Testing/Faults Records

This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Testing/Faults family and appear on the Testing/Faults datasheet, unless otherwise specified. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.


Data Type


Behavior and Usage

Design Requirements to Support Testing Text The design details for testing the SIS. On the datasheet, this field appears as a text box, in which you can enter the SIS testing details.
Fault or Failure Alarms or Status Indicators Text The failure, diagnostics, faults and other indicators. On the datasheet, this field appears as a text box, in which you can enter the SIS failures, faults, diagnostics and other indicators that are available during testing.
Is Default Logical Indicates whether the record is the default one. If set true, then the SRS Template is a default template for the category supplied by GE Digital.
Last Modified By Character The name of the user who last modified the record. On the datasheet, this field is disabled and updated automatically whenever the record is modified.
Last Modified Date Date The date on which the record was last modified. On the datasheet, this field is disabled and populated automatically.
Revision Number Numeric A number that represents the number of times the record has been revised. On the datasheet, this field is disabled and populated.
SIF Common Cause Sources Text The common cause failure possible for SIS. On the datasheet, this field appears as a text box, in which you can enter the common cause failures that can trigger the SIS operation.
SIF Pre-Alarms Text The alarms. On the datasheet, this field appears as a text box, in which you can enter the SIS alarms.
SIF Trip Reset Text The method and steps to reset an SIS after a trip. On the datasheet, this field appears as a text box, in which you can describe the method to reset SIS after a trip.
SRS Template Description Character A description of the record. On the datasheet, this field appears as a text box labeled Description, in which you can enter a description of the record.
SRS Template ID Character The ID of the record. On the datasheet, this field appears as a text box labeled Field ID, in which you can type the ID.
Testing interval Text The field describes how often the safety system is expected to be tested (proof testing interval) On the datasheet, this field appears as a text box, in which you can enter the SIS proof testing interval details including partial proof testing interval details.
Testing methods Text The field describes the methodology for the safety system proof testing. On the datasheet, this field appears as a text box, in which you can enter the SIS proof testing step details including partial proof testing step details.

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