Upgrade Records with Schedules Containing End Dates

Note: The steps in this section are required only if you are upgrading from a version of Meridium Enterprise APM prior to V4.0.0.0.

When upgrading from any V3.x version to a V4.x version, follow these steps to ensure that schedules for the following record types are upgraded successfully:

These steps are required to ensure that any records containing schedules with end dates are upgraded successfully.

Note: If preferred, instead of completing the following steps prior to upgrading, you can instead upgrade your database as normal. When you do so, the log for the Rounds upgrade utility will record entries for schedules that failed to upgrade. You can then use this information to recreate the schedules in V4.2.0.0.


Prior to Upgrading

  1. Review the affected record types to determine if there are any schedules containing end dates.

    You can use the following queries to locate these records:

  2. For each record with a schedule containing an end date:

    1. Note the record and the end date value.

    2. In the Schedule field, select the […] button to open the Schedule window.

    3. In the Range of recurrence section, select No end date, and then select OK.

  3. Proceed with the database upgrade as normal.

After upgrading:

  1. In GE Digital APM, locate the records you noted in the previous section.
  2. In each record, update the schedule to set the required end date.

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