After you validate or execute a policy, detailed results of the validation or execution can be viewed on the model canvas. Validation details appear on the model canvas automatically when you run the validation process. Execution details appear when you select a past execution on the Execution History pane.
Node Color-Coding
To indicate the results of an execution, the nodes in the policy model are color-coded as follows:
The following example diagram shows nodes in each of these states.
Execution Details Window
While viewing execution or validation results, you can select a node that was executed to view details about the specific node's execution in the Execution Details window. If the node was executed successfully, the window displays the inputs to and output of the node (e.g., a certain value, logical result, or action). If the node's execution resulted in a warning or error, the window provides additional details about the cause of the warning or error.
The following image shows an example of the Execution Details window for a Condition node that was executed successfully with a logical result of Yes.
Note that the same node could have also been executed successfully with a logical result of No (e.g., 800 is not greater than or equal to 900).
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