Assess the Unmitigated Risk of a Degradation Mechanism (DM)


  1. Access the analysis containing the DM for which you want to assess the unmitigated risk.
  2. In the workspace heading, select the Degradation Mechanisms tab.

    The Degradation Mechanisms section appears, displaying a list of DMs associated with the analysis.

  3. Select the row containing the DM that you want to assess, and then in the upper-right corner of the section, select .

    The Risk Matrix window appears.

    The Risk Matrix window

  4. Select the cell that represents the risk rank for each category, and then select Done. These categories depend on the risk matrix that is defined by your organization. By default, these categories are Safety, Environment, Operations, and Financial.

    The unmitigated risk and unmitigated financial risk values for the DM are saved.

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