SIS Proof Test Template Records

SIS Proof Test Template records store details about the proof test template that they represent. This topic provides a list of the fields that exist in the SIS Proof Test Template family.

This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will then only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. See the Site Filtering section of the documentation for more information on using this feature.

Field Data Type Description Behavior and Usage



The name of the user who defined the proof test template.

This field contains a list of all the users in the GE Digital APM system. When you create a Proof Test Template, this field is populated with the name of the user who is currently logged in.

Modified By Character The name of the user who last modified the SIS Proof Test Template. This field is disabled and populated with the name of the person who is currently logged in.
Modified Date Date The date on which the Proof Test Template was last modified. This field is disabled and populated.
Pre-Test Conditions Text A description of the required conditions of the equipment or system on which the proof test will be performed. None
Template Description Character A brief description of the proof test. None
Template ID Character The ID for the proof test template.

This field is populated with a default value in this format:

PTT - <ID of the Instrumented Function or the Logic Solver> - <date and time of creating the template>

You can modify this value if required. This value must be unique.

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