Configure Context Parameters


  1. In the APM Connect Administration Center, in the Job Conductor workspace, select the MAXIMO_MASTER_INTERFACE Job.
  2. At the bottom of the Job Conductor workspace, select Context parameters.

    The Context parameters section appears, displaying the following parameters:

    Context ParameterDescription
    CONFIG_FILE_DIRECTORYThe file path to context files for the jobs.
    SYSTEM_TO_RUNName of the folder in which the context file is stored, and is the <system name> folder.
    LOG4J_CONFIG_FILEThe file path for Log4j.
    RUN_WORKHISTORYThe Work History Job.
    RUN_EQUIPMENTThe Equipment Job.
    RUN_FLOCThe Functional Location Job.
  3. Select the Active check box for each parameter whose custom value you want to edit.
  4. To save the custom value, press Enter.
  5. In the CONFIG_FILE_DIRECTORY Custom value box, enter the directory where the context files are stored. If the default configuration was followed, the path will be the following: <root:>\APMConnect\Config.
  6. Press Enter.
  7. In the SYSTEM_TO_RUN Custom value box enter:
    • The name of the system directory from which you want to extract data.


    • * to extract from all systems.
  8. Press Enter.
    The master job is configured.