SIL Analysis records store details about an SIL analysis. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the SIL Analysis family. The information in this table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.
This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will then only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. See the Site Filtering section of the documentation for more information on using this feature.
Field | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
Analysis Description |
Character |
A brief description for the SIL analysis. |
None |
Analysis End Date | Date | The date on which the SIL analysis will end. | You can enter or select the appropriate date. The start date must be later than the date in the Analysis Start Date field, or an error message will appear. When you copy an SIL Analysis, the value in this field is not copied to the new record. |
Analysis ID | Character | The ID for the SIL analysis. | This field is required and must be unique. If you access an existing SIL Analysis and delete the value in the Analysis ID field, if you then re-enter that same value and try to save the record, an error message will appear, indicating that the Analysis ID already exists. |
Analysis Re-evaluation | Number | A number indicating how many years after the completion of the Hazards Analysis that is associated with the SIL analysis that the Hazards Analysis should be re-evaluated. |
On the datasheet, this field appears as a text box that is labeled Hazards Next Reevaluation Interval with an additional label, Years, to the right of the text box. If the SIL Analysis is linked to a Hazards Analysis, this field is populated automatically with the value in the Reevaluation Interval field in the Hazards Analysis that is linked to this SIL Analysis.
Analysis Start Date | Date | The date on which this SIL analysis was started. | You can enter or select the appropriate date. The analysis start date must be earlier than
the end date of the analysis, or an error message will appear.
When you copy an SIL Analysis, this field is populated automatically with the current date. |
Equipment ID | Character | The ID for the Equipment that is linked to this SIL analysis. This is the equipment for which the SIS exists to mitigate the risk of failure on that equipment. | On the datasheet, this field is disabled and contains a |
Equipment Key | Number | The Entity Key of the Equipment that is linked to the SIL Analysis. | By default, this field does not appear on the SIL Analysis datasheet. |
Facilitator | Character | The name of the SIL analysis team member who is specified as the Facilitator on the SIL Analysis Team page. | By default, this field does not appear on the SIL Analysis datasheet. |
Functional Location ID | Character | The ID for the Functional Location that is linked to this SIL Analysis. | On the datasheet, this field is disabled and contains a |
Functional Location ID | Number | The Entity Key of the Functional Location that is linked to the SIL Analysis. | By default, this field does not appear on the SIL Analysis datasheet. |
Hazards Analysis Date | Date | The value that exists in the Last Modified Date field in the Hazards Analysis whose record ID appears in the Hazards Analysis Reference field. | If the SIL Analysis is linked to a Hazards Analysis, this field is populated with the value in the Last Modified Date field in that Hazards Analysis. If the SIL Analysis is not linked to a Hazards Analysis, this field is enabled, and you can enter a value. |
Hazards Analysis Reference | Character | The ID of the Hazards Analysis that is linked to the SIL Analysis. | On the datasheet, this field is disabled and contains a The Hazards Analysis ID appears as a hyperlink, which opens in a new window the Hazards Analysis with that ID. Note: In order to link a Hazards Analysis to an SIL Analysis, you must have at least View privileges to the Hazards Analysis family. |
Hazards Analysis Reference Key | Number | The Entity Key for the Hazards Analysis that is linked to the SIL Analysis. | By default, this field does not appear on the SIL Analysis datasheet. |
Hazards Analysis Reevaluation Date | Date | The date on which the Hazards Analysis that is associated with the SIL analysis should be re-evaluated. | This field is populated automatically with the output of the following calculation:
Hazards Reevaluation Date = Hazards Analysis Date + Analysis Re-evaluation If the SIL Analysis is not linked to a Hazards Analysis (i.e., the record from which the values in the calculation shown above are mapped), this field is enabled, and you can enter a value manually. On the datasheet, this field is labeled HAZOPS Reevaluation Date. |
Hazards Analysis Revision | Character | The numeric value that exists in the Revision Number field in the Hazards Analysis whose Record ID appears in the Hazards Analysis Reference field. | If the SIL analysis is linked to a Hazards Analysis, this field is populated with the value in the Revision Number field in that Hazards Analysis. If the SIL Analysis is not linked to a Hazards Analysis, this field is enabled, and you can populate it manually. |
Hazards Analysis State | Character | The current state of the Hazards Analysis that is linked to the SIL Analysis. | If the SIL Analysis is linked to a Hazards Analysis, this field is populated with the state of that Hazards Analysis. If the SIL Analysis is not linked to a Hazards Analysis, this field is enabled, and you can enter a value. |
Is Deleted | Logical | Specifies whether the SIL Analysis has been removed from the SIL Analysis search results. | The value in this field is used by the GE Digital APM system. You should not modify this value. By default, this field does not appear on the SIL Analysis datasheet. |
Last Modified By | Character | The name of the GE Digital APM Security User who last modified the record. | This field is disabled and populated with the name of the user who was logged in when the record was last modified. When you copy an SIL Analysis, the value in this field is not copied. |
Last Modified Date | Date | The date on which the record was last modified. | This field is disabled and populated. When you copy an SIL Analysis, the value in this field is not copied. |
Logic Solver Failure Response | Text | A description of how the logic solver responds to a failure. | The value in this field is set by default. You can remove the default value and enter your own values. This field contains a button, which you can select to access the Text Editor. |
Long Description | Text | A detailed explanation of the SIL analysis that you want to conduct. | None |
Loss of SIS Energy Sources | Text | A description of how the safety instrumented system responds to a loss of energy. | The value in this field is set by default. You can remove the default text and enter your own values. |
Normal Operation Requirement | Text | A description of the requirements for the normal mode of the instrumented function. | The value in this field is set by default. You can remove the default value and enter your own values. |
Owner | Character | The name of the SIL analysis team member who is specified as the Process Owner of the SIL Analysis. | This field is disabled and populated automatically with the first and last name of the team member as it appears in the First Name and Last Name fields in the user's Human Resource record. |
Process Owner | Character | The name of the SIL analysis team member who is specified as the Process Owner of the SIL Analysis. | This value is used to populate the Owner field and does not appear on the SIL Analysis datasheet by default. |
Requirement for SRS Review | Text | A description of the requirement for the safety requirement review. | The value in this field is set by default. You can remove the default value and enter your own values. |
SIF Bypass Requirements | Text | A description of the bypass requirements for the instrumented function. | The value in this field is set by default. You can remove the default value and enter your own values. |
SIF Common Cause Sources | Text | A description of the sources for common cause failures in instrumented functions. | The value in this field is set by default. You can remove the default value and enter your own values. |
SIF Demand Mode of operation | Text | A description of the demand mode associated with an instrumented function. | The value in this field is set by default. You can remove the default value and enter your own values. |
SIF Diagnostics | Text | A description of component diagnostics for an instrumented function. | The value in this field is set by default. You can remove the default value and enter your own values. |
SIF Emergency Requirement | Text | A description of the requirement for an instrumented function in the case of emergency. | The value in this field is set by default. You can remove the default value and enter your own values. |
SIF Failure Modes | Text | A description of the configuration of instrumented function failure modes. | The value in this field is set by default. You can remove the default value and enter your own values. |
SIF Maintenance Overrides | Text | A description of the manual override procedures needed for maintenance on an instrumented function. | The value in this field is set by default. You can remove the default value and enter your own values. |
SIF Manual Shutdown | Text | A description of the manual shutdown operation for an instrumented function. | The value in this field is set by default. You can remove the default value and enter your own values.. |
SIF Pre-Alarms | Text | A description of the pre-alarms for an instrumented function. | The value in this field is set by default. You can remove the default value and enter your own values. |
SIF Process Interfaces | Text | A description of process interfaces for instrumented functions. | The value in this field is set by default. You can remove the default value and enter your own values. |
SIF Proof Test Interval | Text | The interval, in years, for which proof tests are conducted for an instrumented function. | The value in this field is set by default. You can remove the default value and enter your own values. |
SIF Proof Test Procedures | Text | A detailed description of the proof test procedures associated with an instrumented function. | The value in this field is set by default. You can remove the default value and enter your own values. |
SIF Protection Mode | Text | A description of the way in which the instrumented function will respond in protection mode. | The value in this field is set by default. You can remove the default value and enter your own values. |
SIF Regulations and Standards | Text | A description of all the regulations and standards associated with an instrumented function. | For example, if you have a low flow SIF, you will not be able to start the process because the flow will already be low. In this case, you may specify that a low flow bypass shall be implemented where the minimum flow set point must be exceeded for 30 seconds before the instrumented function is activated. The value in this field is set by default. You can remove the default value and enter your own values. |
SIF Response Time | Text | The maximum time that the instrumented function can take to detect a hazard and take the process to a safe state. | Also referred to as process safety time. |
SIF Start Up Requirements | Text | Special requirements for the instrumented function that only apply when the process is being started. | The value in this field is set by default. You can remove the default value and enter your own values. |
SIF Spurious Trip Rate | Text | A description of the acceptable spurious trip rate for an instrumented function. | The value in this field is set by default. You can remove the default value and enter your own values. |
SIF Trip Reset | Text | A description of the reset procedures in the case of a tripped instrumented function. | The value in this field is set by default. You can remove the default value and enter your own values. |
SIS Design Requirements | Text | A description of the design requirements for the safety instrumented system. | The value in this field is set by default. You can remove the default value and enter your own values. |
SIS Electrical Power | Text | A description of the specific electrical requirements for the safety instrumented system. | The value in this field is set by default. You can remove the default value and enter your own values. |
SIS Environmental Conditions | Text | A description of the environmental operating conditions of the safety instrumented system. | The value in this field is set by default. You can remove the default value and enter your own values. |
SIS Interfaces | Text | A description of the interfaces for the safety instrumented system. | The value in this field is set by default. You can remove the default value and enter your own values. |
SIS Logic Solver Failure Response | Text | The state to which the process must be taken in case of a logic solver failure (e.g., a recurring diagnostic message must be sent to the operator every four hours indicating that the logic solver has a detected failure). |
The value in this field is set by default. You can remove the default value and enter your own values. |
SIS Mission Time | Number | A numeric value (in years) that represents the time that the safety instrumented system will be in use. | None |
SIS Sequence of Events Recording | Text | A description of sequence of event recordings that exist for the safety instrumented system. | This field is populated automatically. You can remove the default value and enter your own values if needed. |
SIS Software Requirements | Text | A description of the software programing languages that are permitted for use. | This field is populated automatically. You can remove the default value and enter your own values if needed. |
Site Description | Character | A description of the site specified in the Site ID field. | By default, this field does not appear on the SIL Analysis datasheet. |
Site ID | Character | The ID of the site that is associated with the SIL analysis. | This field contains IDs taken from the Name field for each existing Site Reference records. The record that you select here is used to identify which risk matrix to display when you create Risk Assessment records in SIS Management. If this field is empty, the default risk matrix will be used. |
SRS Methodology | Text | A long description of the methodology for the Safety Requirement Specification report. | The value in this field is set by default. You can remove the default value and enter your own values. |
SRS Purpose and Scope | Text | A long description of the purpose and scope of the Safety Requirement Specification report for the SIL analysis. | The value in this field is set by default. You can remove the default value and enter your own values. |
SRS Standards Used | Text | A description of the standards that are used within the Safety Requirement Specification report. | The value in this field is set by default. You can remove the default value and enter your own values. |
System Definition | Text | A description of the safety instrumented system. | The value in this field is set by default. You can remove the default value and enter your own values. |
Unit Description | Character | A description of the unit that is specified in the Unit ID field. | By default, this field does not appear on the SIL Analysis datasheet. |
Unit ID | Character | The ID for the unit where the safety instrumented system for which you are conducting the SIL analysis exists. | None |
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