Access the Details of an EAM Job

You can view the details of EAM Adapter jobs such as status, time and date, and the associated interface log record.


  1. Access the APM Connect EAM Jobs.

  2. In the Status and Log column, view the status of each job.

    Tip: If necessary, you can cancel an import job by selecting the button that appears in the Status and Log column. If you cancel a job, any changes that have already occurred are not removed, therefore, you may need to manually modify records to update or remove unnecessary data.




    Initial state when job is created. The data import job is queued for pre-processing on the APM Connect Server.

    Staging In Progress

    The data import job is being prepared on the APM Connect Server.

    Staging Failure

    The data import job failed during preparation.

    Staging Complete

    The data import job was prepared successfully.

    Dataloader Enqueued

    The maximum number of data load jobs has been exceeded, as determined in the APM Connect Connection Records, or there is a job of the same type running. The data import will begin once the other jobs are complete.

    Configuring Dataloader

    The data import job is configuring the proper user roles and arranging data processing for most efficient execution flow.

    In Progress

    The data import job is loading data into the GE Digital APM Data Source.

    Data Synchronization in Progress

    The data import job is synchronizing the loaded data and relationships across the APM Data Source.

    Job Cancelling

    The data import job is in the process of being canceled. This occurs after you select .

    Cancelled by User

    The data import job was cancelled successfully.

    Note: When a job is cancelled, the data imported prior to cancelling is not removed.


    The data import is complete, but encountered one or more errors. You can download the log file to view detailed error messages.


    Data has been imported into GE Digital APM.

    Note: If the icon appears, the data was imported with warnings. You can download the log file to view detailed warning messages.

  3. In the Status and Log column, select on the row corresponding to the EAM job for which you want to access the log.

    The log file is downloaded.

  4. To access the Interface Log record for a specific job, in the Job ID column select the job ID that you want to open.

    The Record Manager page appears, displaying the datasheet for the selected job.

  5. To view the information contained in the Log Text, select the in the Log Text box.

    A window appears, displaying details about the job such as error messages, warnings concerning the data load, and general information regarding the data records that were loaded.

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