About Rules Project References

Creating Rules Library projects is only the first step in implementing family and field customizations using the Rules Library. After a Rules Library project has been created, it must be called from the family or field class of the family or field by which it will be used. You must complete two main steps to call a Rules Library project from a family project:

  1. First, you must add a reference to the Rules Library project from the family project. This will make the rules that are stored within the Rules Library project available for use within the family rule project.
  2. Second, within the family rule project, you must make calls to the parts of the referenced Rules Library project that you want to use. How and where you make the calls will depend on how the Rules Library project is organized and where you want to invoke certain functionality.

After the Rules Library project has been called within the family rule project, it can be extended via the family rule project in order to customize the rule for that specific family.

Note: You can create references to GE Digital APM rule projects and to Client rule projects.

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