To adhere to API 581 Third Edition, Addendum 2, the 581- Atmospheric Tank Bottom Corrosion Damage Mechanism Age will now be adjusted if a Liner is Present. To facilitate this enhancement, a new table, Tank Bottom Internal Liner Types, has been added. Additionally, the Liner Condition, Liner Type, and Immersion Grade Coating Quality fields are now required when the Liner is Present field is set to Yes, and have been added in the DME_AST sheet in RBI_581_Data_Loader template. Note: The calculation of liner adjustment age, as per formula 5.1 under section 4.2.1 for Storage Tanks in API 581 3rd edition, 2nd addendum is incorrect as it does not give credit for online monitoring. APM has updated this formula to ensure credit is given for online monitoring while calculating liner adjustment age for tank bottom component. | US599965 |
To enhance usability and ensure data accuracy, the RBI 581 Risk Analysis is marked for recalculation if you update the following fields, which are used for Inventory Component Mass calculation:- Representative Fluid
- Operating Pressure
- Operating Temperature
- Diameter InnerDiameter
- Percent Liquid Volume
- Length or Piping Length if the component type is Piping
| US599904 |
To enhance usability and ensure data accuracy, if an RBI Component is inactivated, the RBI 581 Risk Analyses linked to all the RBI Components in the Inventory Group are marked for recalculation. To facilitate this enhancement, a new field named Calculation Required has been added to the RBI 581 Risk Analysis family. When an analysis needs recalculation, the Calculate button ( ) appears in orange colour. | US599903 |
To enhance usability, you can now capture the date on which the Risk or Damage Factor will exceed the threshold up to 30 years past the Plan Date on the RBI 581 Risk Analysis. To facilitate this enhancement, a new field named Risk Threshold Date has been added to store the resulting date. The number of years past Plan Date to calculate can be updated by setting the new field, Maximum Years for Risk Projection. | US594964 |
To adhere to API 581 Third Edition, Addendum 2, if coating fails at the time of inspection, the Coating Adjustment will be set to 0. To facilitate this enhancement, a new field named Coating Failure? has been added to the RBI 581 External Cracking Damage Evaluation and the RBI 581 External Damage Evaluation families. |
The Release Type calculation for RBI 581 Consequence Evaluations now adheres to API 581 Third Edition, Addendum2. To facilitate this enhancement, the Enable Release type calculation as per RFI-8388 preference has been removed from the RBI Admin Preferences; The Release Type field will now be calculated as per RFI-8388 automatically. | US591986 |
The Strength Ratio calculation for RBI 581 Thinning and Lining Evaluations and RBI 581 External Damage Evaluations now adheres to API 581 Third Edition, Addendum 2. To facilitate this enhancement, the Strength Ratio will only use equation 2.14/2.40/2.54, the formula including minimum thickness, when the Override Minimum Required Thickness is set to true. | US591983 |
The Age calculation on RBI 581 Cracking Damage Evaluations and RBI 581 External Cracking Damage Evaluations only considers the effective inspections now. To facilitate this enhancement, if the Highest Effective Inspection Level is Poorly Effective or Ineffective(None), the Date in Service is used instead of the Target Inspection Date in the Age and the Time Since Last Inspection calculations. | US579049 |
The display value of the Atmospheric Condition field on RBI 581 Cracking Damage Mechanism Evaluations and RBI 581 External Cracking Damage Mechanism Evaluations now adheres to the RBI 581 Specification. To facilitate this enhancement, the following system codes have been updated in the Atmospheric Conditions System Code Table:- MARINE description is now Moderate
- TEMPERATE description is now Mild
| US571823 |
The formula for calculating Age in RBI 581 External Cracking Degradation Mechanism Evaluations and RBI 581 External Degradation Mechanism Evaluations now adheres to API 581 Third Edition, Addendum 2. To facilitate this enhancement, the Coating Adjustment can now be overwritten using two new fields, Override Coating Adjustment and User Coating Adjustment. | US571822 |
To adhere to API 581 3rd Edition, Addendum 2, two new geometry types are now supported. To facilitate this enhancement, the following values have been added to the MI_581_Component_Geometry_Types System Code Table and will appear in the Geometry Type field picklist on RBI Component and RBI 581 Risk Analysis records- RECT- Rectangular Cross Section
- ELL- Elliptical Head
Also, the calculation of the Minimum Thickness field has been updated to account for the new geometry types. | US571821 |
To adhere to API 581 Third Edition, Addendum 2, the calculation for the RBI 581 Consequence Evaluation now supports several new materials. To facilitate this enhancement, the following Material Cost lookup fields have been added:
Material | Material Cost |
Organic Coatings < 80 mil | 1.2 | Fiberglass | 2.5 | Striped Lined Alloy | 3.3 | Organic Coatings > 80 mil | 3.4 | Acid Brick | 20 | Refractory | 20 |
These materials are also displayed in the Base Material and Cladding Material field picklists on the RBI Component and RBI 581 Risk Analysis records. | US571820 |
The formula for calculating susceptibility on 581-Alkaline Carbonate Stress Corrosion Cracking Degradation Mechanism Evaluations now adheres to API 581 Third Edition, Addendum 2. To facilitate this enhancement, the RBI 581 Calculate Susceptibility - Alkaline policy is deprecated and has been marked inactive. | US571819 |
The formula for calculating corrosion rate of carbon steel for 581-Hydrofluoric Acid Corrosion Degradation Mechanism Evaluation now adheres to API 581 3rd Edition, Addendum 2. To facilitate this enhancement, the following items have been modified:- The Catalog Query Public\Meridium\Modules\Risk Based Inspection - 581\Queries\Determine Corrosion Rate for HF CS
- Records in the HF Acid Corrosion Rate - Carbon Steel table
| US571818 |
The formula for calculating susceptibility on 581-Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking Degradation Mechanism Evaluations now adheres to API 581 Third Edition, Addendum 2. To facilitate this enhancement:- The Oxygen Concentration and the Deposits Present fields have been added to the RBI 581 Cracking Damage Evaluation family.
- The RBI 581 Calculate Susceptibility - CISCC policy is deprecated and has been marked inactive.
| US571816 |
The formula for calculating Component Damage Cost on RBI 581 Consequence Evaluations now adheres to API 581 Third Edition, Addendum 2. To facilitate this enhancement, a new field, Cost Escalation Factor, has been added to the RBI 581 Consequence Evaluation family with a default value of 1. | US571815 |
You can now generate RBI 581 Recommendations for Heat Exchanger-Channel components. To facilitate this enhancement, the following queries have been modified:Public\Meridium\Modules\Risk Based Inspection - 581\Queries\Component Type filter query Public\Meridium\Modules\Risk Based Inspection - 581\Queries\Component Type filter for Ext and Thin
| US571467 |
Only effective Inspections will now be considered for RBI 581 Degradation Mechanism Evaluations. To facilitate this enhancement, Inspections with Ineffective confidence will not be considered when setting the Last Known Inspection Date field for RBI 581 Degradation Mechanism Evaluations. | US569635 |
To enhance usability, you can now determine Susceptibility Type of a Component from Inspection History. To facilitate this enhancement, a new field, Cracking Detected?, has been added to the Inspection Confidence Evaluation family. You can access this field from the Inspection Confidence section of an Inspection. When Inspections are linked to RBI 581 Cracking Damage Evaluation or RBI 581 External Cracking Damage Evaluation, if Cracking Detected?, is selected for any of the linked Inspections, the Susceptibility Type will be set to Detected. | US569500 |
To enhance usability, you can now inactivate an RBI Component linked to an Inventory Group, which will in turn be removed from the Inventory Group. | DE204733 |
To ensure that updated calculation inputs are considered, if the Use Calculated Inventory field is true on RBI 581 Consequence Evaluations, then the Inventory Group Mass and Inventory Component Mass fields will be populated when calculating the related RBI 581 Risk Analysis. To facilitate this enhancement, now, Inventory Group Mass and Inventory Component Mass fields will not get updated before calculating the analysis. | DE156510 |