About Associating Potential Degradation Mechanisms (PDMs)

Each RBI Corrosion Loop contains multiple RBI Components. Each of these components can fail in multiple ways. To indicate the ways in which components can fail, you can link Potential Degradation Mechanisms (PDMs) to the RBI Corrosion Loops.

Each PDM that is linked to the RBI Corrosion Loop represents a degradation mechanism (a way in which the components in that Corrosion Loop might fail). Once the RBI Corrosion Loop has been associated with a PDM, all components added to that RBI Corrosion Loop will inherit the PDM.

For each component, you can define the specific ways in which the RBI Component that it represents can fail.

Note: PDMs can be standardized and inherited from RBI Corrosion Loops. When a new RBI Component is generated from and linked to a specific RBI Corrosion Loop, the PDMs associated with that RBI Corrosion Loop will be inherited by the new RBI Component.

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