When you create and save analyses that are based on a query or dataset, the GE Digital APM system takes a snapshot of the data that exists at the time of creation and saves it along with the analysis. When you open an existing analysis, the GE Digital APM system loads the data that was last saved with the analysis. This means that any changes to the underlying query or dataset will not be reflected automatically when you open an existing analysis.
Note: If the query or dataset has been deleted or renamed, when you try to open an associated analysis, an error message will be displayed, and the data will not be refreshed.
If you want to refresh an analysis based on changes to the underlying query or dataset or to load new data that has been added since the analysis was last saved (e.g., the analysis is based on a query that retrieves failures for a piece of equipment or location, and a new failure record has been added to the database), you will need to reload the analysis manually after opening it.
Note: Reloading analysis data resets the analysis period only if it is based on the analysis data. Start Dates and End Dates that have been set explicitly will not be overwritten.
In the left pane, select the Cumulative <Measurement> Plot tab.
The Cumulative <Measurement> Plot appears in the workspace.
Note: You can also reload the data for an analysis via the Mean Time Between <Measurement> Plot, and <Measurement> Rate Plot tabs.
In the upper-right corner of the workspace, select Analysis Data, and then select Reload Data.
A confirmation message appears, asking you to confirm that you want to overwrite the current data with the data stored in the database.
Note: For an analysis based on manually-entered data, you will receive the following error message:
There is no source data to reload since the analysis is based on manually entered data.
Select Yes.
The analysis is updated to reflect the data currently stored in the query or dataset.
Note: If you are reloading analysis data that is based on a query and an index out of range error message appears, there is an error in the query. You should modify the query or recreate the analysis to reload the correct data.
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