About Character Functions

Character functions are used to manipulate values returned on character fields.

The following table provides a list of the character functions that you can use in queries. The Oracle Function column contains the function you will need to use if you are using an Oracle schema. The SQL Server Function column contains the function you will need to use if you are using a SQL Server database. Selecting a link in the table will open the appropriate example drop-down within this topic.

In some cases, there is no SQL Server equivalent of an Oracle function. In these cases, the SQL Server Function column contains an empty, shaded cell.

Description Oracle Function SQL Server Function
Convert character to ASCII ASCII ASCII
Convert ASCII to character CHR CHAR
Convert string if null NVL ISNULL
Translate character string TRANSLATE None
Combintion of letters and numbers that use the Soundex Indexing System to represent the character string (See note) SOUNDEX SOUNDEX
Convert characters to uppercase UPPER UPPER
Convert characters to lowercase LOWER LOWER
Capitalize first letter of each word in string INITCAP None
Greatest character string in list GREATEST None
Least character string in list LEAST None
String concatenate CONCAT (expression + expression)
Return starting point of character in character string (from left) INSTR CHARINDEX
Length of character string in list LENGTH LEN or DATALENGTH
Pad left side of character string LPAD None
Remove leading blanks LTRIM LTRIM
Remove trailing blanks RTRIM RTRIM
Replace characters REPLACE STUFF
String of repeated spaces RPAD SPACE

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