About Configuring a Prompt to Accept a Percent Wildcard

Query prompts can help users limit the results that will be returned by the query. In some cases, however, users might not know what to select or type in a query prompt. This might be especially true if the prompt does not present a list of values and the user must enter the value as it is stored in the database in order to return any results.

To address this concern, you can configure a query prompt to accept the percent (%) wildcard. When a user enters only a percent symbol in the prompt text box, the query will return records where the field on which the prompt was built contains any value. When a user enters a combination of text and the percent symbol, the query will return records where the field on which the prompt was built contains a value that contains the specified text, preceded or followed by any combination of characters (depending on where the percent symbol is placed in the prompt text box).

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