By configuring various aspects of the GE Digital APM system, you can make values in one record dependent on the values in another record. For example, if you know that certain pump properties, such as weight, size, and pump type, are the same for all pumps with a specific model number, you can create a record that contains fields and values specific to the pump weight, pump size, pump type, and pump model number. You can then write a rule dictating that when any pump record lists the specified model number, the related record containing the populated values will be used to look up various pump information and populate the corresponding fields automatically. You can create multiple records that belong to a single family and reference those records whenever necessary. When you create multiple reference records in the same family, those records are referred to collectively as a reference table.
Reference table records are best viewed using one of the following options:
Bulk Data Form
Each row in the Bulk Data Form or query results represents one record that belongs to the selected reference table family. Each column in the Bulk Data Form or query results represents a field in the reference table records, each of which may correspond to fields in other records.
Reference tables are simply a group of records that, coupled with the appropriate code or rules, tell fields in other records how to behave. Depending on your implementation, you could create as many reference tables as desired and write the appropriate rules to determine the functionality of the reference tables. Note that some GE Digital APM modules rely on reference tables to populate baseline fields. In some cases, the reference tables are configured by GE Digital APM, and in other cases, you will need to configure the reference tables manually.
Note: A datasheet and the T-Min Calculator can be populated with values from the corresponding reference table only if it also contains all the other reference table values that GE Digital APM rule logic expects it to contain, exactly as they appear in the reference table record.
Because reference table records are accessible in the GE Digital APM system, anyone with the proper security privileges for the associated family will be able to modify and save changes to those records, thereby changing the values in the reference table. Note that if a reference table is modified, any analysis that was calculated using the previous values becomes outdated and must be recalculated to reflect the changes to the reference table.
If you want to be able to quickly access an individual reference table record to modify it, consider creating a query on the reference table family and fields, and add a hyperlink to the query that will allow you to open and modify the record in the Record Manager or Bulk Data Form.
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