Add a Consequence

Note: You should not create more than ten Consequence records within a given Risk Matrix configuration. Creating more than ten Consequence records will cause the Risk Matrix to become visually unusable (i.e., it will contain scroll bars, and the cells and text will be too small to read easily).


  1. Access the Consequence records associated with a Risk Matrix.
  2. In the Record Explorer pane, in the Consequence heading, select .

    An options menu appears.

  3. If a Consequence record already exists for the consequence you want to associate with the Risk Matrix:

    1. Select Link Existing Record.

      The Search window appears.

    2. Enter search criteria to locate the record that you want to associate with the Risk Matrix.
    3. Select the record, and then select OK.


    If a Consequence record does not already exist for the consequence you want to associate with the Risk Matrix:

    1. Select Add New Record.

      A blank datasheet for the new Consequence appears.

    2. In the Name box, select a name from the list.

      The Description box is populated automatically with the description that corresponds to the name value that you selected.

      Note: The values that you can select in a new Consequence record are determined by the MI_RISK_CONSEQUENCE System Code Table.

    3. In the Alias box, if the Use Aliases? check box is selected in the associated Risk Matrix record, specify a value that you want to appear on the Risk Matrix in the column header along with the consequence name.
    4. In the Consequence box, enter a number to indicate the severity of the consequence.
    5. Select .

    Your changes are saved and can be viewed in the matrix on the Risk Matrix Preview window.

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