Probability Records

Probability records determine the probability levels available within a Risk Matrix. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Probability family and appear on the Probability Definition datasheet. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.


Data Type


Behavior and Usage



An alias for the probability.

When the Use Aliases? check box is selected in the Risk Matrix record, the value in this field appears in the row heading along with the probability name.

In addition, if the Alias Format Mask field in the associated Risk Matrix record contains the value {r}, the value in the Alias field in the Probability record will be displayed in the cell in the Risk Matrix (according to the complete template that is defined in the Alias Format Mask field).

Color Code


The HEX or RGB code for the specific colors used in Risk Matrix None



A description of the probability.

This field is populated automatically based upon the value in the Name field. It is populated with the System Code in the MI_RISK_PROBABILITY System Code table, which contains the same ID as the System Code that is stored in the Name field.

In the risk matrix, this value appears when you pause on the row heading.

Failure Interval


A numeric value that is used to define the failure rate associated with the probability value for a specific workflow within the Asset Strategy Optimization module.


Failure Interval Units


The unit of measure that specifies the amount of time on which the failure interval and probability values are based.

On the datasheet, you can select a unit of measure from the Failure Interval Units list.

The baseline Probability records contain the value Years by default.



The name of the probability level.

This field contains a list that is populated based upon the MI_RISK_PROBABILITY System Code Table.

The value that you select appears on the row heading in the risk matrix.



A numeric value that represents the probability that the risk will occur.

After the Risk Matrix has been used by a module in GE Digital APM, this field is disabled, and you will not able to modify it.

Risk Category


The name of the risk category to which this probability applies (stored in the Category Name field of the Risk Category record to which this Probability record is linked).

This field does not appear on the datasheet.

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