Recommendations are actions for mitigation and improvement in GE Digital APM. Recommendations are classified as either Performance Recommendations or Strategic Recommendations. Strategic Recommendations, or Approved Actions , are viewed in the context of a strategic analysis, as the outcome of a strategic analysis. Approved Actions communicate actions for the mitigation of risk, they are linked to individual assets, and they have an associated unmitigated risk rank. Approved Actions can be promoted to Actions in ASM, while Performance Recommendations, or Recommended Actions, cannot. There are common functions that you can perform with both kinds of recommendations, but Approved Actions contain functionality that cannot be used in a Recommended Actions.
Approved Actions are used to assess Risk, and are viewed within the larger context of an analysis. Approved Actions are sent to Asset Strategy Management for further execution. Approved Actions arise from an analysis and involve repeating activities. When promoted to Asset Strategy Management (ASM), these Approved Actions become Actions for the Strategy created and subsequently form the basis for Tasks created in the implementation process. The implementation process is where the strategy is executed.
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