Logic Solver Records

Logic Solver records store details about the safety instrumented system that they represent. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Logic Solver family. Unless otherwise specified, the fields appear on the Logic Solver datasheet. The information in this table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.

This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will then only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. See the Site Filtering section of the documentation for more information on using this feature.

Field Data Type Description Behavior and Usage
Abnormal Mode Description Text A detailed description of the abnormal mode of operation. This field is enabled only if Abnormal is selected in the Plant Operation Mode list. Otherwise, this field is disabled.
Abnormal State Character A short description of the specific abnormal state of the operation. This field contains a list with the following values:
  • Start-Up
  • Shutdown
  • Bypass
  • Maintenance
  • Emergency
  • Other
This field is enabled and required only if Abormal is selected in the Plant Operation Mode list. Otherwise, this field is disabled.
Communication Links Character The type of communication link that exists between components within the logic solver and any other network device (e.g., Ethernet). None
Is Default SIS Logical Indicates whether the Logic Solver is the default one. This field does not appear on the datasheet by default.
Last Modified By Character The name of the user who last modified the record. On the datasheet, this field is disabled and updated automatically whenever the record is modified.
Last Modified Date Date The date on which the record was last modified. On the datasheet, this field is disabled and populated automatically.
Logic Solver ID Character The ID for the logic solver that is associated with the safety instrumented system. This value should correspond to the value stored in the Logic Solver ID field in the Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver that represents the desired logic solver.
Logic Solver Type Character The type of logic solver. This field contains the following baseline System Codes in the MI LOGIC SOLVER TYPE System Code Table:

  • PLC
  • BPCS
  • Relay
Long Description Text A statement describing the purpose of the safety instrumented system. None
Manual Shutdown Description Text A description of the method by which the safety instrumented system can be manually shut down. None
Mission Time Number A numeric value (in years) that represents the time that the safety instrumented system will be in use before it is replaced or remanufactured. On the datasheet, this field appears as a text box labeled Mission Time with an additional label, Years, to the right of the text box. You can enter your own value, which should be equal to or greater than the length of time specified in the Target SIS Test Interval field.
Operation Mode Character The mode of operation for the safety instrumented system.   On the datasheet, this field appears as a list labeled Plant Operation Mode and contains the following values:
  • Normal : This is the value that is selected by default.
  • Abnormal : If you select this value, the following fields are enabled :
    • Abnormal State
    • Abnormal Mode Description
Plant ID Character The ID of the plant in which the safety instrumented system exists. By default, this field does not appear on the datasheet.
Plant Operation Mode Character The operational mode of the process for which the logic solver is expected to operate. This field contains a list with following values:

  • Normal
  • Abnormal
Power Source Character A description of the power supply to the safety instrumented system. None
Remove Default Logical Allows you to remove the default logic solver settings. After you remove the default logic solver settings:

  • No logic solver is marked as default in the list of logic solvers in the left section.
  • If you create an Instrumented Function, the SIS ID field is blank, and you can select a logic solver from the list.
Reset Procedure Text A description of the method by which the safety instrumented system can be reset. None
Set as Default Logical Allows you to set the selected logic solver as default. After you set a logic solver as default:

  • The logic solver is marked as default in the list of logic solvers in the left pane.
  • If you create an Instrumented Function, the SIS ID field is automatically populated with the ID of the default logic solver.

Note: If the selected logic solver is already set as default, the Remove Default button is displayed instead of the Set as Default button.

SIS Description Character A description for the safety instrumented system. None
SIS ID Character A name for the safety instrumented system. This field is required, and must be unique. If the value that you enter is already specified for an existing Logic Solver, a message will appear, indicating that the value is already in use. You will need to specify a different value before you can save the record.
Site Description Character A description of the site that is specified in the Site ID field. This field does not appear on the datasheet by default.
Site ID Character The ID of the Site that is associated with the safety instrumented system. On the datasheet, this field is disabled and populated automatically with the value stored in the Site ID field in the associated SIL Analysis. You should not modify this value.
Target SIS Test Interval Number A number that represents the interval in months by which regular testing will be performed on the safety instrumented system. None
Unit Description Character A description of the unit specified in the Unit ID field. This field does not appear on the datasheet by default.
Unit ID Character A description of the area in which the safety instrumented system exists. None

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