Specify the Security Query on Windows Mobile Device


  1. Access the Device Settings screen.

    The Device Settings screen appears, displaying the Sync Server Name and Security Query boxes. The Security Query box is used to store the path to the query that determines who can log into Operator Rounds on the device. Note that the default security query is Security Users, which is stored in the GE Digital APM Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Mobile.

  2. In the Security Query box, enter the path to the query that you want to use to determine who can log into Operator Rounds on the device.

    If the query is stored in the GE Digital APM Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Operator Rounds\Queries\Download Queries, type the name of the query. If the query is stored in a subfolder of theGE Digital APM Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Operator Rounds\Queries\Download Queries, type the path to the query, starting with the first subfolder name.

    For example, if the Chicago Users query is stored in the GE Digital APM Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Operator Rounds\Queries\Download Queries, enter Chicago Users.

    Likewise, if the Chicago Users query is stored in the GE Digital APM Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Operator Rounds\Queries\Download Queries\Users\Chicago, enter Users\Chicago\Chicago Users.

  3. Select Sync.

    The Synchronizer screen appears, displaying the progress of the synchronization process.

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