IMPORTANT: You can view the list of RCAs created from PLA only if the license for Root Cause Analysis is active.
When you create an RCA from a Production Event, several fields in the RCA are populated automatically with the corresponding value in the Production Event. The field mappings are listed in the following table:
Production Event Field | Root Cause Analysis Field |
Headline | Analysis Name |
Description | Analysis Description |
Start Date | Start Date |
Comments | Comments |
Causing Asset | Linked Asset |
Note: Each RCA must have a unique value in the Analysis Name field. If there are multiple Production Events that have the same value in the Headline field, in the first RCA that is created from one of these Production Events, the value in the Analysis Name field will be populated automatically as <Production Event Headline>. In the second RCA that is created, the value in the Analysis Name will be field populated automatically as <Production Event Headline> - 1, and so on.
In addition, if the Production Event is linked to an Equipment record and the necessary Equipment and Location queries have been configured in the Root Cause Analysis module, the RCA will be linked to that Equipment record. The ID of the Equipment will appear in the Asset or Location box, whichever appears, on the Select an Asset window.
When you access the Logic Tree in an RCA that you created from a Production Event, several fields in the RCA Event will be populated automatically with the corresponding value in the Production Event. You can modify these fields manually. The field mappings are listed in the following table:
Production Event Field | RCA Event Field |
Headline | Label |
Description | Long Description |
Start Date | Event Start Date |
End Date | Event End Date |
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