Criticality Degradation Mechanism Evaluation Records

RBI Degradation Mechanism Evaluation records are used to determine degradation mechanisms that affect Equipment and Functional Locations. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the RBI Degradation Mechanism Evaluation (DME) family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. The Criticality Degradation Mech, Evaluation table lists common fields shared across several DMEs. Fields that are unique to a specific component type can be viewed by expanding the appropriate drop-down heading.

The following families are enabled for site filtering, which means that the records in these families can be assigned to a specific site, and will then only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. See the Site Filtering section of the documentation for more information on using this feature.

Criticality Degradation Mech Evaluation


Data Type


Behavior and Usage


Custom Calculation Policies Used Character A list of custom policies that are used to calculate the DME. The value in this field must be 500 characters or less.
Custom Calculations Used Boolean Indicates whether or not the Degradation Mechanism Evaluation was calculated using the method specified in the Custom DME Configuration. None

Damage Mechanism


A process that induces deleterious micro and/or macro material changes over time that are harmful to the material condition or mechanical properties.


Probability Category


Extent to which an event is likely to occur within the time frame under consideration. The mathematical definition of probability is a real number in the scale of 0 to 1 and is attached to a random event.


Probability Category Description


Category to which an event is likely to occur within the time frame under consideration. The mathematical definition of probability is a real number in the scale 0 to 1 and is attached to a random event.


Input Fields

Date in Service


Indicates the date on which the asset was exposed to the environment, making it susceptible to this Degradation Mechanism.

This date is used as the basis for all the calculations for each Degradation Mechanism.

Equivalent Number of Inspections


A value that represents the summation of averaging a group of inspections over a period of time.

This approach is used only with the semi-quantitative risk model in GE Digital APM.

Estimated Rate


The corrosion rate given by the subject matter expert for the asset.

Should be used in the absence of quality ultrasonic thickness (UT) data.

Inspection Confidence


Describes how effective the prior inspections were at correctly identifying the presence and extent of internal corrosion.

An input from the following categories:

  • Very High (VH)
  • High (H)
  • Medium (M)
  • Low (L)
Inspection Date Date The date on which the inspection was performed on the component. None

Selected Corrosion Rate


Indicates which corrosion rate the risk analyst has chosen as the basis of the analysis.

Used for all remaining life calculations in RBI.

Use Combined Confidence


Indicates whether or not the risk analyst has chosen to use the Rule of Threes.


Wall Thickness Loss


Indicates how much of the original wall thickness has been lost at the time of analysis.


Intermediate Output



Damage Factor (DF) is a calculated value that quantifies the extent of damage from this Degradation Mechanism at the time of the analysis.


Estimated Half Life


Half of the calculated remaining life.

The value in this field is the result of the following calculation:

((Initial Wall Thickness) – (Ext. Est. Wall Loss) – (Ext. Est. Min. Thickness)) / (2 * (Ext Corr. Rate))

This value will be used to cap the inspection interval.

Estimated Wall Loss


Estimates how much of the original wall thickness has been lost at the time of analysis.


Failure Frequency


A Probability of Failure (PoF) developed for specific component types based on a large population of component data that does not include the effects of specific damage mechanisms.

This data is one of the factors used to determine the PoF.

Fractional Wall Loss


The Fractional Wall Loss is calculated by dividing the estimated internal wall loss by the original wall thickness.


Wall Ratio


The estimated remaining wall divided by the required minimum wall thickness.

Used as a tool to validate the data used in the assessment.

Years in Service


The number of years an equipment item has been in service. This time frame is measured from the initial date in its current service to the time the Probability of Failure Analysis is performed.


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