About Displaying Unique Records Only

You can specify that results of a query return only unique records. For example, if you design a query to return all types of Air Cooled Heat Exchangers, you might get 10 results, but there might be only two different types of Air Cooled Heat Exchangers within those results, such as Air Cooled Heat Exchanger and Cooling Tower. If you specify that the query return only records where the asset type is unique, you will see only two results: one Air Cooled Heat Exchanger result and one Cooling Tower result.

Uniqueness is defined at the query level, not the field level. This means that if the same query that returns two results with different asset types is also designed to return the asset status, and you specify that the query return only unique records, you will see records where the asset type and status are unique. You could see results where there are active Air Cooled Heat Exchangers, Inactive Air Cooled Heat Exchangers, and active Cooling Towers in the database.

Note: When you are using Oracle schema, if a text field is exists in a query and the Unique Records Only check box is selected when the query is run, an error message will appear. If you are using an Oracle database and want to run a query with a text field, do not select the Unique Records Only check box.

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