Perform a Bulk Analysis

When you perform a bulk analysis, the following analyses will be updated:


  1. Access the Thickness Monitoring Overview page.

  2. Select the Assets tab or the Assets Requiring a Calculation tab.

    The corresponding section appears.

  3. If you want to analyze all the assets in the list, select Bulk Analyze in the upper-right corner of the section.


    If you want to analyze a subset of the available assets, then select the check box for each asset that you want to analyze, and then select Bulk Analyze in the upper-right corner of the section.

    A message appears, asking you to confirm that you want to validate and analyze the assets.

  4. Select Yes.

    The Bulk Analyze window appears, displaying the calculation progress and a log detailing any errors. If the calculation fails, a list of the required fields appear in an error report at the bottom of the Bulk Analyze window.

    The Bulk Analyze window

  5. After the calculation is complete:

    Note: If the calculation is still in progress, a message appears, stating that the calculation continues even after you close the Bulk Analyze window. If the calculation is complete, then the window closes, and the lists of assets in the Assets and Assets Requiring a Calculation sections on the Thickness Monitoring Overview page are updated.
  1. If you want to view the status of all the bulk analyze operations, in the upper-right corner of the Thickness Monitoring Overview page, select .

    The page appears, displaying a list of all the operations in GE Digital APM that are in progress, along with the percentage of completion. You can also access a list of operations that have been successful or have failed. On the Schedule Logs page, the Description of the operation appears as TM Bulk Analysis.

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