A Reliability Distribution Analysis allows you to describe the Time to Failure (TTF) as a statistical distribution, which is usually characterized by a specific pattern. Four distribution types are supported: Weibull, Normal, LogNormal, and Exponential.
The Reliability Distribution Analysis characterizes how failures are distributed over the life of equipment. Analyzing the distribution of failures means examining a particular failure mode over one or multiple pieces of equipment. Generating a Distribution Analysis will help you find the answers to the following questions:
In a Reliability Distribution Analysis, you are trying to determine the probability of failure at a certain point in time. A Distribution Analysis can help you determine the pattern of failures, and the results can be compared to industry data.
If Time to Repair (TTR) information is available, a Reliability Distribution Analysis will also be calculated to describe the maintainability of the piece of equipment.
PM Optimization and Failure Probability calculations can be performed on any piece of equipment that has a valid Time to Failure (TTF) distribution.
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