Configure Scheduled Execution

You can configure a policy to be executed automatically or executed according to a predefined schedule (or both). This topic describes how to configure a policy to be executed according to a predefined schedule.


  1. Access the policy that you want to configure to be executed according to a defined schedule.
  2. In the Details workspace, in the Execution Settings section, select the Scheduled Execution check box.

    Options that you can use to specify the schedule appear.

  3. Select either One time or Recurrence.

  4. In the Start box, specify the date and time at which you want the first scheduled execution to occur.
  5. If you selected Recurrence, in the Every section, select the frequency at which you want the policy to be executed.

    Note: You can configure a policy to execute as frequently as every minute. However, due to performance impacts, policies should not be scheduled to execute at high frequencies in most circumstances. If you choose to execute a policy at a high frequency, consider the following guidelines to limit performance impact:

    • The policy should have a limited number of instances.
    • The policy should not use Query or R Script nodes.
    • If the policy uses tag inputs (such as GE Tag or OPC Tag), the range of the data retrieved should be limited.
    • If the policy uses tag input nodes, and the node does not provide start and end date inputs, a Collection Filter node should be used after the tag node.
    • If you want to access Measurement Location or Health Indicator values, an Entity node should be used to retrieve the latest health indicator value as an alternative to the Health Indicator or Measurement Location nodes, which run queries to find all of the related reading records.
  6. On the toolbar, select .

    The policy is saved. A summary of the schedule and the next date on which the policy will be executed appears below the schedule settings.


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