About Activating Licensing

License activation determines which modules and products will be available in GE Digital APM. You require license activation for all the modules (i.e., they cannot be used until the associated license is activated).

Within individual modules, availability of the following items is controlled by license activation:

Other types of content, such as Catalog items, may be available even if the license for the associated module is not activated. However, this content will not be functional because it requires specific families that must be activated.

To activate GE Digital APM licenses, you must supply a license file that will be provided to you with your GE Digital APM distribution package. In this documentation, we provide instructions for activating licenses. This documentation assumes that you have already obtained your license file, which is required to complete the activation process.

Note that each license file:

Note: Under any of the error conditions described in the preceding list, any modules or products that were active before you attempted to load the license file will continue to be active after the error message is displayed. In other words, these errors will not affect your current activation state. They will simply prevent you from making changes to that state.

For production versions of GE Digital APM, after you have activated your licenses, you should be able to continue using the associated modules and products until you upgrade to a new version of GE Digital APM. After you upgrade, the licenses will no longer be valid. Any modules that were previously available will no longer be accessible in the GE Digital APM application. You will need to obtain a new license file in order to reactivate the licenses on the new version.

If you have been provided with temporary licenses for demo or trial purposes, your licenses will expire after a certain period of time, as determined by your trial agreement. After the licenses have expired, you will no longer be able to log in to the GE Digital APM system. However, if you are a Super User, you will receive a prompt on the log in page that will allow you to load a new license file.

Note: For most modules, license activation results in the content for that module being available immediately. For the SAP Interfaces product, however, the changes will not be immediate; it may take up to one hour for the module and its content to be available. If you want to apply the changes immediately, you can restart IIS on the GE Digital APM Server.

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