About Number/Mathematical Functions

A number/mathematical function is used to manipulate values returned on numeric fields.

The following table provides a list of the number/mathematical functions that you can use in queries. The Oracle Function column contains the function you will need to use if you are using an Oracle schema. The SQL Server Function column contains the function you will need to use if you are using a SQL Server database.

In some cases, a function cannot be expressed on both an Oracle schema and a SQL Server database. In these cases, the Oracle Function or SQL Server Function column contains an empty, shaded cell.

Description Oracle Function SQL Server Function
Absolute value ABS ABS
Arc cosine ACOS ACOS
Arc sine ASIN ASIN
Arc tangent of n ATAN ATAN
Arc tangent of n and m ATAN2 ATAN2
Smallest integer>=value CEIL CEILING
Cosine COS COS
Hyperbolic cosine COSH COT
Exponential value EXP EXP
Largest integer<=value FLOOR FLOOR
Natural logarithm LN LOG
Logarithm, any base LOG(N) LOG(N)
Logarithm, base 10 LOG(10) LOG10
Modulus (remainder) MOD USE MODULO(%) OPERATOR
Random number   RAND
Sign of number SIGN SIGN
Hyperbolic sine SINH None
Square root SQRT SQRT
Tangent TAN TAN
Hyperbolic tangent TANH None
Truncate TRUNC None
Largest number in list GREATEST None
Smallest number in list LEAST None
Convert number if null NVL ISNULL

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