Create a Concurrent Safe States Record


  1. Access the Instrumented Function to which you want to create a Concurrent Safe States record.
  2. In the workspace, select the SIL Assessment tab, and then select Concurrent Safe States.

    The Concurrent Safe States section appears, displaying a list of Concurrent Safe States for the Instrumented Function.

    The Concurrent Safe States section

    Note: If the fields in the Concurrent Safe States section do not appear on the datasheet, select the Hazard for Concurrent Safe State check box.

  3. In the upper-right corner of the section, select .

    The Search window appears.

    The Search window

  4. In the upper-right corner of the window, select .

    A list of Instrumented Functions appears.

    The Search window displaying a list of Instrumented Functions

  5. Select the check box that corresponds to the Instrumented Function whose output can be hazardous if combined with the output of the current Instrumented Function.
  6. Select OK.

    The ID, description, and safe states description of the selected Instrumented Function are listed in the Individual Safe State Details grid. A message appears, asking you to provide a description for the concurrent safe state hazard.

  7. Provide a description in the Potential Concurrent safe State Hazard box, and then select Save.

    The Concurrent Safe States record is created and linked to the Instrumented Function.


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