integer (int64) |
monitorGroup |
Monitor Group of the workflow |
name |
Name of the workflow |
string |
3.25. WorkflowConfigurationRevisionRequest
Name | Schema |
levels |
< RevisionLevel > array |
monitorGroup |
3.26. WorkflowEventInfo
Name | Schema |
eventType |
string |
id |
integer (int32) |
name |
string |
3.28. WorkflowExecutionsPage
Name | Schema |
content |
< WorkflowLevelGroupExecutionInfo > array |
links |
< Link > array |
page |
3.29. WorkflowLevelGroupExecutionInfo
Name | Schema |
activityId |
integer (int64) |
groupName |
string |
groupType |
string |
id |
integer (int64) |
levelGroupCreatedOn |
string (date-time) |
levelId |
integer (int32) |
levelName |
string |
monitorGroupId |
integer (int64) |
monitorSecurityGroup |
string |
recievedReverification |
boolean |
requestId |
string |
requestName |
string |
revision |
integer (int32) |
status |
string |
workflowExecutionId |
integer (int64) |
workflowLevelGroupExecutionId |
integer (int64) |
workflowName |
string |
workflowStartedBy |
string |
workflowStartedOn |
string (date-time) |
4. Security
4.1. access_token
Type : oauth2
Flow : accessCode
Token URL : https://localhost/uaa/oauth/authorize
Token URL : https://localhost/uaa/oauth/token
Name | Description |
default |
Default oauth2 scope. |
4.2. resource_owner
Type : oauth2
Flow : password
Token URL : https://localhost/uaa/oauth/token
Name | Description |
default |
Default oauth2 scope. |
4.3. implicit_grant
Type : oauth2
Flow : implicit
Token URL : https://localhost/uaa/oauth/authorize
Name | Description |
default |
Default oauth2 scope. |
4.4. client_creds
Type : oauth2
Flow : application
Token URL : https://localhost/uaa/oauth/token
Name | Description |
default |
Default oauth2 scope. |