Reports Folder

The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\RCM contains subfolders which contain baseline reports that are used by default in RCM. The following table identifies the folder locations and descriptions of those reports.

By default, the baseline RCM product contains a set of pre-configured reports for use with RCM. If desired, you can customize these reports or use them as the basis for creating your own reports.

Note that the Catalog folder \\Baseline\Meridium\Modules contains subfolders that match the folders listed in the table. These folders contain copies of the reports that are delivered as baseline RCM content. The items in the \\Baseline folder cannot be modified and serve as a historical record of the items that were delivered with the baseline product. The GE Digital APM system reads from the subfolders in the \\Public folder, so the reports in the Baseline folder are not actually used. The \\Baseline folder will be updated with any changes made to the baseline content in future releases.

Note: Because these reports provide a formatted view of the information stored in your analyses, for them to work properly, your analyses must contain accurate, complete data. In addition, note that for complex analyses, the reports may span multiple pages.


Behavior and Usage

Baseline reports for RCM in folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\RCM

RCM AnalysisTeamSubReport

SSRS report that is used by the RCM Analysis Description report.

Baseline reports for RCM in folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\RCM\SSRS
RCM Analysis Description SSRS report that displays general information for an RCM analysis, including the associated asset and team members.
RCM AnalysisTeamSubReport SSRS report that is used by the RCM Analysis Description report.
RCM FailureModeEffectsAnalysis SSRS report that displays detailed information of the RCM analysis, including functions, failures, failure modes, and failure effects.
RCM Recommendations SSRS report that displays detailed information of the RCM recommendations for a system.

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