Values Mapped to the Production Data Field in a Production Analysis

When you create a Production Analysis from records in the Production Loss Analysis module, several field values are passed from those records to the Production Data field in the Production Analysis. The Production Data field stores code representing the production data that is used to create the Production Analysis plot. You can view the underlying production data on the Production Data window in the Production Analysis module.

IMPORTANT: You can create a Production Analysis from PLA only if the license for Reliability Analytics is active.

In the Analysis Summary workspace of a Production Analysis, you can use the group data feature to display production data according to the values (e.g., impact codes) that are mapped from PLA.

IMPORTANT: You can access the Analysis Summary workspace of a Production Analysis only if the Reliability Analytics license is active.

Note: An administrative user can map values in different fields by modifying the All Production Data query, which is located in the Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Reliability Manager\Analyses.

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